Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Enrollment Oath

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Chemistry teacher Zhuang Musheng is a very serious tall man, and he also has the most stringent requirements on students. He often punishes students for copying element tables, or beats palms and backs with bamboo boards.

This year, there is no saying that corporal punishment is prohibited. Even if the parents don’t say “my kid, please hit casually”, after the teacher hits casually, the parents will only make up for the fat beating at home.

Therefore, even the old students in the returning class were a little trembling when they arrived in the chemistry class.

However, today’s Zhuang Musheng smiled since he entered the door. He kindly lit a cigarette. After chatting with a few classmates in the front row for a while, he said in Mandarin with a strong local accent: “What? , Let’s start the paper.”

The students below sat upright, and a few smokers near the podium were breathing the fugitive smoke.

The scene couldn’t be more harmonious.

Zhuang Musheng slowly untied the thread tied to the paper, and then slowly unfolded the test paper before twisting out the first one. After reading it carefully, he said, “Student Yang Rui, divide, everyone applauds.”

Sparse applause, accompanied by various incredulous eyes.

Zhuang Musheng didn’t care what the students below thought, and he smiled on the stage: “Yang Rui’s papers will be put here first, monitor, please take down the papers of other students.”

Seeing Liu Shan taking away all the papers, Zhuang Musheng drew his eyes, pinched a piece of chalk, and said: “Let’s look at the last question of the Chemistry Paper first. The title of this question is actually a bit problematic, and I also read it. Only when Yang Rui’s answer was noticed, come, Yang Rui, come up and tell everyone…”

“Actually, the chemical formulas don’t match well. Ammonia is not needed here. A slight change is appropriate.” Yang Rui’s mental age is about to be about one year old, and he is too lazy to talk about the chemistry teacher’s omissions, so he just covered the wrong question with just two sentences After that, I will only say the answer, not about the errors or omissions.

When a smart student compares the questions a little bit, he knows that the last question is not that simple. If you don’t change it, you can’t do it at all.

What this shows, it means that when Yang Rui answered the question, he answered the question genuinely.

Otherwise, copy the standard answer to copy the wrong answer.

Squad leader Liu Shan finished the papers, sat in her own position, and calculated silently in her heart: Mathematics, physics and chemistry are all full marks, there are points, plus 87 points in English, now the published scores already have points, you can rub a copy. Side. If you count the unannounced language, politics and biology that haven’t been tested, don’t you go to the university where you want to go?

Many things are beyond calculation.

Originally I just thought that the full score was exaggerated, but with such a calculation, it has calculated a tangible future for others.


Liu Shan would dream about it occasionally, but she has never seen anyone around her who can do it.

Hu Yanshan’s glass heart was also broken, and his mouth was dry and unable to open. To say that Yang Rui is only good at mathematics and physics is already deceiving himself. Now that he can’t lie to himself, it makes him envy and hate Yang Rui.

On stage.

Yang Rui finished the last question in a few words, smiled as usual, and said: “Students who want to join the study group can submit a written application to Wang Guohua. The result of the inspection will be notified within one week.”

Zhuang Musheng seemed to be satisfied with listening on stage, and nodded: “It is a good thing to have a good learning method to share with classmates. Well, I will also strengthen chemistry learning in the future.”

After speaking, he began to follow the first question.

Where did the classmates feel in the mood to listen to the lecture, each of them whispered about Yang Rui.

It’s almost an overnight change, everyone sees it, and envies it in their hearts.

Yang Rui quietly sat back in his position, and did not listen to much of the class, so he copied and wrote in his own notebook.

Wang Guohua looked strange and asked softly: “What are you doing?”

“Must buy meat money.” Yang Rui sighed, with a sad expression on his face.

“What to mess with?”

“Well, now the final test is over, and the study group will have to recruit people for a week or two. In these two days, I am going to write some articles and submit them to the magazine. After collecting the manuscript fee, I will eat meat together.” Yang Rui said lazily, hand-in-hand. The action on it is not slow.

What he has in his head is not only the papers he read during graduate school, but also the articles he read in middle school and elementary school. Apart from the abstract nature, they are naturally fresh products that have not yet been published.

Here, literary articles still have issues with style, and articles on popular science and learning are much simpler. For example, the formulas and the hexagonal memory method taught to Wang Guohua above can be shown in magazines such as “Mathematics for Middle School Students” after a little sorting.

If it is a little bit more detailed, it is not difficult to mix hundreds or thousands of words in each article.

The sales of magazines in the era were very high. Just pull out an unfamiliar publication and it has sales of one to two hundred thousand. Well-known literary publications have sales of millions, which are more than the newspapers of later generations.

As a result, the manuscript fee is quite generous, ranging from as little as RMB a thousand words to as many as one hundred RMB and a thousand characters. The monthly salary of an ordinary worker is no more than Yuan, and the salary at the township level is even lower, often only Yuan.

In this way, if you write an article, you can get a salary of almost one month. It is slightly difficult to have meat all the time, but it is easy to do it frequently.

What’s more, Yang Rui just copied the existing articles in his head, and there is no burden to have a few more articles.

Wang Guohua seemed to understand but asked: “Vote to the magazine, really show it? What did you write?”

“Just write some special uses of middle school math formulas, such as the discrimination of odd and even, how can we make more accurate judgments…” Seeing that he didn’t understand, Yang Rui turned around and said, “There is also a jingle or something…”

“Oh, jingle, this is easy to use. However, the jingle you taught me was not left by an old teacher?” Wang Guohua still remembers this.

Yang Rui said vaguely: “He taught me some, and I learned to edit myself.”

“Then you made up, can you show it?”

“Look, it doesn’t matter if you can’t.”

“That’s true.” Wang Guohua satisfied his curiosity and went back to attend the class.

Yang Rui continued to copy his articles because it was the first time for a newcomer. He didn’t dare to copy too long, so he tried his best to choose moderate difficulty, which happened to be a level that a middle school student could make.

Of course, the trick is somewhat inspired.

After the chemistry class was over, Zhuang Musheng packed up his things and went out.

The classroom fell silent for a while.

A few seconds later, Xu Jing stood up first, took a piece of paper, handed it to Yang Rui, and said, “I want to join your group.”

“I see.” Yang Rui just opened the application and handed over another piece of paper.

“I also want to join the group.” This time it was Cao Baoming, whose tall body blocked the aisles.

“You just use a piece of draft paper to write the application.”

“You didn’t say to write on tin foil.” Cao Baoming joked. Cigarettes wrapped in tin foil are two cents more expensive than those not wrapped in tin foil.

Seeing that Yang Rui was about to put it away, he quickly said: “Look at how I wrote.”

Yang Rui couldn’t help looking at Xu Jing.

“Look at him first.” Xu Jing looked like a very talking female man.

“Then wait a moment.” Yang Rui smoothed out Cao Baoming’s application, and then did not speak for a long time.

“Can you not see clearly?” Cao Baoming said anxiously, “I will read it to you.”

“and many more…”

Cao Baoming coughed and read: “I volunteer to join the Yang Rui study group, support the group’s program, abide by the group’s charter, fulfill the obligations of the group members, implement the group’s decisions, and strictly observe the group’s discipline…”

Yang Rui knocked on his forehead with a headache, UU Reading unexpectedly rewritten the oath of joining the party…

Although it is a bit inappropriate, I have to admit that such a change is quite good for Yang Rui’s spleen and stomach.

Cao Baoming showed a smug smile.

He is stout and strong, but he has good eyesight. After careful thinking, he really scratched Yang Rui’s itching.

“How about, can I join the group?” Cao Baoming rubbed his hands, he did find Yang Rui’s group useful.

Yang Rui hesitated for a moment and then smiled: “You can study with the group and be a reserve member first.”

“Reserve team member?”

“Make sure your performance is consistent with your application, you can officially join in.”

Cao Baoming suddenly felt that he seemed to write too much.

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