Realm Wars

Chapter 178: Reunion

"What is this. .. ?" Seraphina didn't know what to say except that the world was nothing but fire and molten rocks.

"Be careful you don't get sprayed upon those hot fumes," Allen warned, "your flesh would melt if that happens."

Ryu looked at the desolate lands of fire and thought that it was worse than the desert. The only good thing about it was that he could roast his meal while they had Seraphina cover for their water.

"Are you sure that our numbers are enough for the Lava Titan?" Seraphina asked. They already expected to encounter the lava-filled lands first, but she wished it was the last.

Cid nodded. "We are bound to meet up with stronger groups. Our weak group will be in charge with the clearing of Lava Golems while the strongest will try to break the Lava Titan's rocky body to reveal the exit."

"With our numbers, it's just the right amount to launch coordinated attacks and slipped past through the exit," Allen added.

"Where are they going?" Ryu looked at the other groups who were running in different directions. The portals opened one after another before it closed after a group exited from its hole.

"They're going to search for treasures." Allen brought out a made-out map and showed it to the others. "In this mountains of volcanoes is where the Lava Titan is located. It doesn't leave its area and usually stays dormant unless attacked."

"That's its restriction. It's still about hundreds of kilometers from here. So we're safe from its reach." Cid looked over the haze of heat. "Man. .. this place sure is hot."

Cid then threw a smile in Seraphina's way. "We'll be relying on your water ability if ever we get dehydrated."

"Leave it to me," Seraphina beamed, and Ryu wanted to slap Cid and Allen in the head when they both looked like they were floating.

Allen's face then turned serious. "We should stick together from here on out. Those Lava Golems are not fast, but they packed a punch, and to make matters worse, their body could regenerate by drawing in lava and rocks from their surroundings."

"We should avoid those monsters as much as possible," Cid added, "It would be a disaster if we fought them and attracted the other golem's attention. It would be the end of us if they managed to surround us."

Ryu and Seraphina nodded.

As Cid and Allen explained the world and the monsters, the portals were unceasing, letting in experts from the different sanctuary. A particular figure caught Ryu's attention, and his heart raced in his throat.


Ryu ignored Seraphina's call, and he ran towards that figure of a woman with short hair and a body-hugging robe. Her back was slender as her hips were round, and Ryu's hands grabbed her sleek shoulder.

"Rosa!" the words left Ryu's mouth even before he had the chance to know what he was doing.

At this moment, the IsletIslet, the bosses, even Cecily disappeared from his mind, and he had only one person dominating his thoughts.


He could finally see Ferris again!

However, Ryu's hope was crushed when she faced him and revealed her appearance.

At first, the woman's eyes shone upon Ryu's handsome face. But when her eyes landed on the seal on his forehead, her face scrunched in dismay.

"Fuck off!" The woman spat before she slapped Ryu's hand away. "Pesky halfbreeds."

Ryu was more stunned with the overwhelming disappointment drowning him than the woman's attitude. And he couldn't hide the desolate in his eyes when he was given hope only to be stripped away for how many times now.


Ryu's ears perked, and his eyes bulged. That haughty voice and condescending tone. .. he couldn't be mistaken. .. it was definitely––!

"Rosa!" the name vibrated in Ryu's throat and came out feral, more beast than human.

"I thought I saw a familiar face only to find that it's you?" Rosa crossed her arms and tilted her hips. If he was happy that she had finally met one of her allies, it didn't show on her face.

"You're still alive?"

Ryu ignored Rosa's tone and the faked smile on her beautiful face. He went to her and grabbed her shoulders, and growled out the words.

"Where is Ferris?!"

Seraphina was shocked. He never saw Ryu lose his clam before. Rosa? She thought. It wasn't his mate's name, but she had a connection with Ferris, whom Ryu dearly held in his heart.

Rosa was also surprised at the sudden display of aggressiveness before a frown replaced her surprised face. She was about to blast him away from her when a hand grabbed Ryu and pushed him away.

"Ryu." Seraphina went to Ryu's side while Cid and Allen brandished their weapons at the new arrival.

"Is something the matter here, Rosa?"

"Did that halfbreed do something to you?"

Two gorgeous men were surrounding Rosa. And based on their intimidating physique, they were nearing Rank-S, which put sweat on both Cid and Allen's faces.

"No." Rosa raised a hand to gesture the two men to back away. "He's just a familiar face. Nothing more."

Rosa flipped her hair and turned to her heels. "Let's go, you two."

"Wait!" Ryu shouted and got back to his feet.

The two men instantly barged his way. A threatening growl rumbled in Ryu's chest, and his eyes turned to slit.

Seraphina ready her staff just in case a fight breaks out. Though she didn't know who Rosa was, she felt a powerful aura emanating from her. In comparison, Ryu was hostile towards her.

They clearly knew each other and based on their interaction, they weren't on friendly terms.

"Calm down." Rosa clicked her tongue and stepped forward from the two men.

"What do you want halfbreed?" Rosa started. "If you're looking for your master, then she's not with me. 

And if you're asking about Ferris, she's still stuck in the coffin, sleeping to her death."

Ryu's veins popped from his head, and Seraphina didn't see him so angry before enough that he was drawing blood from his palms.

Rosa didn't care about Ryu even the slightest. The only reason why she was even speaking to him was because they were part of a team. But now, that team was temporarily disbanded. Her priority was to find treasures and look for Lucian.

"I have something that might interest you in exchange for Ferris."

Rosa sighed. What could a halfbreed possibly have that's worth wasting her time? "Talk to me again after we get out from this place." She then turned to her heels and flew forward. "That's it if you're still alive!"


Rosa's laughter boomed in the desolate lands while the two men shot Ryu a smirk before they followed Rosa from behind.

"Wait!" Ryu could do nothing as he watched Rosa fly away in the opposite direction. He then looked at Seraphina, face torn and anguished.

Ryu didn't have to say it. Seraphina already knew what he wanted to do. She then looked at Allen and Cid. She felt embarrassed but. .. "I'm sorry, but we will have to change our plans."

"What do you mean changed your plans?" Cid asked, confused and bothered.

"Don't tell me. . ." Allen had a bad feeling.

Seraphina pressed her palms together, asking for forgiveness. "I'm sorry, guys, but we really have to follow that grumpy lady."

"What?!" Both Cid and Allen said at the same time.

"Here's a compensation for not keeping our word." Ryu tosses the last storm bottle towards the two, and Cid barely catches it with his shaking hands.

Ryu and Seraphina nodded to each other before Ryu took Seraphina in his arms and bolted after Rosa leaving debris and molten pebbles in his wake.

"w-wait. . ." Cid and Allen didn't know what happened.

In a daze, they looked at the bottle in Cid's hand and gasped.

"I-is this?"

"A Storm Bottle!"

It was a god-tier item, and a halfbreed was just tossing it away like it was scrap! They could even enter the next IsletIslet if they used it!

If they threw it to the Lava Titan, the strength of the ravaging storm might be able to shred it to pieces and expose the exit!

It was more than compensation, and they suddenly forgot about the injustice and anger they felt.

Meanwhile, Seraphina asked Ryu about Rosa and Ferris despite the blurring winds from Ryu's speed.

Ryu was hesitant at first but then decided to tell her about it, and Seraphina felt the rage and helplessness in Ryu's voice.

No wonder he was angry. He had every right to be. One of the girls he cherished, who taught and did so much for him, was dead, but they still wanted to experiment on her body even in death.

"There they are." Seraphina pointed to Rosa and the two men's blurring silhouettes.

Ryu picked up the pace and chased after them.



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