ReLife Player

Chapter 203

[Jin Parang (3)]

The participants in the scholarship selection test came from various social backgrounds and positions.

The children gathered in the YH Hotel Seoul Station ballroom were keeping their distance from those with different backgrounds.

Some kids grouped together based on similar backgrounds.

“…What’s that?»

“I don’t know.»

“Is he from the slums too?»

“But they look surprisingly clean for that?»

“But seriously, what’s up with his appearance?»

It wasn’t until it was almost time to meet that Ain appeared in the auditorium.

He placed his hands on his knees, panting, and shook his messy tail.

When he lifted his head, his hair, matted as if something had stuck to it, was revealed.


But that wasn’t the problem.

Children with different backgrounds were left speechless.

The Ain was wearing tight-fitting pants that vaguely outlined his lower body.

It was as if a terrible sight would unfold if a gust of wind blew.

“What? Why are they staring at me like that? Did they come here to sightsee or something?»

“Oh, no….»

Jin Parang, the boy, snarled uncomfortably, feeling the gaze of the children.

He growled at a nearby kid and stepped forward towards the platform.

The crowd parted.

Kids, who didn’t want to meet his gaze, cleared the way with disgusted faces.

Once he reached the platform, he stretched his body with a crackling sound, holding a ball in each hand and foot.

“They’re all dead.»

In the scholarship selection test held by the 10 major chaebol groups, the range of sponsorship varied depending on the children’s grades. So Parang was determined to pass the selection test with the best grades.

“Watch and wait, No Eunha. I’ll show you how amazing I am through my grades.»

Jin Parang still couldn’t understand.

Among the kids gathered here, he and the kids from the Sirius Group’s affiliates were practically assured of sponsorship.

As long as they didn’t cause trouble, they were practically guaranteed to pass.

Even so, he didn’t have to make a scene, especially in those pants.

No Eunha was embarrassed about where to look.

Even the supervisors seemed to agree.

In the VIP room, where they could clearly overlook the auditorium, the supervisors made noises as if to clear their throats, avoiding unnecessary glances.

[The examination will begin now, all of you, please….]

Jin Parang ran as soon as he heard the announcement.

His pants flew off his body, revealing the outline of his front.

For kids still going through their growth spurt, their physical development, influenced by age, couldn’t be ignored.

Moreover, Jin Parang, who was one year older than the kids participating in the scholarship selection, was an Ain.

With physical abilities superior to ordinary individuals, once he decided and exerted his strength, the test turned into a child’s play for him.

“Is this all? Come on, try to take it! If you can’t snatch this from me, you’ll be eliminated right here, you know, don’t you?»

After the internal mana check, the first round of tests took place.

The examinees had to protect scattered balls around the auditorium within a limited time. However, the supervisors didn’t mention that one person could only hold one ball.

As a result, Jin Parang embraced balls with both hands and kicked the ones he couldn’t hold like playing soccer, darting around.

The wolf, thoroughly enjoying himself, also kicked away the balls of passing kids far away.

“That idiot… He should at least take the test seriously. Why is he fooling around like that?»

In the VIP room located on the upper floor of the auditorium,

No Eunha, who had been carrying his bag on his shoulders since Jin Parang’s arrival in Incheon, leaned his head against the glass window and sighed.

After all, Jin Parang’s sponsorship was already secured.

Just maintaining his position was enough for him to pass.

He didn’t have to cause a ruckus like this.

Moreover, in those pants.

No Eunha felt awkward, not knowing where to look.

Even the supervisors seemed to agree.

The ones in the VIP room, looking out the window, made noises, clearing their throats, or coughing for no apparent reason.

“Is that the Ain you asked to add, Eunha?»


Actually, Eunha had planned to deliver the pants to Parang and leave.

However, when he arrived at YH Hotel, the test had already started. While he was reluctantly leaving YH Hotel, he happened to meet Han Seoyeon, who had come all the way here to watch the selection test.

She guided him to the VIP room, saying that he should at least watch the selection test since he had come.

“At first…, I didn’t understand why you brought that kid to Sirius….»


“…His skills are better than they appear?»

Seoyeon, sitting next to the supervisor’s seat, smiled slightly, looking down at the auditorium.

No Eunha had to force a wry smile as he sat next to her.

That hyung isn’t too bad.

Jin Parang was born in the slums.

He had some combat experience even before he met Eunha.

Moreover, he learned how to control mana and gained telepathy, giving him an edge.

Now, he could easily defeat the kids below who were supposed to snatch the ball from him.

But he should still be careful.

It wouldn’t be good if he attracted unnecessary attention from Sirius.

“Shall I sponsor him exclusively?»

And just like that, Seoyeon showed interest.

No Eunha decided to convince her internally.

“Parang is an Ain, noona. Don’t you think people will point fingers if you make him your exclusive player for no reason?»

“I don’t care about that. I just need talent. If they have the ability, I can handle the rest.»

“You already have plenty of exclusive players. There’s also Sirius Wool’s Gong Cheong-gi.»

“Eunha, don’t you think that kid will be an excellent player?»


For a moment, Eunha couldn’t deny it.

Han Seoyeon’s eyes were precise.

Before the regression, those who had faced the limits of their talents, they were just B-level players according to Mana Management Organization standards.

On the contrary, Jin Parang was treated as an S-level player based on both Mana Management Organization and Mist flower party standards.

“I’m going to be the next president of Sirius Group one day, do they have the power to protect me?»

“We’ll never know until then, and if you’re thinking about becoming the next president, you should be careful who you hire.

The words and actions of the people you surround yourself with will make you who you are.»

In that sense, Jin Parang was out.

Eunha indirectly revealed how difficult it was to control Jin Parang’s temperament.

Yet Han Seoyeon’s curiosity was piqued.

In the end, although she decided to think rationally about the future and let go of Jin Parang…

“…It can’t be helped. Now that you put it that way, I hope he becomes a player who will honor Sirius’ name.»

“Good idea, find someone else.»

“It’s a shame though. I was thinking about making an Ain player my own this time, since Hayang has recruited an Ain girl into the faction….»

Han Seoyeon pouted her lips and grumbled.

Eunha didn’t say anything more.

Before he knew it, the first test was over and the second was underway.

This time, Jin Parang had gone crazy.

He, who had already secured sponsorship was still holding his ground and facing criticism.

“Come on, everyone! I’m right here!!»

Jin Parang shouted.

Like a wolf that had successfully hunted.

Eunha didn’t know why he felt embarrassed; it wasn’t his fault.

Eunha openly sighed at this point.

Han Seoyeon enjoyed watching Jin Parang’s antics in the auditorium.

“…What a waste, such a waste. How about leaving it to Seohyun? If you are around, he probably won’t cause any trouble, right?»

“It’s better for my mental health to just give up.»

Wolves are difficult animals to tame.

The animal that refused to be tamed, trapped within us, was indeed a wolf.

Jinfarang was that wolf.

A mad wolf who refused to be tamed by anyone.

Not even Eunha in his previous life could tame him properly.

Although he was much better off.

In his previous life, Jin Parang was an Ain child who lived with hatred for the world in his heart.

In comparison, in this life, Jin Parang was relatively stable.

“After all, the only person I can trust is Euna, whom I love after my sister. I hope she graduates from the academy soon and joins me.»

Eunha hoped so too.

A dedicated player protecting Han Seoyeon would be safer than a player defeating monsters.

…Even though it didn’t seem like Euna would do that.

Eunha didn’t ask her directly.

But ever since Euna decided to become a player, she wanted to be player to save someone.

Perhaps she would not become Han Seoyeon’s exclusive player.

“…The third round of the exam has started.»

“It was fun again. I wonder how interesting he’ll be in the next exam…»

Eunha deliberately changed the subject.

He had no intention of letting Han Seoyeon know.

“I annihilated all those guys there! What if players aspiring to join fall like that!? Is there really no talent in this world… Seriously, this world is so messed up.»

“Oh, it’s because of you, hyung. I still don’t know how to train you properly.»

“Hey! No Eunha, what training! I’m a year older than you…»

“Why, well.»

“No, just… let’s refine our language a bit.»

The scholarship selection competition of the Sirius Group has safely ended.

Fortunately, there were no casualties.

Only a few injuries occurred.

Eunha scolded Jin Parang, who had been proudly asking for compliments all the way home.

The dog in wolf form quickly became timid and looked up at him.

“It might be more efficient to surrender rather than tame him…»

“Dude, what are you talking about, I told you, I feel weird when you look at me like that….»


“…Not pissed, just a little scared. Relax your eyes, dude.»

Next month, there will be the first examination of the Player Academy, and the month after that, there will be the second examination.

Parang would spend the night at Eunha’s house tonight and take the train down to Incheon tomorrow morning to prepare for the first test.

“Welcome, Parang.»

“Parang Parang!»

Parang followed Eunha into the house.

The corners of his mouth twitched up when he saw his mother and Eunae running out the door.

His wolf ears perked up, and he seemed quite pleased.

“Mom, where’s Dad?»

“Dad’s still at work. Let’s eat meat without him today.»

“What!? Meat!? Mom, mom, what kind of meat!?»

“I prepared shabu-shabu so that we can all eat together. Julieta and Bruno are waiting inside, so go in and say hello.»

Parang’s face brightened at the mention of meat.

He walked towards the living room where the smell wafted, seemingly entranced.

Inside, Julietta and Bruno, who were preparing shabu-shabu, greeted him warmly.

“Parang, eat a lot.»

“Mister… he looks different from how he acts!»

When Bruno scooped a lot of meat for him with a ladle, Parang was moved as if he were going to shed tears.

Julieta chuckled softly.

Unnoticed, Eunae had attached herself to Parang’s side, playing with his tail.

“Seona unni?»

“It’s not unni; it’s noona.»

“Is this Seona’s unnie?»

“No. This is Parang Parang’s!»

“Parang Parang? Parang Parang!»

“Yes, Parang Parang!»

Parang was quite popular among Eunae and Avernier.

Today, Parang, who was in a good mood, didn’t stop the children from playing with his tail.

But after swallowing the meat, he frowned.

“Hey, my tail isn’t something to eat.»

“…It tastes bad.»

“There’s meat here, so why are you putting my tail in your mouth? Ugh, it even smells like saliva.»


“Indeed, my tail is magnificent. Even at this age, I know how splendid I am… you brat.»


Parang, who had his hands on his knees and was supporting his body, sent a chopstick flying toward Avernier, who was playing with him.


“Parang, you shouldn’t do that. If you hit Avernier while he’s still young…»

“But he’s four years old? I was rummaging through the slums at his age; what’s a little brat like that…»

“No, that’s not what I meant.»

What Julieta said wasn’t that.

Before anyone knew it, Eunha and his family were moving away from him.

Bruno, holding the gas burner for shabu-shabu, and the others holding the plates had moved away.

“What? Why is everyone sneaking away like that?»

“Hyung, I’ll pray for your peace.»

“What nonsense is this…uh…?»

“Ow ow~!!»

That day, Parang realized that there was a genius even greater than himself in this world.

No Avernier, age 4.

Without anyone teaching him, the child, who knew how to handle mana at a young age, pushed Parang away with his hands filled with mana.

When Parang, who was not expecting an attack while holding chopsticks in his mouth, woke up, it was time to return to Incheon.

“Man, my shabu-shabu….»

In my opinion, you shouldn’t be greedy for food, hyung.

Eunha saw Parang, who was crying a lot on the train back to Incheon.

I gotta admit, I’ve been dying lately. Midterms are creeping up on me and I’m feeling like a potato. Next week, (hopefully) I’ll be back with my usual updates (unless my exams decide to pull a surprise ‘final’ exam on me).

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