Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Craft crisis

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Uncle Yang and Father Yang went shopping in the street and brought a bottle of Fen wine home.

Seeing Yang Rui went home, the uncle was very happy, touched his head, took out a pen from the briefcase and handed it to him, saying: “I heard you say that you want to continue the college entrance examination. Uncle supports you. This pen is In the factory, my old pen is okay, so I’ll use it for you.”

The pen belly is big and thin, the black pen body, and the dark blue clip, glowing with a faint light. Yang Rui didn’t think much about it, and took it over after saying “thank you”.

Rui’s mother grabbed it and said angrily: “You can take what you give it to, uncle boy, take it back to Xiaofeng, she will soon take the exam.”

“Feng’er has it. This is what I gave to my nephew, don’t grab it.” The uncle Duan Hua took the pen over again, handed it to Yang Rui’s hand, held it to him, and said, “You have to take care of it. Study, try to get out of college, win honor for our family, honor honor for your parents, and strive for a good future for yourself. Look at your uncle, and your father, we have all suffered the loss of diplomas, otherwise, where It’s worth staying in the village.”

“I didn’t suffer.” Father Yang was unwilling to lose his majesty in front of his son, and said: “When I was fighting and fighting, I had a low diploma, maybe I was a minority, and I might kill my life. I left by myself, my fate is destined, it’s useless to think too much.”

Ma Rui slapped Father Yang on the shoulder: “Is there someone who is such an old man like you? Say all the discouraging things.”

“I’m telling the truth. Forget it, let’s drink and drink…” Father Yang took two small wine cups and poured the wine seriously.

Rui’s mother had no choice but to ask Yang Rui to put the pen away, and then said, “Don’t listen to your dad, the old man’s mind won’t turn around. You study hard and find a good unit after graduation…”

The mother-in-law becomes speechless, and no one can intervene.

Yang Rui had to listen obediently. Father Yang and his elder brother drank silently, winking and clinking glasses.

At the dinner table, Yang Rui also slowly recalled more information about his identity.

His grandfather Yang Shan was an anti-Japanese kid and the former secretary of the Xizhaizi Commune, while his father Yang Feng was the current party secretary of the Xizhaizi Township. Two generations of people used the iron buckets run by Xizhaizi Township, but it was thorough. Completely the emperor of the township.

However, the two generations of the Yang family are very strict in self-discipline, and they pay attention to “giving up a small family for everyone”. Not only did they fail to take advantage of the Xizhaizi Township, which is like a backyard, but also donate money and materials to the needy people and the military. Households, so that the family property is not as good as ordinary township workers. The predecessor, Yang Rui, was also influenced by his family, so he would choose an extreme approach after failing the college entrance examination.

On the other hand, Yang Rui’s grandfather, Duan Hongsheng, opened a lot of them. Not only did he work in state-owned enterprises, but he also brought all his family members into various enterprises in the city. Of course, this is also a fashionable practice, not only should not be condemned, but also a sign of the dedication of the whole family.

As the boss of the Duan family, Duan Hua entered the factory in the 1980s and chose the most popular Xibao Meat Factory at the time. For the people at the time, joining the Meat Factory not only represented a stable salary, but also represented the ability to get meat and food. Grease, in the age when it was barely enough to fill the stomach, the Xibao Meat Union Factory was a unit that was more difficult and more affordable than the County Finance Bureau.

Even in the ages, the Xibao Meat Union Factory is still an excellent enterprise in the city and even in the province. Especially after setting up its own cannery and leather factory, the benefits can be described as luxurious, and the employees can not only take away their accents at a cheap price. Leftovers such as bones are regularly distributed to pork, sewage and other products. The most tempting outsiders is the defective products from the cannery’s quality inspection. Not only do they don’t need meat tickets, they will also be sold to employees at a price of less than 50%. This alone is enough for the son-in-laws of the meat joint factory to beat three mother-in-laws.

However, occasionally a little of this kind of product can be divided by one’s own family, but too many quantities will affect the revenue.

As the deputy director of the cannery in charge of production, Yang Rui’s uncle Duan Hua has been a headache for defective products for a long time.

Naihe canned spareribs itself is a relatively new variety. He found several major factories and asked for help, but the problem was not solved.

This time, Duan Hua wanted to find a better one through Yang Feng.

After three rounds of drinking, Duan Hua slowly put down the wine glass and started talking about the business: “After the general factory changed the party committee secretary, the production was forced to be too tight. This time I have to find a real one. You know from the Provincial Animal Husbandry Bureau. People, can you introduce an expert?”

Although Yang Feng is only a regular-level secretary of the township party committee, he has many elders and friends, and most of them hold posts at the provincial and municipal levels. Duan Hua was so overwhelmed by him that he immediately thought of his brother-in-law.

“Limited time?” Yang Feng knew what was going on as soon as he heard it.

“It takes three months to see results, and now there are two months left. Can you tell me, can the technical problem be solved like this?” Duan Hua rubbed his round nose and shook his head: “The man who got this production line back then At that time, I sent a few young guys to Qing* Island to study for three months. Now it’s fine, and the yield rate has dropped again and again. In the end, the improvement of the craftsmanship fell on me again.”

“The low yield rate is not a matter of a day or two. Why has it been urged recently?”

Duan Huameng took a sip of wine and said: “The municipal bureau is going to check the operation of the production line and also to grade the products. The factory is anxious.”

“If the factory is in a hurry, let them be anxious, for fear that they won’t succeed? Our old Duan family is so bullied. If he wants to splash dirty water, he splashes dirty water? If you can’t pull the bottom, I will talk to Li Datou, he is the director of the factory. We also helped…” Rui Ma’s sturdyness instantly convinced Yang Rui.

The woman who grew up in the state-owned enterprise compound is really fearless.

Duan Hua smiled bitterly: “It’s not Li’s business, it’s a document from the general factory. The new party secretary is from the Light Industry Bureau. He is young and has a background. It is estimated that he came to take over the old factory director’s shift. This The guy made a slogan, calling the mediocre ones to get off, and the able ones to go up. The yield rate of the cannery does not improve. My deputy director in charge of production is the mediocre, and his people are the able ones.”

The cannery is a branch of the meat joint factory, and all personnel arrangements are subject to the main factory. Although the position of the party secretary is far less powerful than that of the factory director, when the secretary himself has a background, his rank is very effective.

“Is it the canned spare ribs production line that has a low yield rate?” Yang Rui suddenly asked when he heard this.

“It’s that.” Duan Hua thought Yang Rui was just curious.

“Then what’s the current yield rate?” Yang Rui asked while thinking.

“75% just passed.”

Yang Rui shook his head secretly, and asked, “If you want to pass the test, what is the yield rate?”

“Okay, I know that I care about my uncle.” Duan Hua smiled twice before answering: “To pass, at least a% yield rate, maybe 85%.”

The yield rate of 85% is very low. In a market economy, it is difficult for such a cannery to survive.

Yang Rui nodded slowly, comparing the pros and cons of various related papers in his mind.

The papers on canned spareribs focused on the late and early decades. It is a product that comes and goes suddenly. It is an attempt by some meat conglomerates to solve the large accumulation of bone-in meat.

However, the spare ribs in the 1980s were worthless and accumulated, which does not mean that the spare ribs have been worthless. When its price rose, the canned spare ribs naturally disappeared.

It will take five or six years for the traditionally slow academic circles to begin to solve the practical difficulties of the enterprise. In other words, most of the experts invited by the uncle now have to study from the beginning.

At this time, Rui’s mother asked again anxiously: “If you can’t pass the test, will you really step down?”

“It’s very likely.” Duan Hua raised his head to another glass of wine and smacked his lips: “Kid Han, is the new party secretary named Han Sen. This guy likes to use extravagant tricks and is a little bit clever. The factory elder is old, I don’t care about things. If I get named by the city bureau, he probably won’t help me fight.”

“The crooked way is not far away. It’s not that there are still two months left. I will go to Yicheng to find Lao Mao tomorrow and get you a powerful expert back.” Father Yang made a categorical promise, and he was also aware of the crisis.

“Okay, okay. I have gathered the technical departments. As long as the experts arrive, I will immediately improve the production process.” Duan Hua took a full drink.

Still searching for related papers, Yang Rui couldn’t put it on.

He is not optimistic about the plans of his uncle and his father. Experts are not gods. If there are no known conclusions or research, experts can only re-summarize and research. This will take time.

Secondly, it takes time for the factory to adjust the production process.

It is naturally extremely difficult to complete these two tasks at the same time within two months, and it requires chance and coincidence.

Yang Rui couldn’t watch his uncle fight for luck.

In my memory, in the era of shortage economy, the meat and discounted goods sent by my uncle were the main source of protein for the Yang family. Today’s Yang Rui, who can inherit a good skin bag, also has to thank his uncle for his support.

Otherwise, depending on the two stubborn Secretary Yang, although starvation is not necessarily the case, it will definitely suffer more.

Thinking of this, Yang Rui no longer covered it, dipped it in water, and drew a line on the table, saying: “Uncle, does the process of your ribs production line first pre-cook, then deep-fry, then cut into pieces, and canned? Sealing and sterilizing, and finally packaging?”

He said a word and drew a dot on the line, which corresponds to the flow of the production line. UU Reading

“How do you know?” Duan Hua was surprised and broken. Today is an era of scarcity of information, not an era of information explosion. Without the Internet, there are few books and periodicals. It is difficult for people to find the information they want. It is also an employee of a food factory. The technicians in the flour factory may not know anything about the cannery. Yang Rui has never been to the cannery, and there is nowhere to know where to go.

Yang Rui looked pure: “Last summer, I didn’t go to the provincial capital, but lived at Sanjiu’s house for a while. At that time, I always ran to the library, including the city library, and the school library. I remember reading an article. In other words, canned spare ribs. I also did some research…”

He not only explained the channels for obtaining information, but also paved the way for the future.

Duan Hua didn’t realize this, so he couldn’t laugh or cry: “Have you done some research? Okay, then tell me, what did you study?”

“There are four ways to solve the problem of canned ribs.” Yang Rui’s expression is like saying that there are four ways to write fennel and fennel.

In fact, they are almost the same in his eyes.

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