ReLife Player

Chapter 206

Unlocked chapter (2/3)

[Entrance Exam (2)]

The Player Academy’s entrance exam applies both absolute evaluation and relative evaluation using a grading system.

When applicants meet certain criteria, they are assigned predetermined grades, and within those grades, relative evaluation is conducted using -, 0, +.

This evaluation method was commonly used within the player industry.

There was one reason for this.

The world of players was solely talent and ability-centric.

Living with death as their constant companion, there was nothing as certain and reliable as talent and ability.

“…Thank goodness. The crystal ball didn’t shatter this time….»

Therefore, the supervisors couldn’t hide their shock when they saw the white light descending from the Crystal Orb.

Just moments ago, a dazzling light emanated from the front of the Crystal Orb.

They were once again astonished to see that such mana was dormant within a girl still in her growth phase.

“Eunha, did I do well? It feels like people are continuously staring at me…»

“You did great. You did well. Don’t worry about people’s gazes.»

The atmosphere was tense.

Not only the supervisors but also the examinees were looking at her.

They, who had been eyeing each other warily, now looked at her with envy.

If their skills were comparable, it seemed like the thought of competing with her had completely disappeared.

“Perhaps it was better to consume some mana after all? Even though you said it was okay to show it as it is, people’s gazes….»

“There’s no point in hiding it, it’ll be found out once you enter the academy anyway.»


“You’re going to keep getting stares like this in the future, and you’re going to avoid them because it’s a burden?»


“That’s not the kind of person you want to be. Endure it. Even if you fall down, I’ll support you.»

“…Yes, thank you!»

Hearing those words, Hayang washed the anxiety from her face.

She ran over to her friends and chatted with them, ignoring their stares.

There was no need for Jung Hayang to hide the mana in her body anymore.

Eunha had been careful not to let anyone know about her mana.

It would be difficult to keep people away who would approach her if it became known.

But not now.

She was a direct descendant of the Alice Group.

Even if her talent was revealed to the world, there was no way anyone would lay a hand on her.

It was the same for the other children.

Sirius and Alice would have their backs.

So, they could run wild as much as they wanted.

The reason Eunha brought up this topic to his friends was that he knew what they were carrying on their shoulders.

“Anyway, a C+ grade…»

Eunha shifted his gaze from the examination report, which showed his mana levels.

Before regression, he received a D+ in the entrance exam for the high academy.

Compared to then, he had risen at least half a grade.

He stuffed the report into his pocket and decided to head to the auditorium for the second round of exams with his friends.

The supervisors explained that for the second round of exams, the students would be divided into groups and the exams would be conducted simultaneously in three examination halls.

There were 900 examinees gathered in the auditorium.

They would be divided into nine groups of 100 students each.

The exams would take place simultaneously in three examination halls.

“Now, let me explain the details of the second round of exams!

Each group will receive necklaces distributed by the assistant supervisors inside the examination hall.

There is an empty space in the center of the necklace. Your hit numbers will be displayed there as you receive strikes inside the examination hall.

So, starting from the moment you enter the examination hall, please try not to create any openings that could result in a strike, regardless of your relationship with the exam.»

Openings that could result in a strike.

The students picked up those words from the supervisors and distanced themselves from the people nearby.

The Player Academy’s second-round exam had always demanded the physical abilities of the examinees.

This time would be no different.

Anticipating that, the students planned to stretch and prepare as soon as the supervisors finished their explanations.

“At the moment of the exam, rubber balls will fly randomly around you like this.»

The supervisor decided to demonstrate the exam content personally.

When he signaled on the radio, the space behind him was covered with a hemispherical barrier except for the floor.

Soon, a machine that looked like something out of a betting center revealed itself from the wall, excluding the floor.


The kids were speechless.

The machine, without consideration, shot rubber balls with the sound of gunfire.

Rubber balls shot inside the hemispherical barrier bounced around wildly. In between, new rubber balls passed through.

The space inside the barrier was instantly filled with moving rubber balls.

“Even if you’re hit, you won’t die.»

Can they really avoid not dying?

Some kids panicked.

They couldn’t summon the courage to enter that space.

“I’ll explain briefly. In this exam, you just need to avoid the rubber balls within the limited time.

Naturally, the examinee who is hit the least will receive the highest score.»

It’s based on getting hit by the rubber balls.

The supervisor smirked at the kids who had become nervous wrecks.

They had the devil’s grin on their faces.

“Those who want to give up the exam can leave now. Those taking the exam, please gather according to your exam numbers.»

There weren’t many examinees leaving the exam room.

Judging that enough had left, he divided the groups according to their exam numbers.

“Now, let’s start the exam. The groups I call will follow the assistant supervisors’ instructions and move to the exam rooms.

In Exam Room A, groups 1, 4, and 7 will take the exam. In Exam Room B, groups 2, 5, and 8 will…

In Exam Room C, groups 3, 6, and 9 will take the exam.»

The second round of exams had begun.

Eunha said.

Stomp on anyone you don’t like.

That’s good, I like it.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had a good time.

Jin Parang smirked.

He was on his way to Exam Room A with Eunha and Minji.

During this time, he had memorized the faces of those who looked at him disdainfully from the moment he entered the exam room.

To stomp on them.

The time was now.

Among the examinees in the 700s, he found the faces he had to step on.

“Just kill them all.»

“Why are you breaking them apart like an ice block?»

Minji frowned and questioned, pushing her face forward.

Jin Parang tried to ignore her and walked past her, pretending nothing happened.

I don’t like Kim Minji either.

In his heart, Jin Parang wanted to show her the difference in status right now.

But her exam number was 121.

While he could see her taking the exam, it was impossible to compete with her.

“Parang, what are you thinking right now?»

“Oh, just that I want to take the exam quickly. Why, what!»

“It’s just that my gut is strangely telling me that I shouldn’t…. Parang, be honest with me. Weren’t you just cursing me?»

“My, why would I curse you!»

Minji was sensitive to being cursed at.

Jin Parang, surprised inside, denied it loudly.

“There, you two! Be quiet.»


A supervising instructor guiding them to Exam Room A scolded the two.

Bowing their heads in front of the examinees, the two made frustrated noises.

Right, I, one year older, have to endure.

Look at Kim Minji, I’ll deal with her later.

Jin Parang moved forward energetically, his wolf tail swaying.

Come to think of it, there was something he wanted to ask the supervising instructor.

“Supervisor! I have a question!»

“Yes, what is it?»

Jin Parang called out to the supervising instructor who was talking to the examinees in a loud voice.

Seeing him prick up his wolf ears and raise his hand, the supervising instructor who burst into laughter asked.

“To avoid the rubber balls, can we do anything?»

“…Principally, as long as it’s not illegal. However, since the supervisors are monitoring the exam from the control room, it’s better not to create any potential issues.»

The assistant supervisor frowned.

To survive, you had to be cunning.

More selfish than anyone else.

The Player Academy, which touted talent and ability, taught students that anything was allowed as long as it didn’t violate the law.

This also applied to the entrance exams.

So, whenever the supervisors explained the exam, they advised that anything was allowed.

“So, we can use others as shields and get hit by the balls?»

However, crossing the line is problematic.

The assistant supervisor’s years of experience told him to be careful.

Now he had a mischievous face, the face of a rascal.

“Yes, sir.»

The assistant supervisor made a mental note of the exam number 787 that he wore on his body.

He wondered if he would be able to pass this test.

With the words he spoke earlier, he had turned all the students into enemies.

“…What can I do?»



The examinees whispered among themselves.

Those taking the exam with him showed hostility towards him.

“Hey, what are you looking at.»

Jin Parang paid them no mind.

Hostility was met with hostility.

He stomped over the kid who was glaring at him from the side.

“That guy, haa…. What were you thinking, you could have just left it alone, why make enemies….»

Eunha clicked his tongue.

He had told him that he could step on people he didn’t like, but he hadn’t told him to create people he didn’t like in order to step on them.

Eh, I don’t know.

Eunha decided to take his attention away from Jin Parang.

If he drew the kids’ attention, he could focus on the exam.

“…So, there was a way.»

“Such a way? What?»

“The method Parang was talking about earlier.»

“You don’t mean…»

“Why? You told me to become selfish.»

Minji countered with a sly smile.

Eunha was speechless.

When did Minji start listening to him so well?

“I got a D grade earlier. So, I have to make up for it in the next exam.»

“D grade is a decent level. Don’t worry; there won’t be any deductions…»

“Still, you probably got bonus points.»

Minji had the least internal mana among her friends.

She was above average, but in other words, it meant she had no talent. So, she was secretly anxious.

“Your skills are more than enough.»

“But you never know.»

You never know.

Difficult questions might come up, and she didn’t know the level of the other examinees.

She had met several kids with outstanding abilities in the Alice Group study room.

To compete among them, she felt she couldn’t win with a fair fight.

“So tell me.»

“Tell you what?»

“You might roughly know. Who are the ones we need to watch out for here? The ones we should be careful of among those taking the exam with us. Don’t even breathe near them.»

“…Got it. I’ll let you know later.»

Eunha sensed her desperation in the grip on her clothes.

He was confident that Minji would pass the exam based on her usual skills, but he wanted to help ease her anxiety.

“…Those two, be cautious of only them.»

“Got it, thanks.»

Eunha, who had arrived at Exam Room A, observed the examinees in the 100s exam numbers.

Upon a cursory glance, there weren’t many kids who needed caution.

He cautioned her as she tried to join Group 100.

With a nod, she entered Group 100, wearing a friendly expression.

“─Let’s begin with Group 1.»

Preparations in Exam Room A were complete.

Upon instructions from the assistant supervisor over the radio, a semicircular barrier formed around Group 1.

Rubber balls quickly enveloped the kids.

Minji, who had been raising her internal mana even before the exam started, skillfully dodged the balls with agile movements.

What couldn’t be avoided, she simply took.

The rubber balls didn’t hurt at all.

If they were her friends, they might have focused on creating barriers in the areas where the balls hit most frequently. But she coated her entire body with mana.

“…Ah? Ah, aah…!»

Minji bit her tongue.

Seeing the mass of balls flying at her, she had a gut feeling she couldn’t avoid them.

If she couldn’t avoid them, she’d take the hits.

Grabbing the kids around her, she used them as shields to block the balls.

The kids screamed.

Closing her eyes tightly and deploying her detection net, she let go of her grip as the machine turned elsewhere.


She continued the exam, leaving the crying kids behind.

A little later, the exam ended.

The 10 minutes felt incredibly long.

“Hey, Mukminji! Come here.»


At times like this, she was grateful to Eunha.

It was scary to turn around and look at the kids behind her.

Minji ran towards Eunha, who gestured to her as soon as the barrier was lifted.

The necklace she had returned to the assistant supervisor displayed the number 43.

“…Did I do well?»

“You got hit the least.»

“Really? How do you know?»

“I was watching everything.»

Minji chuckled at his deliberately nonchalant demeanor.

From now on, too, like this.

Grade A.

She made a vow while looking at the real-time record displayed on the screen.

Even if she didn’t have talent, even if she didn’t have skills, she could make it through like this.

To stand alongside him and her friends.

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