Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 33

Chapter 33 Bloody Piano Score

At noon the next day, Gao Chenghei waited for the police from Tokyo with eye circles. Not surprisingly, it was Police Officer Megome again.

“I knew I would meet you again,” Mumu glanced at Mouri Kogoro, who was asleep, “We are going to investigate and inquire at the village office. You should take a good rest and go there later. I will ask Mouri about this. Dude.”

Gao Cheng yawned, and found that Conan and the others were also sleeping, shook their heads and stood up and said, “I won’t sleep here anymore. I’d better go to the village office first.”

“Ah, is this okay?”

“no problem.”

Gao Cheng took Lake Toya to the village office without a good spirit. He originally planned to follow the investigation and inquire, but he fell asleep on the chair outside in a daze.

By six o’clock in the afternoon, Conan and his party also yawned to the village office again and again, and found that the investigation had not yet reached them.

“That kind of place is really not suitable for sleeping.”

Conan looked listlessly at Ko Sung who was sleeping with Lake Toya in a chair: “Brother Ko Sung is really amazing…”

, Moriran and Asai Narimi are also very impressed.

“While sleeping with a knife, it’s worthy of modern Zumanji.” Asai Narumi looked at Lake Toya curiously.

Nothing special, just an ordinary wooden knife…

“What modern left-hand writing?” Kogoro Moori came out of the interrogation room out of anger. “This guy clearly said he would come to help, but he has slept alone until now.”

“Dad,” Mouriran rubbed her eyes, and when she saw Mouri Kogoro, she immediately cheered up and asked, “How is it? Do you know who the prisoner is?”

“Don’t be stupid,” Kogoro Mouri shook his head feebly, “There are 38 people involved in the ceremony, and it won’t be that simple.”

Asai Narumi approached, “Excuse me…when will it be my turn?”

Mori Kogoro looked at his sleepy look, and quickly said ashamed: “I know you are really tired, but you are still in the last place…”

“In this case, I will wash my face before interrogating.” Asai got up and left.

“Uncle,” Conan asked, “How many people are left behind who need to go in for interrogation?”

Kogoro Mouri glanced at the people in the waiting room: “Almost all of them are here, including Dr. Chengshi, the village chief’s daughter Reiko Kuroiwa, her fiance Murazawa Monday, the village chief’s candidate Masato Shimizu, and the village chief’s secretary Kazuhira Hirata. Ming, there are 6 people, Ken Nishimoto, who is currently under investigation.”

Speaking of Nishimoto Ken, Maori surely said, “But this guy is quite time-consuming, and no matter what you ask him, he is silent. My instinct is that the criminal is this guy!”

Conan has a black line on his face: Intuition again…

At 6:30 in the evening, Gao Cheng was awakened by the yelling of Reiko Heiyan, and found that Asai was sitting next to him.

“Can’t you be polite?” In the interrogation room, Reiko Kuroyan stood up and yelled at his eyes, “I have no motive to kill Mr. Kawashima at all! It’s too much!”

“Miss Lingzi is really amazing,” Mao Lilan smacked, “She has been yelling for ten minutes…”

“Sorry,” Gao Cheng sat up and looked at the time. “It’s already so late…Is the investigation still over?”

“There are only a few people left,” Asai said with concern, “Are you okay?”

Gao Cheng smiled and said, “It’s okay, but you don’t seem to have much energy.”

“Of course, how can such a place sleep well?” Conan muttered.

“I didn’t sleep well either.”

Gao Cheng listened to the noise in the interrogation room, and had no interest in helping, so he started chatting with Asai.

“Why did Dr. Cheng Shi come to such a small island? I remember you said you were from Tokyo, right?”

“Yes, so I usually go back to Tokyo to visit my parents on weekends. It feels a bit like a part-time doctor,” Asai said with a smile, “but I have been longing for it for a long time, and I hope to be here. I work on a small island surrounded by nature, so I decided to stay here. Two years have passed without knowing it.”

Gao Cheng looked at the complex emotions on Asai’s beautiful face, and then thought of the strange look last night.

That kind of sadness, it seems that it’s not just not wanting to do an autopsy again…

“That, Dr. Cheng Shi,” Gao Sung asked hesitantly, “You…”


Chengshi looked at Gao Cheng with clear eyes, and waiting for the following, the village office suddenly sounded the second movement of “Moonlight”, and the brisk music resounded in the whole village office, like the song of death.

“This is…” Gao Cheng’s expression changed and stood up.

“Where does the music come from?”

“It’s a broadcasting room!”

Everyone rushed to the second floor with an ominous premonition, just in time to see that Ken Nishimoto, who was horrified, collapsed in horror at the door of the broadcasting room.

Gao Cheng looked into the broadcasting room, his body tightened instantly.

On the broadcasting station of the broadcasting room, the village chief Heiyan was lying on it with blood all over, with a deadly blade stuck in his back, and the blood would dye the broadcasting station red, which looked chilling amidst the melodious piano sound.

“No one is allowed to go in!” Mumu stopped the crowd and shouted to his subordinates, “Call forensics and autopsy personnel to come over right away!”

“Police officer,” the officer reported, “The post-mortem examiner has gone to Tokyo in the evening because of Mr. Kawashima’s autopsy!”

“What?” Mumu got a headache, “Damn it! At this time…”

“That,” Asai stood up and said, “I can help if needed.”

“Doctor Chengshi?”

Mumu was stunned, nodded and said: “Alright, I will trouble you when the forensic team comes over.”

Gao Cheng had a heavy face. Taking advantage of the gap in the police verification scene, he followed into the broadcasting room and looked at the head of Heiyan Village, who had been laid flat on the ground for an autopsy.

Like Kawashima before, this man’s eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost before he died…

“I think the deceased was brutally killed a few minutes before the corpse was found.” Asai reported after the test corpse.

“Well, it is true.” Mumu took out the tape of the second movement of “Moonlight” from the broadcasting station. “There is a blank space of about five minutes and thirty seconds in the front of this tape… In this case, it means that the murderer is still in this village office. Here, only those people are suspected…”

“Detective Megome!” The forensic officer suddenly shouted, “It seems that there is something written in blood under the chair here!”


Mumu squatted down, “Is this music score?”

There are several lines of staff drawn intermittently with blood on the floor, which seems to contain some information just like the last time.

Kogoro Mori pondered hard: “Could it be that this is also the last word left by the victim?”

“No!” Conan didn’t save Maori at all, and while taking out his notebook to jot down the music scores on the floor, he retorted, “If there is time and physical strength to write these things with his own blood, he would be able to go outside long ago. I’m asking for help! So this should be left on purpose by the murderer…”

Moori Kogoro’s face became darker and darker, and he unbearably gave Conan a big bag.


“Smelly boy, let me go!”

“Huh.” Conan walked to the door unhappily and looked at Gao Cheng, who was also studying the score with a small notebook.

“Kioto, have you found anything?”

“not yet…”

Gao Cheng frowned. He had watched the entire scene, but he still had no clue. As for this kind of cryptic music score, even with piano knowledge, he was completely powerless.

His poor reasoning ability, UU reading may not be able to figure it out after a few days…

Gao Cheng silently opened the system light curtain.

One minute is too short, it is not enough to face this kind of complicated case, but now it has reached a dead end, you must find a way to break the situation, if you can’t find the murderer, maybe the murder will continue…

Gao Cheng squatted in front of the bloodstained music score, and as the one-minute famous detective mode started, all the clues were quickly reorganized in his mind.

The first thing to do is to interpret the code. It takes almost no time, and the information in the sheet music is directly presented.

Starting from the leftmost side of the piano keys, put 26 English letters in sequence, and compare the scores to form a unique decryption key…

The music score message in the piano room was interpreted as: Understand, you are the next one.

And the message on the floor of the broadcast room is: here is the resentment of the fire of karma is eliminated…

is not too useful information, Gao Cheng continued to arrange the clues in his mind, and suddenly noticed that the blood used to draw scores on the ground had dried up.

He doesn’t know much about medicine. He doesn’t know how long the blood will dry. The lack of knowledge can’t help even if it’s a one-minute detective model…

But it shouldn’t be so fast…

While there was still time, Gao Cheng looked closely at the corpse of the village chief Heiyan, and then turned to the broadcasting station. After scanning the setting keys on the broadcasting station, his expression suddenly shook.

A bright light flashed in his mind, and almost immediately before the end of the minute, the clues were instantly connected, and an incredible figure emerged.

Takasaki looked stiffly at Asai Narumi who was standing on the side.

Although there are still doubts, but the clues found here can identify the murderer who is in charge of the autopsy.

But why?

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