Saga of Atlantis

Chapter 38: Bandits

Chapter 38: Bandits

[3rd POV]

Simple cottages appeared in a dimly lit forest, fitting in with the ancient trees. With scarves covering their faces, people dressed as rogues strolled about these makeshift houses.

There was a strained mood in the air, as if the very air was privy to their secrets. Their steps were deliberate as they moved among the shanties.


A bell then rang.

The noise disrupted their activities. Everyone came to a halt and then proceeded to the largest house in the center. It became evident that their group consisted of fifteen men dressed as burglars. They gathered in front of the large house, curious and anticipating the reason for the sudden summons.

As they waited there waiting didn't last long, the front door of the house swung wide, showing a humanoid with distinct lizard-like features. His eyes glowed like those of a cunning snake, his face was decorated with scales, and a serpentine tail trailed after them.

He looked around, his gaze sweeping across the people in front of him. He could plainly observe every individual in his presence, towering at a frightening height of seven feet. As his penetrating gaze focused upon them, most felt a surge of fear, indicating his undeniable power and authority.

"You guys have at least done some work" .

He stated that his voice hissed in between these words.

"But you fuckers spent hours with the slaves, wasting so much time."

His look revealed that he was disgusted when he remarked that his voice had increased in volume.

He stood there contemplating how to punish them for their lack of productivity when he heard footsteps behind him.

"Leader, don't worry about them. They're the type who think with what's between their legs; they can't change that," said the man addressing him. He was another lizard-like man who emerged from the house. He shared the same features as the first, though he was noticeably shorter.


As he stood there, the one-titled boss scoffed, forcing the other lizard man to assume command.

"There is an announcement to make."

As the people around him glanced at him, the lizard man spoke.

"Tomorrow, we will be loting another village, so today, use the slave women as much as you want; we will be restocking them."

His comments immediately caused a lustful smile on the faces of those below him, and looking at their faces, he nodded his head.

''Women are the simplest way to control them.' He thought about this before saying,

"Now get back to work. We have many things to do tomorrow. Make sure the weapons are ready and cleaned by tomorrow."

He said this while moving backwards towards the man he called the leader.

"Thank you, vice leader" . They all bowed their heads as they stated, expressing their respect for him.

"Now, dismiss".

He said that, and they all started to move to their respective places.

"You shouldn't give them more than they deserve".

As the vice leader came close, the one he called leader spoke his voice laced with distant as he addressed the humans.

"We aren't in our hometown, leader; we have to work with whatever we have."

As he turned back to face the people who were returning to their locations, the deputy leader said,

"Even if they are some lustful humans" .

He remarked this while returning his gaze to the leader.

"Anyway, we should also be ready for tomorrow; we are wanted by adventures after our last attack on the village" .

The deputy leader stated this, and the leader agreed with a nod.

"I only need a few days to breakthrough into Origin Level 4; after that, we will have more freedom in the forest" .

As he proceeded forward into the house, the leader said this with a grin on his face, revealing his razor-sharp teeth.

"That's wonderful" .

The other one responded, flashing his razor-sharp teeth and following his leader.

Two of the guys took up positions defending the base's front wooden entrance while the men dispersed to their designated duties. These people bore the wounds and bruises of their turbulent lives, giving them a sinister aspect.

"Why do we have to guard the base today?" muttered one of them, standing atop a watchtower, carrying a bow.

"There is nothing we can do.Just wait till our shift is complete, and then we can fuck some more women."

His companion replied, scanning his surroundings with a bow in his hand, ready to deal with any prospective threats.

"You know, there's a saying that a ghostly woman haunts this forest, hunting humans when night falls," one of them began, stimulated by the approaching darkness and possibly a sense of boredom.

"Mate, they're just stories.None of that's real," the other scoffed dismissively, marking his statement with a rude gesture showing his middle finger.

"For real, mate, but they say when she appears, a thick fog surrounds her, and she slowly torments her prey while they desperately try to find a way out," the storyteller added, using his hands to clearly represent her victims' faces of horror and desperation.

"Shut up, don't do that; you look ridiculous," the other said, evidently disgusted by his friend's over-the-top actions.

"Mock all you want; you won't be laughing when she shows up. I bet she'll make you her first victim," the storyteller taunted.


"Did you hear that?" one of them inquired, his gaze darting around the darkening woodland in search of a sound.

"Hear what?" the other asked, sliding an arrow out of his quiver. They both scanned the area, but after a few moments, they found nothing.

"Maybe I misheard something," the first whispered, lowering his guard, and upon hearing this,the other followed suit, loosening his bow.

"Where are you going?" his pal inquired, perplexed by his quick departure.

"To take a piss. Would you mind holding it for me?" he asked casually, continuing on his way out of the watchtower.

"Fuck off," his pal retorted, taking a few steps back.

The surviving guard stood alone, waiting for his buddy to return.

However, as time passed, his companion did not reappear. However His attention was taken to an unexpected sight just as he was about to shout out for him—a dense fog was rolling in his direction.


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