Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Insect-Eating Tribe Wants To Slay Dragons

Huangyangang, a barren rocky hill near the Raging Flame Mountains, is extremely scarce in resources, not even dwarf shrubs, and can only occasionally see a cluster of withered yellow weeds struggling in the harsh environment.

At this time, a bunch of ugly gnolls with hyena heads gathered together without discipline, looking at the clown-like guy on the high platform, wondering what he was going to do.

The gnoll leader Warwick squatted on the platform. He was aspiring as he was preparing to give his insect-eating tribe a significant lesson. If the old, weak, sick and disabled were added up, there would be less than 100 adult combat individuals. Quantity can also be called tribal words.

He was sitting without an image, wearing tattered armor that he did not know from a human adventurer. Perhaps it was because of the shortage of food in Huangyangang. As a leader, his physique was not very strong. It seemed that the armor of ordinary human size was still a little loose for him.

As he scratched his dirty red-gray fur, he thought about how to speak. The dry weather and the constant hunger in his stomach made him very irritable.

Warwick raised one skinny arm and grabbed the underarm with the other, and even in armor, he could clearly see the ribs in front of his chest.

After more than ten seconds, he grabbed a tick the size of a soy bean from the tangled hairs. Its mouthparts penetrated deep under the skin, sucking blood so round it sucked blood, and when it was pulled out, a red bloodshot could be seen.

“I’m so hungry that I still **** my blood.”

Warwick grunted, a sneer flashed across his sinister eyes, and the next second he threw the worm into his mouth, the mouthparts, joints, and hard shell shattered under its sharp teeth, chewing with a crackling sound.

Warwick frowned, the parasite didn’t taste good, it was even disgusting.

But in this wasteland where there is a shortage of food, you must eat everything you can to survive.

In fact, entire gnoll tribes do this, with mothers scratching lice for their children and feeding them into their mouths, even if it doesn’t fill their stomachs.

But more than ten years ago, it was not called the Insect Eater Tribe at that time, but the Wolf Fang Tribe.

They have their own territory in the southern border near the inner circle, rich in resources, and a small river flows through the territory. At that time, there was no shortage of food for the wolf tooth tribe, and they were all red meat. The cubs grew strong from childhood, and they became brave warriors when they were adults.

The entire wolf tooth tribe has a population of more than 1,000, not to mention the overlord of the territory, but if there are other clan tribes who want to fight their ideas, they have to pay some price.

Until one night, a large group of more cruel and ferocious animals suddenly arrived. They washed away the camp of the wolf tooth tribe and killed them to the point of discarding their armor and armor. They not only occupied the resource-rich land there, but also drove them out. .

Many clans took the opportunity to fall into the trap and chased and beat the Langya tribe. After several turns, the Langya tribe, whose vitality was severely damaged, came to Huangyangang, a place where birds don’t shit.

Warwick picked up the stone axe and banged on the table “bang bang bang”.

“If we can’t find another source of food, we may not be able to make it through the summer,” Warwick said hoarsely.

With just one sentence, all the gnolls’ eyes turned green.

They were so hungry that the last batch of green-skinned goblins had already been eaten by them the day before yesterday, and even the bones were under the sharp fangs, turning into bone stubble and swallowed by them.

“I don’t know if anyone still remembers the name of the Wolf Tooth Tribe,” Warwick growled.

“More than ten years ago, the great wolf tooth tribe was the master of Kazarin. We killed deer and horses, and ate meat. Gnomes and goblins were our slaves. Steppenwolf was our mount. Our warriors were enough to make orcs. Frightened, we are invincible, even ogres have to fear us!”

“That was the most glorious time for the great wolf tooth tribe, but now, we can only eat and wait to die in the barren Huangyangang! If this spread to other tribes, the fierce gnolls actually lived by eating insects, even Weak humans will laugh at us.”

Warwick bared his teeth, the remains of the blood-sucking tick still left between them.

“I’ve had enough of these days!”

A small gnoll suddenly stood up: “Do you want us to go back to Kazarin? We can’t defeat those ferocious monsters!”

“Yeah, the wolf tooth tribe couldn’t beat them ten years ago, let alone those of us who eat bugs, now we just go back and die!”

“What a bunch of idiots!” Warwick’s fangs glared, flickering fiercely, “Could it be that the worms wiped out the savageness of the gnoll’s blood?”

“Kazarin, we must fight back, but not now!”

A kind of gnoll waited silently for the following, knowing that Chief Warwick must have other ways.

Sure enough, he continued after a few seconds.

“I got word that two young dragons have come to the west of us, and a group of fierce wolverines attacked them last night. Fortunately, where are the young dragons, but I am sure that they are Absolutely so badly injured that he couldn’t fly away!”

Warwick screamed, and the yellow saliva flowed down the gaps between his teeth and landed on the stone platform with a “tick-tock” sound. Thinking of the scene of a possible dragon slaying, he couldn’t help sticking out his barbed tongue. Take a breath.

“But that’s a giant dragon! How can there be a creature in this world that is the opponent of a giant dragon!” Another weak gnoll raised his own question.

“Waste! Idiot!” Warwick yelled, “No matter how powerful a dragon is, it has to be an adult. The two in the west are just baby dragons, and they look like much larger lizards! Not to mention they may have been seriously injured, and now , is our best chance!”

“My father told me that dragon meat is the most delicious food in the world. Decades ago, they were lucky enough to encounter a young dragon that was dying, and that led to the rise of the great wolf-tooth tribe!”

“Young dragon, it’s just food!”

“Today, we are going to slay the dragon!”

There was a very embarrassing silence in the scene. The impassioned speech of the leader Warwick did not give them a kind of momentum called blood boiling. After all, the dragon was an invincible existence to them, and the fact of killing the dragon was too shocking.

“A bunch of idiots! We have no way out!”

“Don’t let your inner cowardice cover up the true blood of the gnoll!”

“Remember, we are wolves, the most vicious (hungry) wolves!”

“Now, take your weapons and target the underground dwarfs one kilometer away, let us swallow every bit of their flesh, devour every bone of theirs, and when we’re full, we’ll slay the dragon!”

ps: The red dragon is about to start to have its own family.

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