ReLife Player

Chapter 205

Unlocked chapter (1/3)

Ty RJ✿

[Entrance Exam]

The reason Player Academy has established its presence at the current location dates back to the era of the end of the century destruction in 1999.

The end-of-the-century destruction that occurred simultaneously worldwide led to the transformation of Jogyesa, the main temple of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, into a Red dungeon.

The Red Dungeon, Jogyesa Temple, became ubiquitous and eroded its surroundings at a rapid pace.

At that time, players attempted to conquer Jogyesa to prevent the erosion from reaching Gyeongbokgung Palace, but even though the erosion stopped, the dungeon did not completely disappear.

However, they couldn’t just leave the land empty in the heart of Jongno-gu.

Therefore, Mana Management Bureau, the predecessor of the previous government and Mana Management Organization, devised a plan to construct Player Academy on top of the Red Dungeon.

To entrust the management of the conquered dungeon to those aspiring to become players.

And to provide them with a conducive environment.

Thus, Player Academy became the first building in the country to be constructed on top of a dungeon.

Even now, there are monsters from the dungeon beneath the academy.

“…There are so many people.»

“Be careful not to get lost. This area is incredibly vast, and if you lose your way, you might not make it to the exam hall on time.»

Eunha led Eunhyuk through the crowd of their peers.

Other children, apart from him, clung together to avoid being swept away by the crowd.

“Even if it’s an exam, why are there so many people? If it’s a multiple of 3, shouldn’t it be 900?

The grounds are so big, it’s hard to find a place to stand.»

Pushing here and shoving there.

Minji, who was holding onto Seona and Hayang’s hands, frowned in annoyance.

Already tired from the traffic jam before arriving at the academy, the children looked weary.

Their parents had even decided to wait outside until the test was over when they saw the crowds gathered in front of the main entrance.

“There are many people who came from rural areas, and it’s not just the families of the examinees; there are also industry professionals.»

“Why are industry professionals here?»

“To secure positions early and promote, I guess.»

Anyway, once the exam starts, the lot will be as quiet as ever.

Eunha walked past industry representatives with children handing out promotional materials.

Among them were Scouts.

The Scouts were wearing artifacts that detected the opponent’s mana from the early morning, confirming the examinees’ internal mana.

“Hayang, don’t unleash your camouflage magic, if they catch you here, you might not make it to the exam hall on time.»

“Yeah, okay.»

Hayang had worn several layers of camouflage magic before entering the academy.

The artifacts worn by the scouts weren’t particularly powerful anyway.

There was no need to use expensive artifacts to check the mana in the bodies of children who would only become players in a few years.

The magic she wore was enough to shield them from the effects of the artifact.

Indeed, the children passed by the Scout’s side and no one called out to them.

Starting this year, they decided not to divide the examinees and conduct the exam all at once.

The 31st batch would enter three years later.

To be precise, the 31st batch combined could be called the main players of the Golden Generation.

Ever since the academy system was implemented, the players’ skills have been improving year after year.

In the years following Euna’s enrollment, the Academy saw the most promising and talented players in its history.

They were later referred to as the Golden Generation.

And the batch in which Eunha entered was recognized as the core of the Golden Generation.

The player industry is relatively small compared to other industries.

Information spreads quickly.

The industry professionals gathered here probably had some information about the examinees taking the exam this year.

Who was someone’s Seed.

Who was the direct heir of a certain group.

Or the collateral heir.

Who was the child of a certain politician.

And whether they were receiving solid sponsorship.

“That kid, isn’t he the one? He used telepathy at a young age a few years ago…»

“It’s true that Alice Chairman’s granddaughter is entering.»

Like this.

Eunha purposely shuffled through the crowd to avoid the Scouts who recognized them.

Gradually, the children holding his hand followed him like sausages on a string.

Finally, the children who entered the exam hall barely breathed, feeling stifled.

“Damn, I thought I was going to suffocate. What’s with them? Are they scanning us right now? I saw those guys… “

“Their gazes are really annoying. Are they scanning us? I could have shown that guy… “

“Don’t cause trouble here, hyung. If you do, you might get eliminated before even taking the exam.»

Eunha rolled up his sleeves and stopped Parang from stepping forward.

His loud voice drew more attention from the children.

Ignoring their stares, Eunha found a place where they could sit.

“I told you, this exam is something you can pass with your abilities. Don’t cause unnecessary trouble and get disqualified.»

“What about them? Aren’t they in a bad mood?»

“They’re probably the ones who will almost fail anyway. And if you don’t like someone—»

Eunha gestured for his friends to come closer.

His friends leaned in to listen to what he was about to say.

“—trample on them during the exam.»

“…Captain, do you know what’s really creepy? Captain, you had this villain-like expression just now.»

“What kind of expression is that? Anyway, if you’re going to trample on someone, do it within the limits where you won’t get disqualified from the exam.

Remember, everyone here is a competitor.»

They had that much power.

Eunha thought they wouldn’t lose to other examinees.

Except for the core members of the Golden Generation.

“Still, don’t forget to get good grades. Did I not say that?»

“You need to get good grades in the entrance exam to take the classes you want at Player Academy.»

“Okay, got it.»

Hayang remembered exactly what he had said a few days ago.

When he praised her, Hayang laughed awkwardly.


“—Be selfish. Right?»


As he tried to set the mood, Minji cut in, and Eunha felt his enthusiasm deflate.

He advised the children to prioritize themselves more than anyone else.

When the children nodded in agreement.

[We will now begin the entrance exam for Player Academy 031st Batch. Everyone, please line up according to the supervisor’s instructions.]

The supervisors appeared in the exam hall.

Wearing sunglasses to conceal their emotions, they pointed to the crystal structures set up in the center of the exam hall.

“We will now conduct the internal mana examination! Everyone, please line up according to the supervisor’s instructions.

Please note that the internal mana examination will not result in any deductions from the exam score!»

Player Academy presented different questions every year for the entrance exam.

Of course, there were things that remained the same.

The internal mana examination was not included in the exam.

Supervisors informed the examinees every year that there would be no deductions for the internal mana examination.


Eunha knew.

People who collected information about the entrance exam would know.

Or those who were perceptive enough.

That the internal mana examination would influence the entrance exam.

Didn’t the supervisor say it?

There would be no deductions.

It could be interpreted as meaning there wouldn’t be any deductions from the exam score.

It was truly malicious.

Almost everyone knew this, but they just came out and said they would discriminate against the examinees based on their internal mana.

They presented it in such a sneaky manner…

Eunha recalled taking the entrance exam for the advanced academy in his previous life.

Having achieved excellent grades in other exams, he had entered the secon dary academy with not-so-high mana scores, which were above average.

He only hoped the same wouldn’t happen this time in his current life.

If such a thing were to happen—

—I’ll eliminate everyone except for myself.

It was truly a simple thought.

Player Academy was an institution for player training funded by taxpayers’ money.

Academy students not only received free dormitory accommodations but also had access to the best educational environment.

However, creating an educational environment to deal with monsters was challenging due to financial difficulties.

Without the sponsorship of the influential families, it was impossible to establish the best environment.

However, the influential families wouldn’t sponsor an educational system that brought them no benefits.

It was a different story if their own children were attending the academy.

Every parent in the world would want to provide the best educational environment for their children.

The Player Secondary Academy was created with this in mind.

To attract the children of the influential families, they needed a way for them to easily enter the high school academy.

That was the system that divided the academy into middle and high school sections, allowing middle school students to smoothly advance to the high school level.

“In the end, even if the world is destroyed, it’s still a world where rich people live comfortably.»

“Don’t say that anywhere else. Because the world was destroyed once, there are now many paths for the powerless to become powerful.»

Inside the exam room, the examinees’ internal mana tests were in full swing.

Supervisors from other exams were chatting among themselves in the monitoring room, observing the kids touching the crystals.

“I wouldn’t necessarily say that’s what the Secondary Academy is about.

Unlike the Higher Academy, which emphasizes practice, the Secondary Academy teaches systematic mana control.

It’s good for those who have talent to develop it at a young age, and even if they don’t have talent, they can realize it at a young age, which is good.»

“But aren’t most of the students entering Secondary Academy are those who received good education rather than those with talent? In reality, the kids who have developed their talents enter Player High School, and then…

they still walk around with their noses in the air just because they entered the secondary school section due to some reason.

More than half of them can’t match the skills of high school students who passed even more challenging exams…»

Player Secondary Academy was essentially an aristocratic school.

Most of the students admitted came from wealthy families.

Children raised in fertile soil could not surpass those raised in rich families unless their talents were exceptionally outstanding.

These disadvantaged children either gave up on becoming players or harbored resentment, knocking on the doors of Player High School.

Amidst the students who were absorbed into the aristocratic pride and gradually faced the limits of their abilities.

“Don’t say it like that. No matter how unreasonable it may seem, there is no better alternative than this.»

The chief supervisor reprimanded the instructor whose lips were poking out.

The academy had the purpose of nurturing players to protect humanity.

Every time the seasons changed, the academy had to produce players with excellent abilities to send out into the world.

Inevitably, urgent sponsorship from political circles was needed to nurture them.

Ironically, by doing so, a considerable number of promising individuals ended up enrolling in Player High School.

In reality, the honor of Player Academy was brought about by the achievements of those who entered the high school section.

Therefore, the secondary school instructors couldn’t help but feel frustrated at the obvious outcome.

“So, Chief Supervisor, how much will you bet? I’ll bet 70 on the rich kids who received a good education, 20 on the kids with great potential, and 10 on those who are skilled.»


The supervisors were engaging in a lively discussion.

The chief supervisor sighed at the instructors who openly indulged in gambling.

He couldn’t help but feel pathetic, knowing that they would most likely spend that money today for a company dinner, even though there was no one without that money.

“Stop fooling around and do your job.»

“Do we really need all the supervisors to conduct internal mana tests? The supervisors in the exam room should be enough…»

“Aren’t we going to analyze the prospects this year?»

“Well, they are promising kids. Most of them have received support from powerful figures, haven’t they?»

“So are we not doing our job?»


The supervisor raised both hands.

Getting up from his seat, he began the briefing with the data compiled with the supervisors.

“There are more promising kids this year than last year. Among them, we need to pay attention to the fact that the direct heirs of the top 10 groups in the country also supported them.»

The names of the top 10 groups were calmly mentioned by the chief supervisor.

Galaxy, Eternity, Alice, KK.

If we included Hong Jin-woo, a second-year student at Player Academy, the direct heirs of half of the top 10 groups in the country would be enrolled at Player Academy.

As supervisors, they had to be vigilant about potential conflicts between the groups next year.

“They probably enrolled in the academy to recruit these promising kids.

Or maybe they came to learn mana manipulation even if they have no intention of becoming players… Most likely, they have abundant mana to fill the crystals at such a young age. It seems unbelievable, but how…»

“That kid, who could she be? Verify her identity immediately. Right now, quickly.»

“Yes, yes! Understood. With this level of information, her name must be mentioned… “

The supervisor hastily handed over the data.

There was no need to flip through the entire document.

Information about her was almost certainly listed at the beginning.

In the section compiling the direct heirs of the group he had been so scornful of.

“She’s a direct member of the Alice Group…»

“What? Why is there a direct member from them over there?»

“Why wouldn’t there be? A few years ago, there was a buzz among people I know about the daughter of the Alice Group’s chairman getting married. Haven’t you heard about it?»

“Married? Even if it was a few years ago, she would still need time to have a child…»

“Oh, that child…! There was one. She had a daughter because her new husband was remarried, so she has one daughter…»

“So, what’s her name?»

“The Alice Group chairman’s granddaughter’s name is…»

“Oh, the exam results just came in from the exam room.»

The supervisors in the exam room looked surprised too.

Even though the internal mana tests hadn’t finished yet, they quickly sent the exam papers to the monitoring room.

The supervisors eagerly scrutinized the test papers that had just come out of the printer.

Her name caught their eyes.

She was the only one who received an A+ grade.

Exam NumberNameEvaluation Result635Bae SubinA148Kim SuhoC+825Won SangsuC+653Lee SeheeF222Taylor JacquelineB489Ho WujaeC582Cho HyejinD+345Kiyomitsu MisinoB269Kang HajinC+562Choi EunhyukB787Jin ParangB+121Kim MinjiD346Jung HayangA+759No EunhaC+503Jin SeonaB+

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