Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 471

Chapter 436: Flame Dragon Mother

“Come on, second round!”

The colored prince roared, and the five-colored dragon scales were overflowing with violent energy. He inspired his own divine fire. Although he would be oppressed by the main material plane, he couldn’t control that much now.

He needs a devastating victory, so that the insects in the lower planes know that the true **** cannot be humiliated!

As gods, they were born to be powerful monsters, hating all living and dead creatures.

These monsters are tools in the hands of the true gods, and the purpose of their existence is to keep fighting and destroying them, spreading their own pain to every creature.

“Trash like you, I can easily crush it with one paw!”

He ignored the scorching dragon’s breath that had already divided the battlefield, and began to run on all fours, launching a savage charge towards the red dragon in front of him!

The huge body hits like a mountain, and he will use the most savage and violent way to ravage this defiler to death!

With every step of the two-headed dragon, the ground trembled, and a column of crimson magma fire shot out from the ground, forming a huge column of lava hundreds of meters in height.

The two-headed dragon has completely released his power, and all the reinforcements belonging to the gods are all opened. In the roar, it seems that the entire space of heaven and earth is shaking, and the red pillars of fire rise from the ground to the sky, like one after another incomparable. Scary lava fountain.

The exploding magma spread into a huge ring, covering hundreds of miles around in an instant, as if a magnificent red lotus flower bloomed between the heavens and the earth.

In the end, the red lotus exploded, the Flaming Mountains twisted and tilted under the high temperature, the volcanoes collapsed and collapsed, the high-temperature lava spread to the four fields, and the Red Dragon Legion stationed in the Flaming Mountains howled and fled.

However, in the face of the power of the gods, most of the Red Dragon clan was reduced to ashes under the high temperature of the lava, and a small number of clans that could fly perish in the rain of fire falling from the sky.

The only ones who survived may be the dragons who were born with high temperature resistance.

Aurelion waited for a group of real dragons to retreat. The attack just now was too violent, the space was almost blocked, and the transmission channel could not be opened at all.

In a battle at the demigod level, as an epic, she can’t intervene at all, even her strongest breath of ashes can’t hurt the opponent in the slightest.

The flame dragon mother looked very solemn, and this goddess was stronger than he imagined.

She took a deep breath, the dragon’s body was mighty and mighty, and there was a faint spark of divinity in her body, but after all, she was missing a step, and the elemental magic in her body could not be converted into pure divine power.

However, this does not mean that she is afraid of the gods!

She has been on the fire element plane for decades. As the ancestor of the ancestral red dragon, she is also the master of flames!

“Flame, listen to my orders!”

She vibrated the wing membrane and flew into the air, the flames drilled into the earth, the magma flowed into the abyss, and the uplifted, collapsed and collapsed mountains gradually returned to their original shape.

The restless fire element between heaven and earth returned to calm, but the next moment, under the feet of the two-headed dragon, the earth was torn apart in an instant, and below the crack was an endless sea of red magma.

The fire element plane was forcibly opened by the flame dragon mother, and the magma torrent condensed by billions of trillions of fire elements turned into a thick fire pillar and hit the abdomen of the two-headed dragon directly, straight into the sky.

The plane sky seemed to be infected with real fire, and countless fire rains fell from the crown of the sky.

At this level of battle, Aurelion was stunned. From this moment, the fighting power of the Flame Dragon Mother was infinitely raised to the level of a demigod.

“A reptile from the lower plane, I really underestimate you!”

The red divine light of the red eyes penetrated the magma torrent, followed by the second and third…thousands of five-color divine lights spread out.

The colored prince stepped out of the magma torrent, staring at the Fiery Dragon Mother with vicious eyes.

Under the collision of such a high frequency of fire elements, the five-colored dragon scales on his body almost melted, and an incomparably huge blood hole appeared in his abdomen. The internal organs were burned by the flames, and only a beating dragon heart was protected by the purple divine fire. down.


The two ferocious heads roared at the same time, the divine fire and divine emblem burst into strong light, and the divine power circulated throughout the body, and the original state of being seriously injured and dying was almost recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The two-headed dragon reappeared in the sky, and under the protection of the five-color divine light, his form was very similar to Tiamat after the evil dragon.

The colored energy particles circulated, and the breath was enhanced step by step to the extreme.

This guy obviously has not even fully condensed the fire, even if it is suppressed by the will of the plane, how can he be injured? !

The two-headed dragon was covered by the dazzling five-color divine light, and the waves of colored particles spread around him, rising and falling like tides.

The angry roar of the two-headed dragon directly opened the prelude to the battle.

The two dragon heads stared at the flaming dragon mother, inhaling to gather all the surrounding colorful particles, opening their mouths to destroy the breath.

He couldn’t spit out the five-colored divine light in one mouthful like the Evil Dragon, but he could switch between the five-colored breaths at will.

After the fight just now, Prince Color already understood that the strength of this God-Conferred Dragon should not be underestimated, and the Breath of Destruction was the greatest respect he gave the Red Dragon!

At the same time, the Flame Dragon Mother also opened her mouth.

She directly inhaled the torrent of fire elements rising from the sky into her mouth, and under the swell of the capsule, it turned into the most violent fire column and spewed out.

Breath for breath!

The two-colored breath of the fire dragon breath confrontation, where the violent energy meets, stimulates an unprecedented blazing light!

A circle of transparent ripples exploded in the space, and then filled it in an instant. The space vibration caused by the powerful energy has already reached the crown of the domes first, the earth cracked and collapsed, and countless dust and gravel blasted.

The sight lasted less than a second, as all matter was broken down into dust and vaporized at high temperatures.

After the elements and air were compressed to the limit, a big explosion occurred under the sky, and a huge circle of light and shadow ripples spread around like waves.

The indescribable majestic power was centered on the two-headed dragon, and the earth was rolled upside down, turning into a substantial shock wave that exploded circle after circle.

Within a radius of hundreds of kilometers of the Raging Flame Mountains, tens of millions of tons of soil and rock layers were lifted, and a large amount of rock and soil was thrown into the sky, turned into magma under high temperature and friction, and then cooled as it fell, turning into clusters of meteorites. fusion.

This power has almost reached the apex of the material plane, and even briefly exceeded the critical range limited by the plane.

When all the dust settles, UU reading www. uukanshu. com can see that the mountain range that was gathered by the flaming dragon mother just now has been completely reduced to ruins, all kinds of magical energy are disordered, and all kinds of huge stones and broken rocks are suspended in the air.

The two-headed dragon stands on a floating element carrier, directly below him is the abyss of fire leading to the bottom of the continent, and countless magma rolls and dances under the abyss.

The color prince was panting heavily. Under the suppression of material rules, the power that this body can burst out at the moment is already the limit he can reach.

Even so, with his powerful physique, he was severely injured by such a violent explosion—

The huge body is riddled with holes, and has been eroded by an inexplicable force, unable to recover in a short time.

On the other hand, the flame dragon mother was even more miserable. One of the dragon wings was broken, and the whole body was like a porcelain full of cracks, and it looked like it was dying.

The two-headed dragon grinned and bared its fangs.

“I said, I will kill you first, and then kill that alien dragon!”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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