Salted Fish Handed Over the Binding System

Chapter 10

Chapter 9: Take Something Out Of Nothing

The next morning, Ruan Yu brushed the lessons for half an hour as usual, and then got up from the bed to wash.

There are very few people at home.

My parents have their own careers to work on, Ruan Bai is not at home, my grandparents are also traveling around the world, and even Ruan Yu didn’t live at home much before graduation.

It was a lively moment, in addition to a few aunts at home, there were also Zhuo Yan and others.

“Good morning.” Ruan Yu yawned in slippers.

She walked to the kitchen with her eyes half closed: “Auntie, I’m hungry, I want to eat Maoxuewang.”

Zhuo Yan just wanted to bring the sandwich to Ruan Yu: “…”

An aunt probed from the kitchen: “Twenty minutes, right now.”

Ruan Yu: “Okay.”

Zhuo Yan took back the plate silently.

I know too little about you rich people.

But who’s child is eating hair and blood when they get up!

Even if it’s ten thirty in the morning! It shouldn’t be!

Ruan Yu went to get a box of washed strawberries, and when passing by Zhuo Yan, he pointed at her: “Do you want to eat?”

Zhuo Yan: “No need.”

Ruan Yu: “Oh.”

She walked over to the sofa with the strawberry in her arms and nestled in comfortably.

Zhuo Yan: “…”

Life is leisurely, completely different from the violent storms at the base.

Zhuo Yan looked down at her watch, imagining a scene where her colleagues were arguing all night.

Chen Mianran came over and sighed when she saw the person who had stayed up all night without a unified answer.

Luo Min raised his head and greeted him: “You are here.”

Chen Mianran walked over, pulled a chair and sat down, and then hummed.

Romin: “Look.”

Chen Mianran looked at the paper he pushed, which was the text version of the information, which was exactly the result of the system lottery that Ruan Yu recited last night.

“Are you afraid that she will want something in the future, or is she worried about something else?” Chen Mianran asked. road.

Luo Min shook his head: “I don’t see this. The repair fluid is amazing, but it’s not in the scope of my attention.”

This circle is still too small.

He pointed with his finger: “Have you noticed these sentences? The system said that this nervous system repair solution is not in this prize pool.”

Because Ruan Yu had such a desire subconsciously, “Xinghe” came and gave her what she wanted most.

Subconsciously – it was a memory that she had remembered for sixteen years, and even in this life.

Luo Min: “In other words, what exactly is Ruan Yu?”

Is she really human?

Or, what does she have to do with the system?

It was such a coincidence that she was lucky, so she was bound to the system?

Is it possible that she was an alien creature that landed on this planet a long time ago?

Otherwise, why would “Xinghe” have a preference for Ruan Yu?

Just because she is lucky?

Luo Min spent the whole night thinking about this question, but more and more mysteries followed, almost drowning him.

Chen Mianran knocked on the table and reminded Luo Min: “She has grown up on this land since she was a child, and her personality has never changed much, even through an accident at the age of five.”

Therefore, there is no house grab, no midway substitution.

As for not being a Silvertail at birth…this assumption is too creepy.

Luo Min wiped his face: “There are too many mysteries.”

Some people suspect that the system is used by aliens to mark the silver tail star. When a certain time is reached, the other party will carry the starship team to fight.

Isn’t it all written like this in science fiction?

And the famous “don’t answer”.

Chen Mianran knocked on the table: “Let’s go and see, at least now, it and her are not a threat.”

There are also people who think that just by looking at the weapons that Ruan Yu said can be bought with points in the system, the level of technology is far from the Silvertail Star as a whole, and there are not many Panorama galaxies.

People really want to fight, what is the picture?

Luo Min: “It’s an opportunity, but it’s also a danger.”

Chen Mianran: “Believe in ourselves.”

“Danger and opportunity always go hand in hand, and we are always able to create miracles and to seize the silver lining.”

If you keep hitting your legs, if your spine doesn’t collapse, you will never fall down.

Luo Min laughed and said softly, “Okay.”

The two looked at each other and exchanged ideas.

They await your conclusions.

Currently, more than half are in favor.

Ruan Yu is still unclear. In the remote base, in the new building of a research group, in the dialogue between the two heads, he classified himself as an alien.

She is happily eating hair and blood.

Other people will have no appetite when they wake up, and it will take an hour or two to wait.

She is different, Ruan Yu has never had a problem eating this.

The auntie who cooks at home is also very good at cooking. Originally, he also invited the Le Cordon Bleu chef to be a private chef at home for a period of time, but Ruan Yu still prefers Chinese food.

There are countless delicacies in the world, isn’t it better than Western food?

She likes hot pot hairy crabs.

After eating the delicious Maoxuewang and drinking the cold yogurt, Ruan Yu felt that a new day had really started.

Counting the lessons with her fingers, Ruan Yu said: “It seems that I can save 500 points today.”

The course credits are too few, it is more cost-effective to do the task.

The simple task of registering a social account can give you 200 points!

It wasn’t even her registration.

Ruan Yu raised her head and was about to ask Zhuoyan how her debut was arranged when she saw her approaching him excitedly.

Ruan Yu: “What?”

Zhuo Yan: “Boss Luo promised you!”

She looked at Ruan Yu and was stunned when she saw this little girl, then she stepped on the sofa and stood up.

Ruan Yu’s eyes widened: “Really?”

Zhuo Yan nodded and repeated: “Well, really.”

Ruan Yu was so excited: “Ahhh!”

She jumped up and down: “Then me, then I’ll arrange…”

Zhuo Yan quickly reached out to stop her: “Be careful. They will arrange these things.”

Ruan Yu suppressed himself: “Mmmm!”

Zhuo Yan: “At that time, an expert group will be arranged to test the medicine for Zhao Changping, and the follow-up recovery process will also be followed.”

Ruan Yu doesn’t mind this: “Mmmmmmm.”

Zhuo Yan smiled and touched her hair: “Okay, look, how do I get things?”

Ruan Yu looked up at the system.

System: [Click to exchange, but you need to find a place, otherwise it will appear out of thin air]

Ruan Yu: “Then go to my bedroom?”

This is said with the system and Zhuo Yan.

Zhuo Yan: “Okay.”

But rejected by Group C.

The people in Group C were excited: “Transfer of physical objects! Transfer between time and space! I don’t believe that energy fluctuations cannot be captured this time!”

Ruan Yu: “…”

Alright, just be happy.

So I finally moved to the black car parked in her garage.

Ruan Yu looked around: “I exchanged it?”

Group C: “Mmmmmmm!”

They are ready!

It was like opening the door of another dimension from the air, everyone watched Ruan Yu stretch out his hand and click at a certain position, and then looked like he was taking something from the cabinet, three Seconds later, she slowly dragged out a silver box.

Zhuo Yan: “!!”

Group C: “!!”

It just appeared out of thin air.

Zhuo Yan couldn’t help saying: “It’s amazing.”

Ruan Yu’s perspective is different.

After she clicked the exchange, a floating rectangular box appeared in front of her, like a locker.

There is a silver box inside.

The system asked her to take it out directly. Ruan Yu reached for the handle and took it out directly.

From beginning to end, what Ruan Yu saw was a whole box, not the surprise of Zhuo Yan and the others.

Ruan Yu looked at it and found a manual posted on the side.

“It feels like factory instructions,” she said.

Zhuo Yan: “What?”

She also bowed to look.

That really looks like the factory instructions for the drug, with the name erased, and a simple list of ingredients, as well as shelf life, storage conditions…

I still use Chinese, I really take care of Ruan Yu.

Zhuo Yan: “…”

Very good.

I hope that the things that come out in the future can also simply list these.

Not to mention, the ingredient list is neither detailed nor formula, but you can also point the way to the research group!

Ruan Yu: “Well, how do I send it to the base?”

Someone in Group C reached out and took the box: “I’ll arrange for someone to go.”

Ruan Yu: “Okay, sorry.”

Thirty minutes later, a special military plane took off from Xiacheng and headed northwest.

Ruan Yu took advantage of the good mood and went back to continue his lessons.

System: [Aren’t you doing the task? 】

Ruan Yu: “The variety show and script for me have not been finished yet, so I have to wait for two more days.”

Actually, she was not in a hurry, but yesterday Ruan Yu said that the completion of the task in the past three months will double the points, and Zhuo Yan instantly accelerated the action in her hand.

The debut is very simple. Although there is no variety show in the draft 101 category in August, there are many others.

The system seems to favor drafts and persuade Ruan Yu to participate in such programs.

But Ruan Yu refused.

“Too tired.” Ruan Yu and Zhuo Yan expressed, “I don’t want to sing and dance.”

The course of learning space row is divided into two parts, one is singer and the other is actor.

In addition to vocal lessons, singers also have dance lessons.

It seems that the system assigns singing and dancing to the singer.

But there is a problem that although Ruan Yu used her own brain waves to be conscious or something, to learn dance, but in reality she still has to dance again to really master it.

Ruan Yu: “I’m doing stretching in space, it doesn’t mean that my body is really stretched.”

In fact, she had to start all over.

However, the study space seems to be more conducive to her concentration. If she really learns it, she can remember it very firmly.

In this respect, the actor’s lessons are much easier.

At least, as long as she learns in it, when she opens her eyes, she can do anything.

Zhuo Yan made a decision: “Then let’s start with actors, singers and so on.”

Zhuo Yan contacted people directly, almost a tailor-made program for her.

The same goes for upcoming TV shows.

Ruan Yu responded obediently and waited for the arrangement.

The author has something to say:

Luo Min: Is she human?

Ruan Yu: ? ? ?

Am I not?

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