Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 19

Chapter 19 improve dramatically

Chapter 19 Rapid Development (This chapter is free)

After the “merger” of the eight Internet cafes in the Blue Zone, “Chufeng Internet City” became the only Internet cafe in the Blue Zone. Counting the computers in the merged Internet cafes, there are a total of 165 computers, and profits doubled next time. It has also greatly eased the trouble of many students waiting for the computer, but compared with the majority of student flow, the supply is still in short supply.

The “annexation” operation also completely stabilized the price of Internet cafes.

The disguised annexation of “” also greatly affected other small owners who wanted to open Internet cafes. After inquiring about the prospects and market evaluation, although there is still a market, it is difficult to compete with “” “City” competition, and there is no good facade around to open a large-scale network city, so in a short period of time, “Chufeng Network City” has become a unique show in the blue zone.

Lin Feng is naturally not satisfied with his current achievements. After rebirth, he will never be complacent because of this little achievement.

A month later, when it entered June, Lin Feng had settled the accounts. In May, due to the annexation of other Internet cafes, his profit skyrocketed from 105,840 yuan to 232,400 yuan. In addition to 3 cashiers, health workers and network administrators, plus various taxes and other expenses, there is 226,500 yuan.

The net profit of non-staple food at the bar also rose to 1,500 yuan this month, and the biggest surprise was the automatic coffee machine. The two automatic coffee machines have brought a net profit of 1,800 yuan to Lin Feng, and consumes an average of 4 bags of 700 grams of Nescafe coffee every day. This is an unexpected surprise.

In this way, the final net profit of “Chufeng Internet City” in May was 229,800 yuan.

Since the computers of the eight Internet cafe owners were annexed after May 10, Lin Feng gave each person 480 yuan per computer. Except for Liu Yishan’s 8 computers, 72 computers paid a total of 34,560 yuan, and Liu Yishan gave him 6,400 yuan. yuan.

After some calculations, Lin Feng’s net profit in May reached 188,840 yuan. Seeing this number, even the pj-Chu Zhixuan, who has been fighting in the interstellar world, has been enjoying himself for several days, and even “StarCraft” has also played abnormally, losing a few games in a row, greatly losing the reputation of “Star Wars”.

But Chu Zhixuan didn’t care, he was happy. Seeing this number, although he posted tens of thousands of yuan for several months in a row, the prospects are bright. He can imagine that in the future, he will definitely count the money and get cramps.

For Lin Feng’s previous annexation plan, Chu Zhixuan can only use one word to describe it-strong! At a very young age, Chu Zhixuan can have this kind of courage. On the one hand, Chu Zhixuan secretly sighed that he was terrifying, on the other hand, he was proud of choosing the right partner.

In accordance with the terms agreed in the contract with Chu Zhixuan, Lin Feng once again used all this income to purchase computers. 30 computers were added again, and this time all became 17-inch monitors. Counting these 30 “Chufeng Internet City” has a total of 195 computers. This can basically meet the needs of students in the morning. As for the golden period of the afternoon and evening, the supply is still in short supply.

After all the computers were purchased and equipped, Lin Feng re-planned the “Chufeng Internet City”. In view of the fact that there is no broadband Internet service in Chu City, Lin Feng has only designated 10 computers as a special “Internet cafe” area, and the remaining 185 computers are all used for games.

Although it is now the “Empire Age” and “StarCraft” in power, in order to satisfy people of different tastes, Lam Fung also specially demonstrated the online battle between “Delta Special Forces” and “Legend of Wizards”, so that more people came to the game. A choice. It can be regarded as a condiment between “Age of Empires” and “StarCraft”.

At this time, Aunt Huang also owns 8 computers in the Internet cafe and can make up 4vs4. Although the price has dropped a little, the profit has remained unchanged due to the purchase of computers. This makes Aunt Huang smile every day, but she never forgets to brag about Lin Feng’s vision and ability.

But at this time Lin Feng was not as optimistic as Aunt Huang. Occasionally when passing through the urban area, Lin Feng has discovered that several large online shopping malls are undergoing renovation. Lin Feng glanced at the scale. Not surprisingly, the number of computers in each home is more than 200. Although it is far away from the Lanzhou Special Zone, he will not be affected. “Chufeng Internet City” caused any impact on the business, but it was devastating to the small Internet cafes in the urban area.

Lin Feng once again persuaded Aunt Huang to buy an Internet cafe into the “Chufeng Internet City”, and Lin Feng treated Aunt Huang as Liu Yishan. However, Aunt Huang refused again, which made Lin Feng feel helpless and secretly annoyed. Refers to a sunshine avenue, do not walk, have to cross this single-plank bridge that is about to collapse.

Aunt Huang has calculated in private that she has 8 computers now, although it is only 2.5 yuan an hour, but a monthly gross income of 10,800 yuan, apart from all expenses of 2,300 yuan, she can still have a net profit of 8,500 yuan. But Lin Feng only gave her 6,400 yuan a month, which was a full 2,100 yuan less. Although she can relax a little bit and no longer have to guard the Internet cafe all day, she can take better care of Huang Shuqi, but Aunt Huang can’t bear the income of 2,100 yuan.

Lin Feng also knew the little Jiujiu in Aunt Huang’s heart. Since she doesn’t want it, let’s forget it. In the future, Internet cafes will be squeezed by large-scale Internet cities, and I can’t blame myself for reminding her every time. As for the expenses of Huang Shuqi’s university, Lin Feng believes that this will no longer be a problem. With his current net worth, he can easily support Huang Shuqi to finish university. As for Aunt Huang, she can find a sustainable business at that time. Lin Feng believes that based on his memory of the next 9 years, this is really simple.

The only thing that worries Lin Feng is, what is his attitude towards Huang Shuqi in his heart? What is Huang Shuqi’s attitude towards herself? What is the relationship between the two families now? This made Lin Feng dare not easily break the layer of sand between him and Huang Shuqi. Fortunately, now Huang Shuqi is about to take the college entrance examination, and everything will be discussed after she finishes the college entrance examination.

During this period, relatives from both sides also visited the “Chufeng Net City” by appointment, and constantly praised Lin Feng for his vision and courage. He has opened such a big net city and is a role model among all the younger generations.

For their compliments, Lin Feng knows what their subtext is, hoping to buy a stake in his own network city, so as to recover some of the huge losses in Yi’an technology. Originally, there is nothing wrong with this share request. “Chufeng Internet City” is also developing rapidly. Sodium absorption funds can speed up the pace of development, but their identity is the reason for Lin Feng’s refusal again.

The family business is not big, and it will not last long. A company needs to speak up. A company like this type of joint venture with relatives rarely succeeds. Lin Feng didn’t want the foundation he worked so hard to create to be ruined by infighting like this.

With disappointed and complaining eyes, Lin Feng sent away the relatives on both sides of his parents. Lin Feng knows that for a long time, he has been the subject of their verbal criticism, but it does not matter. As long as the next time I have the opportunity to introduce them to an industry with a high return on profit, he will once again become what they call the “after”. Back to the role model”. In the rapid development of “Chufeng Internet City”, discordant voices have also appeared.

“Damn, who did you scold just now?” The calm Internet cafe suddenly exploded.

“Fuck, I just scolded you, you are stupid, why did you fight just now?” A person stood up on the other side.

“I think you are x, you have another kind of scolding!” This “teng, tum, and tumbling” here rushed to the other side, pointing to the opponent’s nose and cursing.

When a man is pointed at his nose and scolded, he is still in the public, no one will be a tortoise. Although it seems that the figure who was scolded by the nose is a little thin, but if he retracts at this time, he will be laughed to death. In particular, most of the surrounding areas are from the same school, so if it spreads out, it will be shameless to see people.

“I’m the one who is x you, I scolded you.” The little one understood the principle of starting first from the “StarCraft”, and directly punched the big one in the face.

Naturally, it was a melee. Fortunately, it was all classmates, but it didn’t cause a group fight, otherwise the “Chufeng Net City” would suffer. Who will pay for the broken things? Looking for these students? Do they have money to lose?

Not long after Lin Feng and Chu Zhixuan separated the two with the help of other classmates.

“Okay, what do you guys look like? They are all classmates. Playing for a game, is it good-looking!” Chu Zhixuan is a bit fat here, and looks particularly burly, plus he is the famous “Interstellar” “God of War”, what he said is particularly weighty.

Although the two still stared at each other, they finally didn’t fight again.

“Okay, okay, it’s okay, everyone continues to play the game!” Lin Feng also hurriedly dispersed everyone, lest they get together and cause trouble again.

“Well, the two of you shook hands. It was considered a reconciliation. Why bother with classmates blushing and having a thick neck.” Under the half-force of Lin Feng and Chu Zhixuan, the two of them shook hands reluctantly.

“Come on, I will invite you two to drink a bottle of Coke to calm down. It is considered that you do not know each other.” Lin Feng handed over a bottle of Coke by himself, which was regarded as exposing the matter.

However, today this incident also reminded Lin Feng that the violence incidents in Internet cafes have to be guarded against. Especially those who came to play were students, young and energetic, and they were playing competitive games, and it was easy to get started if they didn’t agree with each other. Today was pretty good, and there was no group fight, otherwise Lin Feng would not know who to cry if he wanted to cry.

After careful consideration, Lin Feng decided to hire a few security guards. One is to prevent the occurrence of violent incidents in Internet cafes; the other is to prevent thefts in Internet cafes. Regardless of whether these two things happen to be the same, they are both very headache and depressing. They are prepared and prepared. Although there is an additional expenditure, they are of great benefit to the future stable development.

Things are as Lin Feng expected. After hiring a security guard, no cyber cafe violence occurred in the “Chufeng Internet City”. At the same time, due to the presence of security guards, students who come to the Internet have a sense of security and don’t have to worry about their mobile phones. Such items were stolen.

Just when Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, troubled him to find the door again.

“Who is the boss here?” Several uniformed police officers walked in.

“Uh, I am, is there anything wrong?” Lin Feng frowned, wondering what happened.

The police in the lead looked and didn’t seem to believe that the boss of “Chufeng Net City” would be so young. Lin Feng could only smile helplessly at this. In China, he still believes in the saying: There is no hair on his mouth, and he can’t do things well.

“I heard that you had a fight a few days ago!” The leading policeman looked around and said.

“Hehe, please take care of it, it’s just that the two classmates quarreled for a while and they were all right soon.” Lin Feng said with a smile. But there is always something wrong in my heart.

“Well, that’s good. You have to be careful of violence when you open such a big Internet cafe.” The leading public security officer turned around with a few people and said, “I heard there have been cases of theft?”

“Hehe, thank you for your constant concern. It did happen. After we hired a security guard, it never happened again.” Lin Feng always felt that there was something in the leading police’s words.

“Come on, since you are the boss, it’s easy to say, this is the notice given to you by our Lante district police station.” The leading public security officer took out a piece of paper from the briefcase.

Lin Feng’s face turned green immediately.

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