Rebirth: City Beseiged By Zombies

Chapter 52 - F*ck Your Mother

Chapter 52: F*ck Your Mother
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The two old men smiled wryly, and the younger of the two said with a sigh, “Kid, live and let live. Don’t burn your bridges. Otherwise…”

Before he could finish speaking, the blondie squeezed out a clump of mucus from his nose and flung it onto the two of them. The two of them shuddered at such treatment. They had never been so humiliated in their entire lives!

“I can’t stand people like you! You look so self-righteous and intellectual with your glasses and all! Priding yourself on your seniority! Ptooey!” the hooligan snorted. He looked down on the two of them and taunted, “Let me tell you, the apocalypse is here! Society as you knew it doesn’t exist anymore! Only physical strength matters now! Whoever has physical might is Boss!”

The more he talked, the more agitated he got. The hooligan started swinging his fists as he spoke, his spit flying about in the air!

But the old men didn’t appear to agree with his opinion or show any fear of him, despite what he had said. On the contrary, they seemed to be looking at him with a little pity in their eyes.

“F*cking hell! Don’t you look at me like that!” Blondie was perturbed by the look in their eyes. He glared at them and shouted furiously, “Stop f*cking staring at me as if you feel sorry for me! You better believe that I’ll punch your heads in! I don’t need your f*cking pity!”

Blondie sent a flying kick in their direction. One of the men fell to the ground. He placed his hand over his stomach and groaned in pain.

An expression of vindictive pleasure appeared on Blondie’s face. Yes! That’s right! They deserved it! That was the only way his anger could be placated!

The more he thought about it, the more it made sense to him. He picked up the broom and used it to whack the face of the man lying on the ground.

Blondie appeared to be only sixteen or seventeen years of age, stuck in a rebellious phase, not unlike other teenagers around his age. His brutish ways were perhaps an indication of his lowlife status in society…

As for the old men, they looked like civilized and dignified individuals who were on the verge of retirement. Who would have thought that, instead of enjoying their retirement, they would be subjected to such abuse by hooligans?

The other old man said to Blondie, “Stop hitting us. Who is going to catch fish for you guys if you beat us to death? You guys are going to end up starving!”

“Godd*mnit. Are you guys threatening me right now? F*ck it! I’m not just going to beat you up, I’m going to beat you guys up real good!” Blondie was now utterly furious. His fist was raised and was about to make contact with the old man’s body.

Blondie sneered. “F*ck you, old men. I hate people like you. If it hadn’t been for the b*stardly school principal who wouldn’t let me graduate from high school, would I have ended up like this? But it’s okay now. The apocalypse is here. I can finally show you what I’m made of. You guys are going to rue the day you were born!”

There was a vile smirk on Blondie’s face as he eyed the innocent old men before him, who at the moment represented everything he hated, everything that was to blame for his downfall. He was ready to rain punches on their stomachs, but he never got the chance.

Bang! There was a loud crash!

Blondie cried out in pain as he was thrown toward the entrance of the warehouse! Having difficulty getting up, he looked up angrily, only to see the silhouette of a man standing next to the old men.

‘Who the f*ck is this?’ Little Tian was somewhat taken aback. He rubbed his eyes again to make sure he was indeed seeing what he was seeing. How did a man suddenly appear in the dark of night?

At that moment, Shen Chen was busy helping the old men get up. “Are you all right?” he asked in concern.

Ever since the apocalypse, the two of them had been stuck with these hooligans, who not only refused to dignify them with basic respect but abused them from time to time. Thus, when Shen Chen treated them with such respect, the two of them were almost moved to tears. “We’re all right, buddy. Thank you so much!”

The younger of the two suddenly said to Shen Chen frantically, “Young man, you better leave now! These people are not to be trifled with!”

Before he could finish speaking, the other old man shouted with wide eyes, “Be careful, young man!” A metal spade had been raised behind Shen Chen’s back and was about to come down on him!

The old men’s hearts leapt into their throats! They couldn’t bear to see a bloody fate befall the young man who had just helped them, so they kept their eyes closed. This man before them, the only person who had retained some humanity despite the apocalypse, was about to be chopped to pieces!

Much to their surprise, as if he had already seen it coming, Shen Chen moved swiftly to counter the attack with an elbow hook and a flying kick!

The metal spade flew into the air, and so did Blondie, with a mouth full of blood! Once again, he fell hard to the ground, only this time round he could no longer get up. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth to his neck.

Shen Chen looked coldly upon the youth, his murderous intentions apparent! He had seen many people like him during the apocalypse. People who bullied the weak and feared the tough, people who pillaged and plundered! It wouldn’t be the first time that Shen Chen killed people like him. Shen Chen had killed so many people like that in his previous life, so why should it be any different in his current life?


The door of the warehouse was violently pushed open as Ming walked out. “Little Tian, haven’t you fooled around long enough?” His words trailed off as the scar-faced man stared at Little Tian lying on the ground. “F*ck! What happened to you?”

Little Tian scrambled over to Ming and whined, “Ming, that b*stard. He f*king beat me up!”

The two old men watched with trepidation as Blondie pointed a finger at Shen Chen. The younger of the two was feeling especially uneasy. He suddenly realized that they knew nothing about the young man who had suddenly appeared. But with scar-faced Ming and Little Tian, they had spent enough time with them to know that they were hooligans who were exceedingly cruel!

All four of them—Ming, Little Tian, and the two old men—had come to the warehouses to find refuge. But as soon as Ming and Little Tian arrived, they took over the textiles warehouse, even forcing the original occupants to leave! And after they realized that he and Lao Jiang were good at fishing, they started compelling them to do so for them!

The old men had watched the man called Ming kill dozens of zombies with his bare hands! Every zombie he killed deflated like a punctured tire. What chances would the young man have against thugs like this?

Ming glared coldly at the man, whose upper body was shrouded in darkness, and took a puff of the menthol cigarette he was holding, then threw it to the ground with a vengeance, shouting, “F*ck you!”

Before he even finished speaking, Ming had already launched himself at Shen Chen like a tiger, his hairy arms swinging at Shen Chen!

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