Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 45 - haunted house

“Why?” Li Chuan was puzzled. He didn’t know what kind of stimulation caused her to be so abnormal.

Su Qin suppressed his depressed mood and said to him over the phone, “Mr. Li, you are my master. I want to learn from you and work hard. I can’t embarrass you.”

He knew her level, and skipping grades was not that easy. Besides, skipping grades requires three years of high school courses. How could she want to finish it in a short period of time? Unless she has learned it once, he can still find a teacher to improve her learning ability through tutoring.

Today, Su Qin should have stayed at home to pack up and prepare to go to school tomorrow. But she left her luggage unpacked and came out to meet Li Chuan.

The two meet in a small noodle shop.

Su Qin’s complexion was not very good, his eyes were red and swollen, as if he had cried. She buried herself in the noodles, her bangs covering her eyes. Li Chuan reached out and fiddled with the girl’s bangs, revealing her red eyes.

He asked her softly, “Su Qin, what’s wrong with you?”

Su Qin stopped eating noodles and looked up at Li Chuan. His eyes were a little empty because of his depressed mood.

Li Chuan felt distressed, frowned and said, “What’s the matter, tell Teacher Li, don’t stand alone.”

She shook her head and said, “Mr. Li, I just don’t think I’m qualified to waste time. I’ve inquired about it. If I can win the national championship of the mathematics league in mid-April, I can get a place to experience the college entrance examination. , so, I want to try.”

Li Chuan felt that she was talking nonsense, frowned and said, “It’s unlikely. With your level, there are difficulties.”

“I think I still have room for improvement. Teacher Li, please introduce me to a teacher.”

The math league is in April, and she still has more than a month to work hard.

Su Qin has combined his own strengths.

She ranked in the top 30 of Yunyang Middle School in the final exam, and ranked in the top 10 of the grade in mathematics. Yunyang Middle School is one of the top schools in the country. She can get this result in the ordinary class, which shows that there is still room for improvement.

If you can have a famous teacher to guide you and win the league championship, it should be possible. In addition, she has studied all the high school courses in her previous life. If she gets a place to experience the college entrance examination, she will follow the teacher’s rhythm to review in the remaining months, and then go to the college entrance examination in advance.

If she fails the test, she will continue to study, but if she is lucky enough to be admitted to the university of her choice, then she does not need to stay in high school and can enter the university directly.

Li Chuan felt that the girl was under too much pressure from her family, so she wanted to help her family earn money while studying. She is so anxious to graduate from high school and go to college, presumably to come out early to earn money to support her family?

This child is young and old, and the more sensible it is, the more distressed Li Chuan is.

He frowned and said solemnly: “This is a national competition, and it is not easy to win the championship.”

Su Qin nodded obediently: “I know.”

She pulled out the analysis she had made in her heart and told Li Chuan again.

Seeing her serious face, Li Chuan was silent for a while: “Okay, I’ll introduce the teacher to you, but you have to be mentally prepared. The teacher was very strict at that time and did not allow students to be slack, and the fees were not low. But You promise me, don’t push yourself too hard, it’s easy to get into trouble. You are still young, if you want to go to the sky in one step, you may fall to pieces.”

“Mr. Li, you don’t have to worry about the cost. My mother is a writer now, and she has money.”

Li Chuan still doesn’t know that Su Qin has shares in Taobao, nor does she know that she is now a small boss with a monthly income of tens of thousands. I thought she was running around outside, just helping her mother, or working part-time to earn some living expenses.

Although he didn’t know about Su Qin, he knew about the recent Tianya celebrity “Su Su Ma”. She specializes in writing some realistic family and marriage stories, attracting many netizens, and now she has a huge readership.

Even the otaku in his company are enjoying themselves on the Internet.

After all, now is the era of the development of paper media, her mother should be able to make a lot of money. In addition, they have now bought a house, indicating that her mother’s own income is not low. Thinking of this, Li Chuan was a little relieved.

He knew that Su Qin would not accept his financial help, and he didn’t need to sponsor her as she was. So he tried to help her in other ways as much as possible.

It’s spring, and outside the noodle restaurant, there is still a cold wind.

When they came out of the noodle restaurant, Su Qin shivered coldly. Li Chuan subconsciously wrapped the scarf tightly for her, and pulled her hat down to cover her ears.

The girl raised her eyes to look at him, the eyes of the two met, but they moved away subconsciously.

Li Chuan coughed lightly, took out the car key and said, “Wait for me here, I’ll drive the car over.”


Su Qin watched the man go to the parking lot across the road, exhaled, and stared at the man’s leaving back with mixed feelings.

She remembered the dream last night, and her heart was tearing and hurting, and she didn’t even know how to face him. In that dream last night, she saw everything that happened in her previous life from the perspective of God.

It turned out that after Li Chuan rushed into the fire, he failed to escape, and his family was killed in the fire.

Zhang Xing had been shot, and Su Qin could no longer take revenge on him. But Lin Xiaoyin, although expelled from NTU, is still alive and well. As an eldest lady, even if she loses the blessing of a prestigious school, her life will not be bad in the future.

However, she is not in a hurry to settle accounts with Lin Xiaoyin for the time being.

This real dream also completely confirmed Su Qin’s guess. There is a price to pay for her rebirth. Even if she doesn’t pay attention to human traffickers, she always encounters those things by accident.

She really has a “Conan” physique.

In this life, if she wants to sleep peacefully, it is not enough to live hard, she has to do more than ordinary people, she has to find a way to destroy that criminal group. If you want to get rid of the transnational criminal group completely, it is difficult for the police to shake their foundation without a retired special forces organization.

According to the momentum of the retired special forces organization in the previous life, if they can continue to help the domestic and foreign police to fight criminal groups, Su Qin will surely be surprised.

However, because the criminals carried out cruel revenge on Su Qin and other sponsors, the retired special forces organization could no longer continue, and finally ended in dissolution.

Su Qin in his previous life had never seen the real faces of those special forces, and they were unwilling to show their real faces. But in the dream, Su Qin saw their faces from the perspective of God.

There were ten people in total, including Xu Hang and Instructor Wu Yang and Wu of the 2nd company of military training. There is another Su Qin also knows, who is Honghong’s brother.

Su Qin knew that now only by making good money can he help them. So she didn’t want to waste time and wanted to go to university as soon as possible. When she got to college, the academic pressure was less and she was able to do more.

Learning from the experience of the previous life, this time Su Qin will protect himself and will not expose his identity.

There are many reasons why Su Qin was not admitted to the undergraduate degree in the previous life. On the one hand, the school was too bad, and on the other hand, the psychological quality was not good enough. After returning to school for high school, she was 20 years old. lose.

But in this life, she is different. She is in a school with a better learning atmosphere. Coupled with the guidance of her tutor, she worked hard, and after getting the quota for the college entrance examination in advance, it should be no problem to be admitted to the undergraduate degree.

There are two schools that Su Qin likes: NTU or Shangcheng Shangdong University.

The former is second to none in China, majoring in fashion design, and has received strong support from the state. Many major domestic projects will be handed over to NTU. The latter, formerly known as China Textile University, is one of the few fashion majors in China.

Shangdong University also scored lower than NTU. If he could not get into NTU, Su Qin would choose Shangdong University. Of course, she also planned for the worst. If she failed to pass the entrance examination in these two universities, she would just stay in high school and continue her studies.

However, her revenge plan will be postponed for another two years.

Su Qin had a plan in his heart, temporarily put down his work, and worked hard in his studies.

Li Chuan drove the car over and honked several horns at her, before she regained her senses.

Su Qin got in the car, got into the co-pilot, fastened his seat belt, and was in a daze again. Seeing her in a daze, Li Chuan took her to the amusement park built in the suburbs.

When he arrived at the amusement park, Su Qin looked at the surrounding environment before he could react: “Mr. Li, why are you here?”

“Have you just reacted now?” Li Chuan said to her while unbuckling his seat belt, “Let’s go, get off the car, and take you to relax.”

Su Qin looked embarrassed: “Well, Mr. Li, I have to go home to pack my things when school starts tomorrow. It’s already afternoon, and it’s quite late… Besides, didn’t you borrow a panda for this car? It’s better to return it earlier. Bar?”

Su Qin didn’t pay much attention to financial news, and did not know that Li Chuan was now the youngest richest person in the top 100 richest people in China. She thought that his company was still developing and needed a lot of capital injection, and there was no money to sell such an expensive car.

“It doesn’t matter.” Li Chuan stretched out his frown that had been frowning all day, and reached out and fiddled with the little girl’s messy bangs again, “After tomorrow, I’m afraid you won’t have time to relax. Teacher Shi is strict with his students, since you choose to go this route. Road, there will be no more holidays.”

Li Chuan went around the front of the car, opened the passenger door, and signaled the little girl to get out of the car.

Su Qin got out of the car and wrapped the scarf tightly as soon as the cold wind blew. Li Chuan subconsciously stood behind her, blocking the wind for her.

If you want to finish all the amusement park projects, at least from ten in the morning to ten in the evening.

The park was crowded with people, and at a glance, it was densely packed with people. Passing by a small vendor selling headbands, Su Qinduo paid his attention.

In the past life, when she brought a bag to play, she liked to buy a glowing Mickey headband, one on top of the mother and son, very cute.

Noticing the smile on Su Qin’s mouth, Li Chuan stopped in front of the stall and asked for a Mickey ear.

There are activities in the park today, buy one get one free.

Li Chuan stuffed two Mickey ears into Su Qin: “Try them on.”

“One is enough for me.” Su Qin took off his hat and put it back in his bag, put on Mickey’s headband, and waved his head in front of Li Chuan: “Does it look good?”

Li Chuan’s eyes suddenly turned red, remembering his previous life, his eyes were slightly wet: “Good-looking.”

In the previous life, Su Qin and the bag will wear Mickey ears together. They are one big and one small, shaking their heads at the same time, and asking him in unison: “Chuanchuan, does it look good?”

nice. They look good in anything.

Su Qin suppressed for a night, and when he saw the children coming and going in the amusement park, and these cute gadgets, his mood finally improved.

She smiled and hooked her finger at Li Chuan: “Mr. Li, we can’t waste money and resources, right? Come on, this is just for you.”

Li Chuan stared at the headband of Mickey’s ear on the girl’s hand, looked around subconsciously, coughed lightly, and whispered, “Is it wrong?”

Su Qin laughed at him: “what? Afraid of embarrassment?”

Li Chuan shook his head and smiled helplessly, bent down, and stretched his head over. The girl put Mickey’s ear headband on his head, took out her mobile phone, and grabbed a passerby: “This handsome guy, can you take a picture for us?”

The passerby looked at the two of them, nodded and took the mobile phone: “Okay.” He took the mobile phone and took two steps back, and said to Li Chuan, “Handsome guy, you squat a little bit.”

Li Chuan bent his knees, slightly shorter. Su Qin showed her white teeth and her brows were like stars. She grabbed the man’s shoulders and tried to stand on tiptoe to cooperate. Their heads finally reached the same level.

When the photo was frozen, Su Qin’s head was slightly tilted in the direction of Li Chuan, and their Mickey’s ears collided.

The man looks awkward and unnatural, but the girl smiles like a flower, full of youthfulness.

Su Qin retrieved the phone, looked at them in the photo, and turned back and forth with laughter: “Mr. Li, what is your expression?”

Li Chuan put one hand in his pocket, took her head with the other, and led her towards the direction of the roller coaster. He coughed lightly and said solemnly, “Mr. Li is a serious person. I’m not very good at taking pictures of this kind of entertainment.”

“Next time you want to do this,” Su Qin raised her small face, supported the corners of her mouth with two fingers, and pushed it up gently to create a perfect arc, “Like this, smile, smile, you can’t be so stern, I don’t know, I thought Teacher Li didn’t want to take a photo with me.”

Li Chuan’s hand was still resting on the back of her head. With a tsk, he couldn’t help rubbing her hair, “You girl, why do you keep making fun of Teacher Li?”

Su Qin’s short hair was messed up by him, he ran a few steps forward, then turned around, and while moving backwards, he pretended to warn him sternly: “Mr. Li, do you particularly like messing up girls’ hair? You are like this, I It’s easy to lose hair and go bald, but I don’t want to go bald at a young age.”

Li Chuan looked at the little girl, smiled involuntarily, and said in a low and indulgent tone: “Okay, in order to ensure Miss Su’s hair volume, I will try my best to restrain myself in the future.”

Su Qin took out his mobile phone and took a few more pictures of him.

Li Chuan was good at covering his face and frowned, preventing her from taking pictures.

He is a big man wearing Mickey ears, and he is already parading in the street, but she still intends to take pictures of him? How is this different from Ling Chi?

Su Qin took two photos and has already walked to the roller coaster area. She put the phone back in her pocket, turned around, and looked up at the roller coaster that was constantly undulating above her head.

She knew that Li Chuan was a little afraid of heights. When he came to the amusement park in his previous life, Li Chuan rarely got on the roller coaster.

Su Qin wanted to go up to stimulate and vent his emotions. She turned her head and instructed Li Chuan: “Mr. Li, wait for me below, I’ll get down after sitting down.”

The girl turned to enter the waiting area of ​​the roller coaster, but was stopped by the man: “Wait.”

“Huh?” She turned to look at Li Chuan.

“I’ll accompany you.”

Su Qin thought she heard it wrong, she looked at him in disbelief: “Mr. Li, aren’t you afraid?”

The corner of the man’s lips lifted confidently, and his voice was clear: “What makes you think that I’m afraid of roller coasters?”


The two were talking here, and the staff there began to urge: “You two can’t make it, the second round is about to start!”

“Come up! Wait a minute!” Su Qin subconsciously grabbed the man’s wrist and dragged him forward, squeezing into the last two vacancies.

The roller coaster started slowly, Su Qin took a deep breath, turned his head worriedly and asked Li Chuan, “Mr. Li, are you afraid?”

Li Chuan asked back, “Are you afraid?”

Su Qin: “…” The dead duck has a tough mouth. I’ll see how you make an embarrassment later.

The roller coaster began to speed up and down rapidly, and the weightlessness of falling from a high altitude made everyone scream. Su Qin grabbed Li Chuan’s hand, and while shouting “Wow”, he was deeply relieved, and all the negative emotions that had been pressing in his heart were dissipated.

Fuck the gang! Sooner or later, I will pay the price for your evil deeds!

She wants to take revenge on all those who have hurt her in her previous life, and make those people pay for it.

She is not a righteous person, and she only does this for herself. If she wanted to be happy in this life, she had to remove the stones that made her miserable in her previous life.

She wants to fill the empty **** with devils, and she wants to trample the evildoers under her feet. There is no sand in her eyes in this life, and no one wants to escape.

Li Chuan remained calm throughout the whole process, turning his face to look at the girl beside him who was using the scream to vent.

After being reborn, Li Chuan not only worked hard, but also overcame all physical fears. Not only is he not afraid of heights now, on the contrary, he can keep calm and think clearly in this undulating speed.

He heard the sound of hunting wind, the girl screaming, and looking at the girl’s youthful face, her iron-like heart became soft.

The corner of the man’s mouth twitched. I wish the girl could be this happy forever.

After one lap of the roller coaster, Su Qin’s heart was still beating wildly. She found that she was holding Li Chuan’s hand and quickly retracted it quietly.

Just now, she only cared about her own stimulation, and she forgot to look at Li Chuan’s expression. The roller coaster would stop, and what she saw was still the calm face of the man. She took a deep breath, rubbed her ears that had been blown red by the cold wind, and asked him, “Mr. Li, are you really not afraid? I didn’t seem to hear your call just now.”

“It’s fortunate that you didn’t hear, otherwise, how can I erect master’s majesty in front of you in the future?” Li Chuan first jumped off the roller coaster, stretched out his hand to the girl, and asked her to jump down with his hand.

Su Qin grabbed the man’s wrist, borrowed his body, and landed steadily.

The girl slapped her cheeks, took a breath and asked him, “Mr. Li, the haunted house, are you afraid?”

The man nodded and said softly, “I’m happy to accompany you.”

“Let’s go then~” Su Qin grabbed Li Chuan’s wrist and headed towards the haunted house. This project was also quite exciting.

Before entering, Su Qin retreated a little.

Li Chuan smiled: “Afraid?”

“It’s all fake, what am I afraid of?”

The girl took the lead and rushed in carelessly. She was caught off guard and ran into a white-clothed headless ghost at the door. She was so frightened that she stepped back and her small body slammed into Li Chuan’s arms.

Li Chuan held her shoulders with both hands, and was overjoyed: “Our little Su warrior, you’ve been counseled so soon?”

She grabbed Li Chuan’s arm and pushed the man forward: “Go ahead.”

Li Chuan was pushed in front by her and turned a blind eye to the crowd of ghosts. Su Qin shivered, but there was another ghost behind her, leaning against her ear and blowing.

Although she knew it was all fake, she was just, very scared…

If it was a real ghost, she might not be so afraid.


There was a girl in front of her screaming, which made the eardrums of everyone in the haunted house sting.

Su Qin could bear it for a while, but when he heard the screams, he subconsciously grabbed Li Chuan’s shoulders and jumped on the man’s back. She wrapped her legs around the man’s waist, buried her face behind the man’s neck, and dared not look up.

Li Chuan grabbed the girl’s legs subconsciously. The tip of the girl’s nose was pressed against his neck, and her breath was hot and fast.

He curled his lips into a smile, walked out with the girl behind his back, and deliberately walked around a certain road twice.

Where can Su Qin dare to open his eyes, only in his heart “why can’t the entrance of the cave, why can’t I still get to the entrance of the cave”. She felt that she really wanted to die. She originally wanted to see how Li Chuan was frightened, but she didn’t expect her to fall down first.

After leaving the haunted house, it was already dark, and Li Chuan carried her for a while. When Su Qin heard the noisy voice, he dared to open his eyes, poked the back of his ear with his finger and said, “Mr. Li, let me down.”

“Are your legs soft?” The girl behind the man’s ear poked it gently.

Su Qin was close to his body, and the tip of her nose was full of male hormones, and a force burst out of her chest, which almost made her unable to control it. She wanted to just put her chin on the man’s head and let him walk on his back.

But then…it’s…too ambiguous.

Li Chuan carried her to the lake and used the steps to make her jump off his back.

In the lake of the amusement park, there are hundreds of lanterns floating like stars.

Li Chuan raised his wrist to look at his watch and said, “At this point, it’s just right to ride on the Ferris wheel, let’s go.”

She followed the past step by step. There were fewer people in the park, and there were not many people riding the Ferris wheel, so there was no need to queue in the past. As soon as they sat on the skyscraper, the instrument began to turn slowly.

The Ferris wheel slowly lifts into the sky, looking down from top to bottom, the entire amusement park has a panoramic view, and the lights are bright, like the vast Milky Way.

In 2007, the environment of Yunyang City was not bad, and stars could still be seen in the suburbs. The Ferris wheel rose to the top of the sky, and the stars above it seemed to be within reach.

Su Qin felt relaxed like never before.

She was reborn, and her nerves were tense almost every day. What was in her mind was either studying or making money. But today, her troubles seem to no longer exist, and the burden on her shoulders has also been temporarily lifted, and she is extremely relaxed.

She lay on the glass and looked out, completely unaware that the man behind her was looking at her.

The scenery in her eyes is the vast stars, and the scenery in his eyes is only hers.

At eight o’clock, the amusement park fireworks burst, and because they were at a high altitude, those fireworks seemed to burst in front of their eyes. Su Qin excitedly pointed at the fireworks, turned his face, and wanted to tell Li Chuan that there were fireworks.

But as soon as she turned her head, she was caught by Li Chuan’s restrained and profound gaze.

She automatically blocked the sound of fireworks breaking through the air, and only the heartbeat remained in her ear canal. She didn’t understand why Li Chuan looked at her like this. If she didn’t understand wrong, was this… lust?

But it’s not like it, it seems to be simpler than that desire, without a trace of impurities. It was as if she had been poured a mouthful of sour juice, and there was an indescribable pain in her chest.

Is… want to sleep with him? But it seems, it’s not that complicated.

She just wanted to hug him. Pressing against the man’s firm chest, doing nothing, just listening to his heartbeat calmly.

Why not Li Chuan? I want to hold the girl in my arms, kiss her forehead, kiss her lips.

He knew very well that this feeling was different from the couple’s love for Su Qin in the previous life, and it was mixed with another kind of incomprehensible beauty. That kind of beauty is not mixed with any lust, like crystal, clean and not mixed with a trace of impurities.

Is this what young people like about beautiful things? But he, young is only this body, his soul is not young.

In the end, it was Li Chuan who turned his face away and said with a light cough, “The fireworks tonight are beautiful.”

“Yes, yes.” Su Qin turned his head out of the window again, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

After coming out of the amusement park and getting into the car, Su Qin put on his seat belt and tilted his head, leaning against the window to pretend to sleep, and didn’t speak to Li Chuan along the way.

Li Chuan turned down the music and didn’t call her.

After more than an hour, he arrived downstairs in her community. Li Chuan pulled the car to a stop, unfastened his seat belt, leaned over, almost leaned into his ear, and whispered to her, “Su Qin? Here we are.”

The man’s voice was soft.

Su Qin pretended to be asleep at first, but actually fell asleep later. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and got up, but she didn’t expect to bump into Li Chuan’s head.

She clutched her forehead and made an “Ow”.

A smile flashed in Li Chuan’s eyes, and he joked, “Drowsiness?”

“I…” She lowered her head and dared not look at the man’s eyes, opened the car door, and said faster, “Thank you, Teacher Li, I’ll go first, you go home early. Rest. You don’t have to take me to school tomorrow, my mother will accompany me there. In addition, you can help me implement the teacher’s affairs as soon as possible, and tomorrow I will go to the school to find a house and apply for day school this semester. “

“Okay, have a nice start to school.”


She ran into the community as quickly as a little rabbit. Li Chuan stared at her leaving back and shook his head helplessly.

So, is he a big bad wolf?

He was in a good mood after playing with the little girl for a day. I really hope that every day life is smooth and smooth, but reality does not allow it.

When Li Chuan returned home, Xu Hang was reading in the study. When he saw him coming back, he handed him a list: “This is the list of retired special forces I know, there are fifteen in total, and the oldest is forty years old. Among them, Seven, like me, have no parents, no parents, and no worries. The rest have families, but they need money.”

Xu Hang wrote down the details of the fifteen people, and Li Chuan looked at them one by one, excluding those who had children and family members.

Xu Hang asked him: “Among the few you eliminated, there are four people with good skills, and they need money, so they will be happy to join us.”

“We are fighting a long-term battle. It may take five or ten years for a criminal group to completely collapse. The degree of danger can be imagined. I don’t want them to be concerned.” Li Chuan paused. He added: “And, in the future, once you have a family in your team, quit immediately.”

Xu Hang let out a sigh of relief, nodded and said, “I understand.”

On the day of the school year, the weather was good, and the sun was warm.

Wang Lin did not rush to take her daughter to sign up, but went to rent a one-bedroom apartment nearby. After the house was settled, she took the lease contract and took her daughter to the head teacher to report and asked for an application form for a day student.

After getting the day pass, Su Qin moved things in the dormitory.

After the school started, the classmates could meet, but Su Qin had to move out of the dormitory. Meng Sisi was reluctant to part with her, held her hand and said, “Susu, if you leave, our F4 will not be complete.”

Yan Yixiao also had a sad expression on her face, as if she would never be seen again, “Susu, how hard is it to move out? What should I do if I can’t go to the evening self-study in the future, and I fall behind?”

“Yeah, Su Qin, moving out may have an impact on your studies.” Yu Wen was also quite reluctant to part with her.

Su Qin held Meng Sisi’s hand, smiled and said to everyone: “Oh, don’t be so sad. I just moved out, not transferred to another school. I can still have breakfast, lunch, and dinner with everyone every day. In the morning, I can still help everyone go to the cafeteria to make meals, but I just don’t sleep here.”

Hearing her say that, the girls finally felt a little better.

She has a lot of books, and the three girls help her move them together.

Yun Fei just went back to school and asked the boys to play ball together. He just arrived at the court playing basketball, and when he received news from Yu Wen, he immediately passed the basketball to his roommate and said, “Su Qin moved the dormitory, I’ll help you, and you can play. .”

The boys joked: “Damn, Yun Fei, what is the relationship between you and Su Qin? Are you really cousins?”

Yun Fei showed a stern smile at the boys: “Guess what?” After speaking, he turned and ran towards the girls’ dormitory.

The big boy ran into the girls’ dormitory wearing a short-sleeved jersey. He wore a sports headband on his head, dressed in a cool dress, and was handsome in sunshine.

The dorm aunt saw him rushing upstairs and stopped him: “That boy! What about you! What’s the matter? Come down!”

He seemed to ignore the roar of the dormitory’s aunt, and walked upstairs three steps at a time. The girls who were going upstairs were so handsome by the way he strode up the stairs, clutching their hearts that were about to jump out, and tended to scream.

Yun Fei rushed to the door of Su Qin’s dormitory, panted and pushed open the door, just bumped into Su Qin and came out with the book in his hand, and immediately took the book from her hand: “Su Su, I’ll come, I’ll come.”

The boy burst in suddenly, scaring her to the point of losing her soul. Seeing that he was only wearing short sleeves, Su Qin shivered and asked him, “Feifei, are you going to go to heaven in this dress? Isn’t it cold?”

“I just made an appointment with my classmates to play ball. I knew you were going to move out, so I came over. I didn’t have time to go back and change clothes.” He asked Su Qin, “Why do you have to move out?”

Su Qin explained: “I plan to use the evening time to make up lessons and participate in the mathematics league in April.”

Yun Fei looked up at the ceiling and sighed: “Is my Susu going to abandon me?” He lowered his head and asked her, “Then I will go to your house in the future and cook for you.”

Just as he finished speaking, Yan Yixiao, who was behind him, interjected, “Wow, Yunfei, can you still cook?”

Yun Fei snorted coldly, “Classmate Yan, who are you looking down on?”

“Then, as Su Qin’s former roommate, can we have a good meal?” Yu Wen, who was cradling the door with a book in her hands, also asked.

Yunfei: “Dream can be done, but not during the day.”

Yu Wen: “…”

Su Qin was also very speechless to him. Did this child learn badly from those boys?

The three roommates helped her move all the books to her rental room. It happened that everyone was there, and they started cooking auspiciously. The girls went to the vegetable market downstairs to buy vegetables. come and cook.

The four girls were sitting in the living room playing poker, while Yun Fei was washing dishes in the kitchen full of resentment.

He really doesn’t like those girls, is it interesting to be a human light bulb? cut.

The new semester starts, and the rhythm of the second year of high school begins to speed up. Su Qin’s spare time is almost gone. Art class, physical education class, information technology class, she will seize all the time she can use to write homework for the day.

The teacher Li Chuan found for her was Shi Yun, a female teacher in her 50s who used to work at Yunyang Middle School and now specializes in tutoring.

On the first night when Shi Yun came, Su Qin told the teacher about her situation.

“Mr. Shi, I have studied the courses of the second and third grades of high school, but I can’t reach the level of students in Yunyang Middle School. If I can get the qualification for the early examination, I hope you can let me enter the high-speed review in the remaining two months. The state allows me to take the college entrance examination with this senior year.”

Shi Yun didn’t know how the girl took the second and third year of high school, and was skeptical of her words.

Teacher Shi gave her a set of questions for the second year of high school, and the girl could actually do it. Although she took a long time, the answers were correct. She hadn’t taught such a “talented” student for a long time. The last one was Li Chuan.

Shi Yun permed her curly hair, and when she bowed her head, her bangs covered her vision.

She put the bangs behind her ears and said, “I will help you review all the courses in high school. Don’t worry about it, you can also put this matter aside. Then you have to follow me until April 12. Let’s study at the rhythm of the game, improve your math scores first, pass the league level, and then move on to the next step, okay?”

“Okay.” Su Qin sat at the desk with his back straight.

Teacher Shi smiled, held a pen, and wrote the numbers from 7:00 to 11:30 in the evening on the scratch paper.

“From tomorrow, I will teach you at this time, four hours a night, which is equivalent to four math classes you have at school. I give you a day off every weekend morning, but you have to come back to me at three o’clock in the afternoon. Here. You can rest assured, as long as you work hard enough, are willing to learn, and listen, I will definitely be worthy of the money you spend. “

This kind of devil training is not something that ordinary teachers can afford. And the teacher’s fee, not every family can afford.

Because of paying the teacher’s make-up fee, Su Qin and the others could not buy a second apartment for the time being.

Su Qin was full of motivation when he thought of the down payment for the second suite because of the tuition fee: “Good Teacher Shi.”

To go to college early, give it your all. As a reborn person, it is a pity not to be a “genius” in the eyes of others.

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