Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Self-inflicted, can’t live

“Bell the bell ”

“Hey!” Lin Feng didn’t have to think about it and knew it must be a relative’s phone number. Thinking of the siege of the people on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, Lin Feng didn’t want to pay attention to them, but looking at his father, Lin Feng had no choice but to put aside his unhappiness.

“Lin Feng, how much will Yi’an Technology rise to? Do you have any news?” Aunt is a real stock fan among relatives.

“Well, aunty, the maximum 126 yuan will be thrown away, otherwise it will definitely fall.” Now Lin Feng is no longer afraid of leaks. Yi’an Technology has risen to this level, and it will definitely not deviate from the historical trajectory.

“126 yuan? You are so sure. The previous few times you always said that the news could not be confirmed, which caused us to make a lot of money.” Auntie displeased Lin Feng for the “fake” news several times before.

“Well, no matter how many shares you have this time, you must let go of them if you exceed 126 yuan.” Lin Feng said with certainty.

“Really?” The aunt hung up the phone dubiously.

“Bell the bell ”

The phone kept ringing. They were all calls from relatives asking if Lin Feng had any insider information. For these elders, Lin Feng had done his best to tell them that Yi’an Technology had to throw it away after 126 yuan. However, judging from their tone, it seems that they did not believe Lin Feng’s warning very much, but revealed suspicion, suspecting that Lin Feng would be on holiday again.

Lin Feng could only helplessly smile at the suspicion of his relatives. Perhaps now, in the eyes of these elders, he is no different from the kid who shouted “The wolf is coming.”

On February 17, 2000, Yi’an Technology reached a peak of 126.31 yuan. In the securities trading floor, every one percentage point increase of Yi’an Technology will attract unanimous applause and excited applause from all investors, applauding the magic of this stock.

At 10 o’clock in the morning, when Yi’an Technology broke through 126 yuan, he sold out 25 lots of stocks in his hand, exchanged for cash yuan, and returned the 50,000 yuan that he borrowed. However, the relatives on both sides of the parents did not sell one. They believed in the words of stock commentators that Yi’an Technology would break through the 130 yuan mark at least.

“Dad, tell your aunt and the others, in any case, you must sell Yi’an Technology today, or they will regret it.” As a last resort, Lin Feng asked his father to call his relatives on both sides. Everyone with relatives, Lin Feng couldn’t just watch them fall into this pit.

Of course, Lin Feng was more afraid of their siege. Remind them early that no matter whether they sell or not, they can no longer use it to bury themselves at that time. If you don’t remind them, they will all be paid in by the time, and Ken is afraid it is not as simple as complaining about Lin Feng.

“Hey, my third sister, my son said, I must sell Yi’an Technology today.” Lin Qixiong dialed the phone, but before he finished speaking, there was a lot of noise in the microphone.

“Boss, it’s not my sister who said you, Xiaofeng, this kid is too rude. He squeezed the stocks to make money without telling us the information. Now we have finally bought it again and want us to sell it again! Why, he is too timid to play, and he won’t let us buy. Is he afraid that we are also making money? He looks uncomfortable. Brother, if there are too many, I won’t say anything, I will look at the stocks.” Aunty counted. Behind, hung up the phone.

Lin Qixiong was stunned for a while, wondering where the third sister was so angry. The stock is inherently risky, and it is normal for Xiaofeng to not confirm it before. Now that the price is so high, it is more kind to remind them to avoid risks. Unexpectedly, they have been met with a lot of criticism. Lin Qixiong’s comments made Lin Qixiong a little uncomfortable.

The result was the same. I heard that Lin Feng asked them to sell the stocks now. They all complained and criticized Lin Feng for not wanting to hinder them from making money. Some even bluntly said that Lin Feng only wanted to make money for himself, and he could not see others make money. In the end, none of them sold, and they squeezed the stocks to death, waiting for Yi’an Technology to break through the rumored 130 yuan mark.

Then it is 140 yuan, 150 yuan

Regarding this, Lin Feng could only sigh that these people were blinded by the lard, and could not see the powerful relationship. Forget it, I have tried my best, and they don’t listen to me, so what can I do.

On February 18, 2000, Yi’an Technology rarely stopped its upward trend, and the stock price remained unchanged throughout the morning. This is a red flag, but it is considered by investors to be a hidden signal before the next wave. Not only did no one use this last escape opportunity to sell the stocks that they had made a lot of money, but more people poured in for fear that they would not be able to keep up with the next wave of rising prices.

Regarding this abnormal situation, Lin Feng once again asked his father to call all his relatives, but the result was still the same. Not only did no one listen this time, he took out the words of various stock review experts to refute Lin Feng and even mocked Lin Feng for his timidity. , But can’t tolerate others to get rich.

Heaven does evil, and you can live. Do not live by committing sins. –Lin Feng sighed long.

On February 21, 2000, the stock market had just opened. After Yi’an Technology rose slightly by one point, when many investors shouted and cheered, it fell to the limit in less than ten minutes.

The green numbers made all the investors in the stock exchange dumbfounded, rubbing their eyes desperately and couldn’t believe the scene before them. Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, they are all stupid.

All the stock exchanges in the country were silent at the same time unexpectedly, and unexpectedly broke the Guinness World Record for keeping the largest number of people quiet at the same time. It’s just that this record is definitely not good luck.

“Don’t worry, everyone, rest assured, this must be a technical callback, and it will definitely rise tomorrow.” An old stockholder suddenly climbed up and shouted, not knowing whether he was comforting everyone or comforting himself, but he was echoed by all stockholders and published their own opinions. The view, without exception, is that this is only a short-term callback. Perhaps they have faintly felt uneasy in their hearts, but at this time, they have no retreat and can only comfort themselves in this way.

“Hey, Xiaofeng, how exactly is Yi’an Technology? Is it a technical callback?” After the stock market was closed in the afternoon, relatives flocked to Lin Feng’s small internet cafe. After changing the ridicule of Lin Feng two days ago, he looked helpless and blank, as if the drowning person wanted to grab the last floating straw.

“Sell, you can sell as much as you can, Yi’an Technology will continue to fall, there is no hope.” Lin Feng could only comfort them so much. However, I knew in my heart that it was in vain to want to escape from the dead at this time.

The subsequent trend was as expected by Lin Feng. Yi’an Technology vented to the end and did not give investors a chance to escape. All investors could only watch with tears the rapid depreciation of the high-priced stocks in their hands, and the hard-earned money accumulated over the years was turned into this way. Nothing.

“Xiaofeng , your aunt is so miserable , Xiaofeng, tell your aunt, and see if there is any way!” As Yi’an Technology went down all the way, the relatives also rectified The sky came to the door, crying about the sharp decline in stocks, and the hard-earned money turned into a bubble in an instant.

In addition to shaking his head or shaking his head, Lin Feng has warned you repeatedly before that if you don’t listen, what can I do. Even if Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is invited, it will not be able to save Yi’an Technology.

In the end, Lin Feng was entangled in helplessness, so he had to temporarily leave the Internet cafe to his father to take care of, went out to take refuge, and found the next place suitable for investment.

Now that we have 250,000 funds on hand, we already have the foundation to expand the appearance of Internet cafes. What is missing is a good location. A prime location where you can continue to develop Internet cafes.

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