Rebirth In the Last Days: I Am Hoarding Tens of Billions of Supplies and Waiting For the Last Days

Chapter 32

Chapter 32 – Absorb Level 3 Corpse Crystal

Chapter 32 Absorbing Level 3 Corpse Crystals

“Hello, we’re here to find supplies. If you don’t mind, leave some for us. We’ll get them after you leave.”

When the man said this, Cen Xiaoxiao’s aggressiveness disappeared in an instant.

Seeing the man Jin Jiang, he immediately remembered that the shelter established by the man in the previous life seemed to be a factory nearby.

The man’s name is Zhang Yan, he is a retired soldier, and before the end of the world, he ran a bodyguard company composed of retired soldiers.

Therefore, his base can be said to have the best reputation, and it is also the shelter with the most ordinary people in City B, so the resources there have always been the worst.

“Yes, we will keep some. By the way, my name is Jin Jiang. We are currently in the Jinshan villa area about 15 kilometers away from here. You have no place to live and you can go there, but I don’t accept useless people.”

Zhang Yan nodded gratefully, “Okay, thank you, don’t worry, the people here are all retired soldiers and their families, our current place is still safe, when we don’t go back safely, thank you.”

After speaking, he gave a military salute to Jin Jiang, and all the people behind him followed Zhang Yan to salute.

Seeing this scene, Jin Jiang was still very touched.

In the end of the world, human nature is wiped out, and it is rare to meet a group of people who are not bad.

“By the way, there is a store that has a lot of fast food. Our food is okay. You can move it when the time comes. I just forgot where it is. Look for it.”

“Thank you, thank you, and I thank you for them.”

Jin Jiang waved his hand and left.

“Brother, let’s go, enough for us to eat, leave the rest to them.”


With a smile on his face, Jin Jiang used the cover of the heavy truck to pile up some instant noodles, self-heating rice, self-heating hot pot, sausages and so on to fill the entire store.

Then left.

Zhang Yan and the others saw Jin Jiang and his group drove away, and everyone stood on both sides and saluted them in the car.

Driving the car every day, watching this scene, he punched the steering wheel with his palm, “Fuck.” His eye circles were a little red after he finished speaking.

Since the end of the world, this is the first time to meet someone who is still upright even in the end of the world. Everyone can’t tell what it feels like.

In the face of the disaster, people’s selfishness is infinitely magnified, and all they see is the hypocrisy of human nature. Jin Jiang feels that he has been healed by these soldiers.

At this time, Jin Jiang’s determination to establish a safe base became more determined.

Back home, Jin Jiang distributed the corpse crystals to everyone. Seeing that Gu Che hadn’t come back, he couldn’t help but feel worried. Thinking that Gu Che was also at the second level now, his inner worries eased a little.

As long as he doesn’t encounter mutants, he should be able to handle it.

“Brother, I’m going up, you guys clean up, the diesel is in the back warehouse, Chen Qiang will remember to add it later, smile, pay attention to the little guy, and Cheng Qiao.”


“Don’t worry, sister, you go to rest.”

Jin Jiang smiled, turned and went upstairs, first went to see Cheng Qiao, she wanted to see the healing effect of the diluted Lingquan water on the wound.

At the door of Cheng Qiao’s room, Jin Jiang raised his hand and knocked on the door, “Cheng Qiao, is it convenient for you to come in?”

After Jin Jiang finished speaking, Cheng Qiao’s voice came from inside. “Come in, sister Jin Jiang.”

Pushing the door open and going in, seeing that the bruise on Cheng Qiao’s face was half healed, Jin Jiang felt confident.

The little guy next to him saw that Jin Jiang was not the first to look for him when he came in, so he immediately protested, looked at Jin Jiang dissatisfied, and kept reaching out his hands to Jin Jiang, wanting to hug him.

“Come on, you little jealous jar, Cheng Qiao, get out of bed and exercise when you are in good health. It is cold at night, and there is a quilt in the closet next to you. You add it yourself, and I will bring you dinner later with a smile.”

“Okay, sorry to trouble you, your medicine is very useful, I feel that I will be almost fine tomorrow, and I will be able to help you then.”

Jin Jiang smiled, and then said: “Then you rest, I will take this little guy away.”

“Okay, sister Jin Jiang, goodbye.”

After going downstairs, Jin Jiang handed the little guy to Cen Xiaoxiao, “Let’s give this little brat a name, otherwise we’ll keep calling him brat, ahem…disrespect, right, kid!”

The little guy’s response was a blank stare.

“Your name is Xiaobai!”

After the voice fell, the little guy protested in Jin Jiang’s mind, “No, I’m a baby!”

“Small baby, big name… well, let’s call it…Jin…Jin Xiaobao, okay?”

Hearing what Jin Jiang said, the little guy grinned instantly.

So far, the name of the little guy has been completely settled.

After pinching the little guy’s fleshy face, Jin Jiang went upstairs with the corpse crystal.

Putting all the corpse crystals into the space, Jin Jiang took the third-level corpse crystal from the mutant zombie just now, and prepared to absorb it.

No matter in her previous life or now, she has never absorbed corpse crystals across levels, so Jin Jiang is very cautious and absorbs them little by little.

After reaching the peak of the second level, it stopped, and no longer absorbed the third-level corpse crystal, and the third-level corpse crystal was only half dim.

The first cross-level absorption Jin Jiang felt the oppression of energy, and he almost failed to control the energy in the corpse crystal several times in the middle.

It proves that high-level corpse crystals can still be absorbed, but it is very dangerous. If one is not careful, he may explode and die.

Putting the third-level corpse crystals aside, Jin Jiang continued to absorb the zero-level corpse crystals that had not been absorbed in the space. Now the zombies have not yet started to upgrade, and the energy contained in the corpse crystals is also very little. Jin Jiang absorbed more than ten before it went smoothly Move up to level three.

After the third level, Jin Jiang’s void blade can be condensed, and the combat effectiveness in subsequent battles will naturally increase a lot.

Jin Jiang concentrated his mental energy, and sent a transparent sharp blade about 20 centimeters long towards the open space in front of the wooden house.

The sharp blade directly penetrates the ground and sinks into the ground, leaving a deep hole.

“Is it so powerful? I’m afraid there is no problem with this power penetrating two zombies.”

Continue to practice, and after fully mastering it, Jin Jiang left the space. Seeing that the number of red dots in his mind was still seven, Jin Jiang knew that Gu Che hadn’t come back yet, but it was already eleven o’clock at night.

Forget it, go find it.

Packed up his things, put on thick heating clothes, and took a warm jacket, Jin Jiang went downstairs.

Maybe everyone is tired today, and there is no one downstairs this time.

Jin Jiang directly drove the off-road vehicle out, after all, the off-road vehicle is still much faster in speed.

With the blessing of spiritual powers, Jin Jiang can say that the journey is unimpeded. Even in the urban area, he chooses some places where there are very few zombies.

Jin Jiang had only heard of Lin Yang’s previous residence, but had never been there. The most important thing was that it was more than 20 kilometers away from the villa where she lived.

The 20-plus kilometers usually take an hour at most, but it took Jin Jiang nearly two hours to get there.

Arriving at the gate of the community, Jin Jiang finally knew why Gu Che hadn’t come back yet.

(end of this chapter)

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