Rebirth of the Ruined Noble

Chapter 39 Deep Learning Of Mana (1)

The day dawned, and I woke up with my muscles aching and screaming at me. The vivid nightmare I had still lingered in my mind, refusing to fade away.

I wondered why Professor Joshua didn't drag me to the training grounds and instead allowed me to rest, but I wasn't complaining or anything. In fact, I was grateful for the opportunity to take a day off. Rest was crucial for growth, after all.

As I climbed out of bed, I glanced at the mechanical clock on my bedside table, its hands ticking away with each passing second.

It was just past 7 AM, and I still had plenty of time to prepare for the day's classes. With that in mind, I decided to start my day with a refreshing shower.


It was the third day of the week, and my first class of the day was "Deep Learning of Mana." This subject was being taught for the first time, as the lecturer had been occupied with some important work.

The class was scheduled to begin at 9:00 AM, and it was currently 8:50 AM.

I had already arrived and taken my seat in the third row from the back, close to the wall. It was a strategic spot, allowing me to go unnoticed by the professor in case I dozed off during the lecture.

As the minutes ticked by, familiar faces began to fill the classroom.

Unsurprisingly, Julia Rozental, Princess Aurora, and Luna Primrose were among the attendees. These three were well-known for their natural affinity for magic so it wasn't a surprise that they chose this class. However, there was one more face in the group that caught my attention.


I couldn't determine if it was a mere coincidence or not, but the gloomy kid had also chosen "Deep Learning of Mana" as her second elective subject. While I was aware of the other three choosing this class due to their fame in my previous life, Esmerald's presence surprised me.

Considering there were a thousand freshmen, it was highly likely for someone I didn't know to choose the same two electives as me. Nonetheless, I wasn't complaining or anything; I was simply taken aback.

Suddenly, the once-murmuring class fell silent. I noticed the change and quickly adjusted myself in my seat. There was only one reason why a noisy fish market like classroom would abruptly become quiet.

'The instructor has arrived.'

As I turned my gaze toward the door, I saw the professor, and for a moment, I was frozen in awe. Her long, flowing blond hair cascaded down to her hips, framing a beautiful face that exuded elegance. Her emerald-green eyes caught my attention, but there was another distinctive feature that stood out even more—the long, pointed ears...

'An elf ?'

The professor who entered the classroom was a stunning female elf!

Elves, often referred to as the "children of nature," were a species that lived in close harmony with nature, detached from the affairs of the world. They were primarily settled in the great forest of Nara, relying on the Tree of Life for their existence, which kept them secluded from the outside world.

While I had heard of instructors from other species in Freljord, it was my first encounter with one. Perhaps it was because I had never crossed paths with them in my previous life, having failed to progress beyond the second year at Freljord Academy twice.

Nevertheless, the sight of a beautiful elf instructor surprised me. It seemed I wasn't the only one taken aback; all the students were equally dazed by her presence. Some of the boys even appeared to be mesmerized by her ample bosom.

"Good morning, students," she greeted as she walked towards the podium.

"Good morning, madam!" came the enthusiastic chorus from the students, with the boys' voices being particularly dominant.

"I hope you've all had your breakfast, as we will have class until the afternoon. I hope no one has any objections," she said, winking mischievously at the students.

Who would dare to have objections with such a beautiful teacher? I even found myself questioning why I hadn't chosen this course in my past life.

"Before we begin, let me introduce myself. I am Iris Peacefounder, and I will be teaching the elective subject, 'The Deep Learning of Mana and Its Principles.' We will be spending a year together, so I hope we can get along," she announced.

The students erupted into loud cheers, their support seemingly directed towards her and her hourglass figure.

With a quick introduction out of the way, the class commenced.

"Before delving into the topic, let's see how much you all know about mana. Can anyone here explain what mana is?" she inquired.

A moment of silence passed before a rose among the class.

It was Luna Primrose who raised her hand.

"Ma'am! Luna Primrose."

"Yes dear, go on~" , the instructor acknowledged.

"Mana is the energy in it's purest form. It can be converted into various types of energy using appropriate mechanisms and spells. In its natural state, mana is invisible and shapeless, but users with sufficient mastery can give it any shape or form of desire," Luna explained confidently.

"Excellent!" the instructor praised, causing Luna to swell with pride.

Out of curiosity, I glanced at Julia, who was seated just behind Luna. As expected, she rolled her eyes at Luna's behavior.

"You may sit down now, dear," the instructor said, waiting for Luna to take her seat before continuing.

"As your friend just mentioned, mana is the energy in its purest form, often referred to as magic energy. Going further into the topic, mana is a fundamental substance that gives rise to various fields of magical energy. These fields exist alongside other fundamental forces of science, such as gravity and magnetism. Certain creatures and objects possess the ability to manipulate these fields in various ways, resulting in spectacular effects. The key lies in how individuals manipulate mana. These acts of shaping and channeling mana out of the body is known as magic."


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