Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 19

Chapter 19 Cotton man?

“power cut?”

“Maybe the lightning just broke the line!”

Everyone was talking in a panic in the dining room, and Ayako Suzuki volunteered, “I’ll go to the kitchen to get candles!”

“I’ll go with you!”

Morilan worried about following Ayako, and before Gao Cheng could speak, Conan grabbed him and shouted, “I’ll go with Gao Cheng, too!”

Apart from anything else, Conan is very confident in Gao Cheng’s kendo, at least not afraid of weird people like Mo Lilan.

Deadlift Gao Cheng, Conan whispered: “Brother Gao Cheng, you said you want to protect them?”

“Ah, uh.”

Gao Cheng opened his mouth and smiled without refuting.

Mau Lilan has been attacked twice. Although the reason is unknown, it is indeed dangerous.

In the darkness, Ayako Suzuki quickly found the candle in the kitchen. After stroking the match to light the candle, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, “This way, at least it can last some time…”

Gao Cheng stood at the door, waiting for Ayako to walk out of the kitchen with the candlestick, and was about to walk through the corridor, when there was a sound of broken glass in the direction of the restaurant.

“It’s over the restaurant!”

A few people stopped: “Could it be that it’s the bandage weird again?”

“Wait!” Gao Cheng frowned and listened, followed by the sound of broken glass, the sound of rapid footsteps on the stairs, and a sharp wind came from the corridor behind everyone.

Gao Cheng’s eyes condensed slightly, and the wooden knife in his hand swiftly slammed behind him. After smashing the sharp axe that slashed at Maurilan, he continued to slash at the attacker.


Feeling the strange touch from the wooden knife, Gao Cheng was slightly taken aback, and when he reacted, the figure had hurriedly escaped from the corridor.

“This guy…”

“What happened?”

Ayako rushed to Gao Cheng with the candlestick in doubt. When Conan and Mao Lilan saw the axe hitting the floor, they were surprised: “This is not…”

“It’s the bandage weirdo!” Conan looked ugly, and asked Gao Cheng calmly, “Brother Gao Cheng, do you see anything?”

“I didn’t see him, but,” Gao Cheng said with a heavy face, “it felt weird when I chopped on him, as if he had chopped cotton.”


“Well, is it possible that that guy… is the cotton man?” Gao Cheng pondered.

Conan was still listening carefully, and he couldn’t help but stagger.


Holding back the feeling of complaining, Conan reminded: “Brother Gao Cheng, let’s take a look at the restaurant first, isn’t there a noise just now? Maybe we will find some clues.”

“That’s right.”

Back to the restaurant, the electricity in the villa suddenly returned to normal, and the room opened again. At this time, everyone found that the windows on the balcony on the second floor next to the restaurant were damaged from the outside, and there were glass shards everywhere.

Appears to pretend to come in from the outside, but this makes Gao Cheng more certain, unless the bandage man is a ghost, it must be someone in the villa.

And ghosts cannot exist in Conan.

Gao Cheng glanced over the people in the villa and secretly activated the one-minute famous detective mode. The clues he found and all other information were all filtered, analyzed and sorted in his mind.

Like Sherlock Holmes, the whole incident became a clear line connected together in a blink of an eye.

Everything has pointed out the identity of the murderer.

There is only one person who fits the characteristics of a murderer in this villa…

is just the murderer, why should the murderer repeatedly attack Maurilan?

“It’s that person!” Conan also solved all the puzzles for the first time.

But he, a child, can’t solve the case directly, and Kogoro Mouri is not there either…

Conan’s eyes fell on Gao Cheng’s back, and seeing Gao Cheng still thinking, he quietly opened the watch-type anesthesia gun to aim.

“Sorry, Gao Chengjun, in order to prevent Xiaolan from being attacked again, I can only borrow your identity first…”


The sound of the anesthesia needle fired by the watch was very slight. Gao Cheng was completely unaware of it. He almost relied on his instinct to turn around and wave his arm, and the wooden knife smashed the anesthesia needle like a lightning bolt across Lake Toya.

Gao Cheng had a stern look on his face, seeing Conan still holding a watch-type anesthesia gun with a dazed expression, he couldn’t help but stunned: “Huh?!”

“Cheat, lie?” Conan stared blankly at the anesthesia needle being broken, noticed Gao Cheng’s gaze, shrank his neck, and smiled with a guilty conscience, “Well, Gao Cheng brother, I’ll go to the bathroom…”

Gao Cheng couldn’t help mentioning Conan who wanted to sneak up from behind: “Let me wait!”

Good fellow, he was shocked just now, if he didn’t hold this magical Lake Toya, he would have really attacked Conan.

Since opening the detective agency, of course, he still relies on himself, he doesn’t want to be a sleeping detective like Moori Kogoro.

gave Conan a warning look. Gao Cheng put Conan aside for now, and shouted to everyone in the restaurant: “Everyone, it’s time to expose the true face of the bandage weirdo!”

“What?” Yuanzi said blankly, “Do you already know who that murderer is?”

Conan, who was being honest, also looked at Gao Cheng in surprise: “Already know who it is?”

“Yes,” Gao Cheng said straight into the subject. “In fact, I thought it was a ghost at first. After finding enough clues, I fully understood that the bandage weird is not only a ghost, but someone in this villa! ”

“What did you say?” Ayako’s classmates looked at each other, “But aren’t we the only ones here?”

“It’s among you guys!”

Ko Sung smiled and looked at several people: “Don’t you think it’s weird? When Conan and the others were attacked by a bandage weird before, if he climbed a tree from outside to the second floor, why were there no mud footprints on the balcony on the second floor? Leave a trace?”


“Yes, the prisoner actually went to the balcony from another room at the time. The room next to that room was the murdered Tomoko room. It was very convenient to get in and out.”

Jiaogu eagerly asked: “Who the **** is the prisoner? I was with you at that time!”

“Mr. Jiaogu is indeed not a prisoner,” Gao Cheng was unaffected, and continued to reason, “but are there others?”

“Are you kidding? Are you suspicious of us?” Ota Katsuya hummed with a trace of cold sweat. “When that guy held Chikako through the window, we were all in the villa, weren’t we? How could it be among us! Don’t think you are a detective and you can just talk nonsense!”

“Is it really impossible?”

Gao Cheng hummed, “What if that’s just using the dummy? There are still brand-new marks on the railings. I think it should be the marks left by the prisoner in order to let the dummy pass through the window.”

“Dummy?” Ota was stunned.

“The prisoner only needs to set up a small mechanism on the balcony on the second floor. I guess it was because of the piano line that gave us the illusion that Tomoko was kidnapped, and then the dummy and Tomoko’s body were taken back to the balcony through the piano line.”

Gao Cheng turned his gaze to the fat man Takahashi, who was in a cold sweat next to Ota Masaru: “There is only one person who has the ability to do all of this, and that is you who only completed the roof at that time! Mr. Takahashi, the murderer is you!”

“Don’t talk nonsense about okay, haha,” Takahashi said flustered. “If I really pulled the corpse to the second floor, why would I find Chikako’s corpse in the forest later? I was behind you! And at that time I’m empty-handed, will you forget it?”

Gao Cheng didn’t intend to waste time with this guy, and severely interrupted: “Then what’s in your clothes now?”

“What?” Takahashi’s face was full of horror. UU reading

“At that time, after we chased it out, Miss Ayako found the necklace that was supposed to be worn around Chikako’s neck in the hallway. This proves that someone passed through the hallway with a corpse.” Gao Cheng continued without giving the fat man a chance to speak sophistry. “If Of course it’s hard to hide the corpse, but if it’s just a human head…

Gao Cheng remembered the scene of seeing people’s heads falling in the forest again. He paused and said coldly: “When we saw Chikako being held by the dummy, but only his head was exposed, she might have been divided at that time. Dead body! Okay, now please take off your shirt and let everyone see the truth and see if you are really so fat.”

“Fatty” Takahashi froze in place, and there was no movement for a long time in the eyes of everyone’s doubts.

“Takahashi? Could it be that you…”

“Just now when the prisoner attacked Miss Xiaolan during the power outage, my knife slashed past but it looked like it was on cotton. That’s because the stuffing on your body helped you block a blow,” Gao Cheng finally said, “Although I don’t know you Why do you repeatedly attack Miss Xiaolan, but I think Miss Xiaolan has inadvertently grasped the clues about your body shape? You are afraid that the real body shape will be discovered so that you can see through the means of committing the crime.”

Conan stood behind and stared at Gao Cheng’s back, feeling confused.

From the first haunted house incident, he met Gao Cheng, and he didn’t know whether he should believe his own judgment or not.

After several observations, he clearly looked like a confused detective like Moori Kogoro, but he was shocked by the level of reasoning shown at the end of each incident.

I don’t know if it is the occasional aura, or if he is playing with him on purpose.

“Has this guy already discovered my true identity?” Conan’s solemn face flashed with astonishment.

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