Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 305: Final Battle II

The ocean waves were rumbling, wave after wave and the occasional thunderclaps reverberated the ocean while streaks of lightning were splitting the dark sky.


All of a sudden when Don stepped out of the cabin, they could hear a loud explosive sound from above. A figure appeared in the sky like a sudden clap of thunder. When everyone threw their gaze at the source of the thunderclap like sound, they could see that it was actually a quite majestic figure in shiny armor.

This man looked to be in his forties, and he had a majestic 2.5-meter tall body, and his grey hair made him look somewhat ferocious. The armor covered his majestic body, and it reflected the light produced by the flashes of lightning in the sky. He was floating on a blood-red sword that let out an unearthly humming and the dwarves could tell the sword is a Legendary Energy Armament.

What was even more shocking was the man's cultivation, he was Peak Heavenly level warrior.

Powerful Life Energy boosted his voice and the violent sounds waves rocked like thunder strikes from above. It swept across the entire rainy oceans as every single person heard it.

Right at this moment, all the men on ships looked up at the man. The magical fluctuations radiating from his body caused all those who stared at him to feel a shiver down their spines.

"Who is that?"

"So strong, what a formidable energy!"

"Only me king can fight this man!"


The Black-armored men saw this person and then turned their gaze towards Don. Arwen prepared himself for a brutal fight as he knew if this man decided to attack them, it wouldn't be an easy battle.

"Your Majesty" Arwen looked at Don for his next order but the latter seemed calm even in a situation like this.


Don snapped his finger as the black sword behind his back unsheathed itself and came floating at his feet.

"Get everyone to safety" Arwen heard Don before he stepped on the black sword and launched into the sky to meet the newcomer.


In the middle of the sky, both men looked into each other's eyes, and neither of them spoke a word. 

"The eagle symbol" On the chest of the man before him, he noticed the embroidered Eagle. He knew the is Eagle symbol might be the same symbol that Bryan told him about when he interrogated him. Yet, Don wasn't sure that this person is the mysterious black-robed mage who sent Bandits to attack Arwen's village. Almost two years ago when Don returned to this world, he was like an ant in front of this man, and he could have easily killed him with little effort. But now, everything has changed. 


Right at this moment, the restless men on the ships had actually become completely silent. Everyone threw their glance at Don and the mysterious person. These two men were Peak Heavenly level warriors.

"So you are the chosen one?" the man stared Don from top to bottom and snickered,

"You disappoint me, Don. I expected you to be stronger"

"You have no idea how many times I've heard this dialogue"

"Hahaha" the man burst into laughter and his laugh caused the waves to rock the ships violently.

"You seem to know a lot about me, why don't you tell me about yourself?"

Don said with an indifferent voice. A Peak Heavenly level mage like him wouldn't have come here to chat but to fight or stand in his way, therefore he expected a battle with this man. But before both of them starts fighting, Don tried to know more about this man and the symbol on his chest.

"Well, you do deserve the right to know the person who's going to kill you. I'm called Sable Crane"

The man unleashed his energy. The aura of a Peak Heavenly level instantly covered his entire body.

"Many have said this to me many times but I'm still here"

Don unleashed his energy, and with no hesitation, he sent a powerful wind fist towards Sable. He dared not show any neglect when fighting Sable. If Sable was on the same stage as him, he could fight without using his full power. But, since there was an age gap between them, it was a different story. A man like him would have faced hundreds of battles and gained an immense battle experience. Although he could easily kill an ordinary Heavenly level warrior, Sable didn't seem like an ordinary warrior.

"Crane Chakra Fist!" Sable shouted as he punched out with a tremendous force. A dark red chakra appeared from Sable's hand and flew towards Don's fist. Both men had flown higher into the sky and were fighting a battle that only belonged to them.

Below them on the ships, none had to notice the upcoming storm, but they kept staring at Don and Sable without batting an eye.


Both of them were extremely ferocious men. When Don's wind fist collided with the Crane's Chakra, the tremendous energy ripples swept across the entire sea. It even created mighty tidal waves, singing a few ships of the Thunder Hearts. The violent energy waves continued to sweep across the stormy sky and the sea as the powerful shock waves caused everyone's hearts to tremble.

After the collision, both men steadied themselves in the sky, and they looked completely calm. It was actually an equal match.

Don squinted his eyes and threw his razor-sharp gaze onto Sable, then he thought to himself, "what a powerful spell, I must know where did he come from"

On the other side, Sable also seemed slightly shocked; a storm was violently raging within his mind, "He really is the chosen one! He didn't even reach the thirties but he has actually grown to this stage where he can have a balanced fight with me! All mother is right, I must kill him before he gets stronger"

A malicious and wicked look emerged in Sable's eyes. He must kill him or the prophecy would come true.

"Only one of us will survive Chosen one and it will not be you!"

Sable's energy kept rising like a raging tsunami. He once again used the Chakra spell. The gigantic mountain like Chakra with magical runes flew toward Don once again.

"Let's fight and figure out who the last man standing will be!"

He was incomparably domineering. After cheating death three times, he started not to fear death. Once again, he controlled the wind element around him and formed a powerful fist to attack him. If push comes to shove, he had not one but four ace up his sleeves and three of them were literally under his sleeves, the Extinction Darts. According to Ken, a single Extinction dart could penetrate the defense of a Heavenly level mage and kill him and Don had three. Finally, he had the Destroyer arrow but even Don was not sure about its power.

 Bang! Bang! Bang! …

Two mighty and powerful men had opened up a new battlefield high up in the skies. They were exchanging attacks in the most brutal way, and they were causing tsunami waves on the sea. Energies swept and raged crazily, it was difficult to find out who had the upper hand.

"Steady the ships!"

On Gabriella's ship, Arwen shouted the order at the men. The dwarves among the black-armored men dropped their weapons and began to repair the masts. The tsunami waves already sank a bunch of Thunder Hearts' ships.

At this moment, the warriors of Thunder Hearts became restless and their ships were in chaos. Shiyon didn't think the man her Guild master brought from somewhere to help them take over the businesses in the Avelon continent is sinking their ships. After all, the collateral damage of the fight between two Heavenly level warriors was immense.

Fortunately, the two of them were fighting in the sky above the ocean. If they were to fight inland, many towns would have been turned into rumbles and ruins.


The miserable shrieks could be heard from the sea. They were the unfortunate people who were on the ships destroyed by the powerful waves. While Shiyon and everyone was looking at the tsunami waves with the terrified look on their faces, only Arwen stared at two ships in the distance. The ships had thick chains running down into the sea below them and despite the raging tsunami waves, the two ships drifted steadily.

He didn't know why but he had a bad feeling about the thing at the end of the chain.


In the sky above, Don and Sable were still locked in a fierce fight. Both of them were extremely powerful, and they both possessed powerful skills. It was really difficult to determine who the winner would be.

At the moment, the energy tracers in the Moon empire sensed the energy ripples produced by their fight. Don or anyone had no idea that every powerful sect and the Heavenly level warriors in the empire were rushing to the Rainy ocean to investigate what's happening.

In the sky above, even after fighting for so long, these two men still had tremendous fighting spirits, and they were filled with energy; none of them felt tired at all. 

"Why is his Life energy so powerful?"

Sable's eyes turned red and slowly started to doubt his chance of winning because even after using many of his powerful spells, he could only tear Don's armor but he couldn't physically injure him.

"Are you scared?"

Don asked with an indifferent smile. His dwarven armor was reduced to a sorry state and although Sable's had a few bruises on his face, his silver armor seemed sturdy and unyielding. This made Don really wonder about Sable's background, but at the same time after fighting him, he realized that capturing Sable is really unlikely.

"Nonsense! A few bruises on me won't make you the winner, Don"

Sable started laughing.

"Prepare yourself, Don! I'm going to attack with my full strength now. If you don't have any stronger skills, this is going to be your final moments"

Sable once again unleashed his energy and tremendous killing intent. It was as if the previous fight was just a warm once, and the real fight came now.

"Show me what you got."

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