Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Villa Bandage Weird

The weather looked bad this day. The gray sky was surging with clouds and mist. In the deep valley with towering trees below, there was a cool breeze from time to time, and the branches swayed.

In the weird silence, a figure appeared on the edge of the valley cliff, with a black cloak, a tulip-shaped black hat, and bandages on his terrifying face, only a pair of harsh eyes shining with cold light.


Deep in the mountains and dense forests, Gao Cheng was looking for his way alone with his bag on his back. The sky was getting darker and gloomy, and he felt like it was about to rain. From time to time, there were desolate and strange noises that made people chill.

This time he suddenly received the “Mountain Villa Bandage Monster Murder”. Because of the location in the mountains, he originally thought that maybe he could come with Conan. However, when he arrived at the Maori detective office this morning, he found that the kid had already been with him. Mao Lilan left.

Mouri Kogoro told him badly that he was invited to the Suzuki’s villa to play.

“Where is it?”

Gaocheng stood at the intersection, looked around, and had to admit that he was lost.

After finally receiving a case, he is ready for a good harvest of reputation. If he misses the opportunity for this reason, he can’t accept it.

“Damn it, such a big mountain, where can I find it?”

Gao Cheng looked at the sky, then changed directions and continued to find his way.

Not far from Gao Cheng’s finding the direction just now, there is a villa in a valley on the other side of the dense forest. In front of the villa is a cliff sky moat connected by a sling bridge, and behind it is a deep mountain forest without people.

Many people gathered in the villa at this time. When Gao Cheng was looking for his way with a black face, these people were having dinner lively.

This was originally a gathering of members of the university film club of Ayako Suzuki’s parents and daughter, Suzuki Ayako. The reason why Conan and Mo Lilan came was of course because of the invitation of Suzuki Sonoko, a classmate and best friend of Mo Lilan.

That’s right, it’s the second lady of the Suzuki consortium who is an idiot and bapo in Conan.


In the evening, with a thunderstorm, the clouded sky started to rain heavily.

“Sure enough, it’s raining,” Mao Lilan said regretfully, standing by the window, “There is no way to appreciate the beautiful maple leaves now.”

“Hey, Xiaolan,” Suzuki Soonko patted Morilan, and secretly looked at the handsome Ota Masaru in the villa, and said in love, “What do you think of him? It looks cool with some coolness, I like it best. This type of man!”

Conan followed and glanced at Ota Masaru. He really couldn’t see what Sonoko said about Ota Masaru: “This guy Sonoko is still the same.”

Turning his head to look at the rumbling sky, Conan couldn’t help but think of Gao Cheng again.

“That guy doesn’t know what he is doing now, will he be here?”

“I knew I had brought an umbrella over, so unfortunate.”

In the mountains and forests, the thunder was rolling and spreading after the lightning, Gao Cheng kept running in the forest under the heavy rain, and finally saw the villa behind the suspension bridge. There were still lights in the villa.

“I don’t know if it’s here.”

Gao Chengxin crossed the suspended suspension bridge in fear and was looking for a place to shelter from the rain. Suddenly, a scream came from the valley forest, which sounded like Maorilan’s voice.

Before I had time to think about it, the door of the villa suddenly opened. A woman in her 20s was surprised and asked, “You are?”

“I’m lost here,” Gao Cheng reacted and said embarrassedly, “Well, can I stay here for one night?”

“Come in, come in,” the woman has a pair of crescent-shaped squinted eyes, she looks like a very gentle and beautiful person, and there is no embarrassment to succeed, “I seem to have read you in the newspaper, I remember…”

Gao Cheng feels pretty good: “Have you read my report? It’s great…”

“By the way, you are the classmate of Yuanzi, high school detective Shinichi Kudo, right?” The woman tenderly handed Gao Cheng a towel, “Yuanzi and Xiaolan happened to be there.”

“Uh,” Gao Cheng took the towel awkwardly, “I’m the detective Takasei Joto.”

“Huh?! Sorry, I thought…”

“It’s okay, I’m used to it, haha…Thank you for the towel.”

Gao Cheng dries his hair, smiling and returning the towel to the woman.

“However, it’s true that I saw you in the newspaper. It seems to be the Mihua Art Museum incident?” The woman was still a little embarrassed, and after an explanation, she greeted Gao Chengdao, “There are rooms on the second floor. I’ll clean up for you. .”

“Thank you for trouble.”

followed the woman upstairs, Gao Cheng’s face flushed slightly, the woman in front of her didn’t know if she was still single, she was really a gentle person.

He can’t stop the charm of gentle women.

After a while, the people in the villa also came back from outside one after another.

The woman helped clean up the room and went downstairs, listening to the voice, Conan and Mao Lilan were indeed there.

Gao Cheng changed into wet clothes. He faintly heard some bandage weird talk downstairs, and hurriedly walked out of the room out of curiosity.

The “Mountain Villa Bandage Monster Murder” released by the system did not mention the specific time. It seems that it has already started. I don’t know who the victim will be. Don’t be the woman just now.

“Sister,” Suzuki Sonoko asked at the squinted woman, “Did you see that weird person? I saw him running towards the villa!”

“I don’t know,” the squinted woman Ayako Suzuki shook her head, and asked the fat man with glasses next to him, “Where are you, Takahashi?”

“I’ve been repairing the roof just now, but I haven’t seen any bandaged person,” the fat man replied. “However, when I came to the villa, I saw a strange person. Although he didn’t see his appearance clearly, he Wearing a cloak, with a tulip hat on his head, it’s weird…”

“He’s right!”

“I saw this person when I first arrived at the villa.”

“Me too, at that time I thought it was someone living nearby. UU reading”

As everyone discussed and described, Ayako Suzuki shook her head and interrupted: “It can’t be someone nearby. There are two or three villas only if you walk along the other side of the suspension bridge, and there is a mountain on this side of the valley. There are people.”

“Who is that person?”

The atmosphere in the living room of the villa was suppressed and silenced. At this time, someone noticed Gao Cheng who was eavesdropping on the stairs on the second floor, and was shocked: “Who is this person?! Why is he here…”

“Hello,” Gao Cheng smiled awkwardly, “Well, because I heard what bandage weird you are talking about, I just…”

“Who are you?!” Chikako, a fierce short-haired girl in the crowd scolded, “Did you sneak in?!”

“Tomokako, I forgot to say it,” Suzuki Ayako explained quickly, “He is the Jodo-kun who came to stay at the villa when you were away just now.”

“Kyoto?” Conan’s eyelids twitched, and then he looked towards the second floor, revealing an expression like that.

“Where did this guy really happen to be strange…” Conan thought for a while, turned around and suddenly saw someone in the crowd looking unnatural after seeing Gao Cheng.


“Wait a minute!” Ayako’s classmates looked at Gao Cheng with suspicious expressions, “Why is there such a coincidence? Isn’t this guy the bandage weird?”

“Yes, Ayako, how can you let outsiders into the villa casually? Hurry up and call the police!”

“No,” Mao Lilan helped explain, “Gao Chengjun is not a strange person!”

“Don’t, don’t get me wrong,” Gao Cheng also walked downstairs sweatingly, and hurriedly explained, “I just got lost nearby. My name is Kosei Joto, I’m a detective!”

“Detective, detective?”

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