Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Thief detective?

At the cruise restaurant, Gao Cheng once again saw Moori Kogoro and his party, but the situation was very embarrassing.

The old man Qiben sternly asked his son-in-law, “Who is he? Did you take it on board on your own initiative?”

Kimoto’s parents and daughter’s husband Kimoto Kitauro said in horror: “No, I have never seen him…”

“That, he is…” Mao Lilan wanted to help, but was startled by the father’s terrifying eyes.

“Is it a thief?” Old Man Qiben snorted coldly.

“I’m really sorry,” Gao Cheng explained hurriedly, “Actually, I came up without authorization to investigate something. I’m from the City Detective Agency…”

“Detective?!” Before Gao Cheng finished speaking, the expressions of the people in Qiben’s family changed.

“Huh!” Mr. Qimoto left the restaurant with a gloomy expression, “First lock this guy up, and hand it over to the police when you get to Tokyo!”

“Huh?” Gao Cheng saw everyone’s reaction and said in a daze, “What, what’s wrong?”

The grandfather and granddaughter Qimoto Xiajiang apologized: “My grandfather hates detectives the most. He said that a detective is a despicable guy who stalks people and digs for privacy…”

“Huh eh?”

Gao Cheng was locked into the warehouse with a dazed expression, and hurriedly patted the door after he reacted: “Wait a minute! An incident is going to happen on this ship, I mean it! Let me go out!”

“Brother Gao Cheng, they are all gone.”

Conan stayed alone, leaning against the outside of the warehouse and said obediently, but couldn’t help muttering in his heart: “It’s really incredible, I can touch you like this.”

“Hmm,” Gao Cheng sat aside helplessly, frowned and asked outside the door, “You said they won’t really hand me over to the police?”

Conan said non-committal: “But Brother Gao Cheng sneaked up and said he was a detective.”

“Who knows that they hate detectives so much. Besides, aren’t Maori detectives also detectives?” The mention of Gao Cheng is even more depressing.

“Uncle hasn’t told them yet,” Conan paused, then asked suddenly, “Hey, Brother Gao Cheng, you said something is going to happen here, is it true?”

“Of course it is true, this is my instinct as a detective.”

“Ha ha.”

In the cabin, Qi Benwu, who was married to Qi Ben Xiajiang (because he was married, his surname followed the woman), was called into the room by the old man.

“Xiao Wu, did you behave well at today’s wedding,” the old man Qiben said, sitting quietly on the sofa, “Xia Jiang, she would really pick a husband.”

“Ha, thanks for the compliment.”

Qimoto Takeshi shyly scratched his face with his fingers, and the old man who saw this scene grinned and said: “Scratch your face when you are ashamed. It’s really like a person.”

“Huh?” Qimoto Takeshi didn’t know why.

“You are like your father, Yongfu Caicheng!” The old man said with a sullen face, “Do you think you can hide from me if you use your household registration? You sneaked into the company and took the opportunity to get close to Xiajiang in order to avenge your father. I knew it a long time ago! Say, what is your purpose?!”

The old man looked coldly at Qimoto Takeshi, whose expression changed drastically: “Do you want money, or do you want my life?! Say ah! What’s the matter? You have nothing to say? Come on!”

“Cuckoo!” Gao Cheng cried out hungry at the cruise ship warehouse.

It was getting late, because he was afraid of missing the ship, he hadn’t even eaten food before.

“That fellow Conan doesn’t care about me, go on like this…”

During dinner time, the old housekeeper walked out of Mr. Qiben’s room, but he didn’t respond to what he called. He had to take out the spare key: “Excuse me, sir, everyone is waiting for you…”

Opening the door, the old butler’s face suddenly changed, and he backed away in horror: “Master–!”

The exclamation sounded through the cabin. Gao Cheng heard the sound in the warehouse for the first time, and slapped the warehouse door hurriedly and shouted: “What happened? Hey, open the door!”


I took several shots, but everyone on the boat seemed to be attracted by the shouts, and no one cared about him.

While he was in a hurry, Mao Lilan ran over and opened the latch outside the door and said, “No, Gao Chengjun, Xia Jiang’s grandfather was killed!”

“What? That old man?”

rushed to the murder scene with Mo Lilan, Gao Cheng saw the crowd around the door of the room, and Moori Kogoro had already started reasoning.

The suspect is locked as Qimoto Xiajiang’s newlywed husband, Takeshi Kimoto.

Qimoto Takehiko’s true identity was revealed, he was the son of Toeicheng Takehiko, who committed suicide by taking his company from his father ten years ago.

Moori Kogoro reprimanded in a deep voice, “You came close to Xia Jiang and mixed into Qiben’s family to avenge your father… In fact, you had planned for this murder case!”

“It’s not like that!” Kamoto Takeshi said anxiously, “I didn’t kill anyone! Really, believe me!”

Gao Cheng squeezed into the crowd and watched with a gloomy expression as Qimoto was taken to the warehouse: “No, it’s not him. The murderer is not this person.”

is not just because he doesn’t believe Kogoro Moori’s reasoning, but because he already knows the real prisoner.

Gao Cheng glanced across the crowd.

Although he doesn’t know which one it is, he knows the relationship between the prisoner and the deceased.

Because he bought the first volume of Conan comics before, it happened to have this part of the content about luxury passenger ships. I don’t know which **** drew a circle for the murderer in the beginning, “The murderer is this person.”

It was the first time he saw it, so he still vaguely remembers the identity of the murderer.

If there is nothing wrong, the murderer should be the grandson of the deceased, and Qibenwu is only being blamed.

But how can I find evidence?

Gao Cheng followed Conan into the room where the corpse was, but couldn’t see much.

“Do you want to use the famous detective mode?” Seeing that Conan seemed to have discovered something, Gao Cheng thought secretly, “No, it’s only one minute. If you don’t have enough time, it will be troublesome. Try to find clues first.”

“Big Brother,” Conan asked Gao Cheng abruptly, picking up a piece of crumb from the blood stain, “There seems to be crumbs in the blood, what’s the matter?”

is able to predict events by intuition, whether it is a coincidence or whether it was foolish to leave the warehouse before, he is very curious.

“Huh?” Gao Cheng regained his senses, staring at the blood-stained crumbs on Conan’s hand for a while. Although he knew it should be a clue, he couldn’t analyze the reason, so he could only hesitate, “This, I think it’s possible. The old man has eaten bread, right.”

“That’s it.”

Conan turned around with a disappointed look, and the corners of his mouth twitched secretly: “Sure enough, I was just a foolish detective. I was almost deceived by this guy again…Huh? Why do you say it again?”

shook his head vigorously, and Conan turned to the old butler aside and asked, “Butler Suzuki, is there any bread in the food at the wedding today?”

“Huh?” The old butler was taken aback and replied, “Of course there is, because it is French cuisine. This is the young master Xianger who runs a French restaurant. He insists on doing this.

“Does everyone eat bread?” Conan continued to ask.

“Well, apart from the master, the master hates western food the most, especially bread…”

“Damn it.” Out of the corner of Gao Cheng’s eyes, he looked at Conan who was asking questions, and his eyes returned to the other members of the Qiben family.

Conan is indeed very observant, he can even notice the humble bread crumbs in his blood, and it is much better than him to find clues.

But what he needs to do most now is to find out the murderer first and find out who the grandson of the old man is. He doesn’t know the Qiben family here at all, let alone figure out the relationship between these people.

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