Questioning Heaven, Desiring the Way

Chapter 232: Falling Out

“How did you know?” Murong Yun calmed herself down even as fear rose in her heart. This man was simply too terrifying. A powerful person in the Order had cast a spell on her so that any information about her would be hidden from any cultivator below the Divine Soul stage. She didn’t expect Gu Suihan to see through it just like that.

“Of course, I could tell by just looking,” said Gu Suihan with a smile. He then glanced at Ouyang Duan. Ouyang Duan had a conflicted look on his face and a look of shock in his eyes. The two of you aren’t just mere acquaintances, thought Gu Suihan.

“Senior, I have a favor to ask of you,” said Ouyang Duan and Murong Yun at the same time.

“Don’t bother. I don’t like trouble. Whether you live or die has nothing to do with me.” Gu Suihan raised a hand to stop them from speaking further before they could even raise their requests. The two of them could only open their mouths, only to shut it again as they sighed inwardly.

“The fate of the Equal Spirit Order crosses with mine – Xia Yun, Rou Lingyun, Murong Yun – I’ve actually met with all three saintesses in such a short period of time. It looks like…the Order is scheming something big.”

Gu Suihan narrowed his eyes and tapped his fingers gently against his chair. The crushing pressure that threatened to kill everything under the sky suddenly burst forth from his body. It filled the room in an instant, like strong sea winds or like a flying dragon. The other two in the room were so shaken, their faces turned as white as a sheet, and they both collapsed onto the floor.

He had his reasons for saying these words.

When he first ran into the scholar, you could consider it a coincidence. But when Chamu, Tang Xiaoyun, and even Xia Yun made their appearance in quick succession after that, it became obvious that this was planned. If Gu Suihan hadn’t realized that the Equal Spirit Order was of some use to him and it was better to remain on peaceful terms with them for the moment, he would have crushed Xia Yun and her companions in Fengyang.

He could let them off for one or two attempts but not a third one. Yet, this idiotic Equal Spirit Order refused to learn their lesson and continued their attempts to drag him into the mud. This pushed his desire to smite the Order to its maximum.

“Senior, please…please forgive us. Perhaps it is a misunderstanding.” Murong Yun was pale and her dress was a mess as sweat poured down her face and drenched her dress. Her fine, long, silky hair was plastered to her little face, making her look even more pathetic.

“A misunderstanding? It’s a misunderstanding, alright – you thought I wouldn’t dare to fall out with the Order and kill all of you?”

Gu Suihan ignored her and raised his head instead. The murderous look in his eyes was intense, and a violent qi raged. His penetrating gaze focused in a particular direction as a spine-chilling smile spread across his lips.

The laws of nature solidified to become runes in the air. They glimmered colorfully and gave off a creepy and sinister air. They tore through the air like a shooting stars, entering the void and crossing through spacetime to latch onto the spiritual sense that was hiding in the shadows and spying on Gu Suihan.

“How dare you…” a thunderous roar resounded inside Gu Suihan’s head. A gigantic illusion of a bodhisattva that gave off a brilliant golden glow appeared from nowhere. It looked furious and the dreamy glow behind its head continued to spread and melt the vast sea of blood in Gu Suihan’s subconscious.

“Tsk, the Equal Spirit Order sure has plenty of idiots. You actually have Buddhist cultivators,” said Gu Suihan with a snort. The spirit residing in his subconscious immediately exploded with fiendish qi. The qi, accompanied by vicious and malicious runes, turned into a blood-red finger that stabbed into the area between the bodhisattva’s eyes before it realized what was going on.

“Since you’re here, then don’t go anywhere else. The Equal Spirit Order is hoping to become a player, but you’re not good enough.” Gu Suihan struck the bodhisattva accurately with one hit. With one thought, his subconscious churned, and the vast sea of blood threw up enormous waves that measured thousands of meters in height. The waves were filled with countless vengeful souls and malicious ghosts. They chanted and howled furiously as they came toward the bodhisattva coming their way from a different dimension.

The lines on his mottled and nearly shattering heart-soul weaved together as dao runes flowed and exchanged positions like a rushing river. Countless laws of nature bent to become an odd-shaped ancient beast, roaring fiercely as it pounced toward its opponent.

“Why, you!” The bodhisattva let out an angry roar that shook the sky. The glow behind it trembled and darkened, but its eyes shone more and more brilliantly, shooting out two golden beams of light at Gu Suihan.

“You don’t dare to attack because you’re afraid that person would sense what you’re doing and wipe you out with one thought,” said Gu Suihan as he snorted at his opponent’s counterattack.

He turned his beast into a bottomless whirlpool that pulled in all directions and shattered the bodhisattva even as it let out an indignant cry. The bodhisattva turned into golden sparkles, which rushed into Gu Suihan’s spirit and made it shine even more brightly.

“Tell your father that the Equal Spirit Order…can be disbanded. Otherwise, when I massacre thousands of worlds and destroy all living creatures, I will wipe you out as well.”

After Gu Suihan was done with the illusion that had come at him from a different dimension, he turned his sinister and venomous gaze to the completely pale and barely breathing Murong Yun.

“Who is it? Who dares to behave so audaciously!”

An angry roar resounded throughout the entire flying ship. A domineering pressure covered all of Gu Suihan and turned into invisible knives and swords, ready to strike him.

“The Nascent Change cultivator guarding this flying ship?” Gu Suihan’s expression froze for just a split second before he raised his right hand and began brandishing his saber, disregarding the fact that the flying ship was still moving through the void. He sliced through all the formations set up within the flying ship, tearing through the rooms toward the source of the pressure.

Inside a secret room, a middle-aged man paled as his breath became as weak as a flickering flame. His body swayed from side to side as blood flowed from his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, and he collapsed weakly onto the floor.

“I’ve miscalculated…that’s…that’s an Immortal! An Immortal!” said the middle-aged man in a dismayed voice. Tears ran down his face, and he had a look of despair. He thought that Gu Suihan was, at best, a Divine Soul cultivator. The Equal Spirit Order was powerful enough to use some underhanded means to threaten him and force him to do what they wanted.

He didn’t expect things to turn out like this. He suddenly wanted to know what really happened after Fengyang was sealed off.

Before the flight, he had used some divination methods and found out that the Order’s big plan would run into a problem, but the plan would still be completed successfully.

Upon further calculation, the problem turned out to be one person. But he wasn’t powerful enough to find out more.

That was until…the empire had broken through the god-level technique Gu Suihan had used to conceal himself. He was then able to confirm that Gu Suihan was his target. That was also how Su Yuqing calculated where Gu Suihan was.

But the plan couldn’t be put off for long. It hadn’t been easy to trace Gu Suihan, but the plan had to continue. However, they didn’t expect to end up attracting the attention of the emperor and his appearance at Fengyang. They definitely did not foresee that the three Divine Soul cultivators the Order supported would be killed in less than one second.

It didn’t occur to him that the non-threatening Origin Core cultivator they had discovered through their divination would turn out to be someone this powerful. And worse still, this same cultivator had hit Nascent Change in such a short time.

“Since that’s the case, I will have no choice but to…slay the immortal!”

The middle-aged man had not reached Divine Soul by sheer chance, after all. After he cast aside the initial panic and terror he felt, he quickly made a decision. He was going to make the first strike.

“We’re tens of thousands of meters in the high skies. What do you want?” the domineering voice was clearly less confident after Gu Suihan had slashed so fiercely through it, but was too proud to humble itself.

“I’m not going to die anyway, right?” Gu Suihan smiled evilly as he raised his saber. His qi shot out like a rain of arrows, turning many of the cultivators in the flying ship to minced meat.

“You…do you know that the people you’ve just killed include members of prominent families?” A man who survived the attack held up his long spear and squeezed these words out as he stared at Gu Suihan with a twisted expression on his face.

“So what?” Gu Suihan smiled, making his eyes curve like two crescents. He looked rather gentle as his clothes and hair blew in a light breeze caused by all the fiendish qi in the air. But the murderous qi swirling around his saber was getting more and more concentrated, like a roaring dragon that created ripples in the air around it.

“Excellent, very good. May I know your name?” shouted the man after letting out three angry laughs and pointing his spear at Gu Suihan.

“Make a wild guess!” Gu Suihan stomped on the floor and flew through several obstacles, compressing himself into one line before appearing right next to the man like a ghost. His saber gleamed with mysterious and complex runes. Murderous qi formed shapes on it, and fiendish qi gathered, emanating a terrifying murderous intent.

Clang! An ear-deafening blast rocked the ship and resounded loudly as though they had been hit by lightning. The surviving cultivators had pained looks on their faces, and those whose cultivation level was too low to hold up exploded into clouds of blood.

“My fellow cultivator, please have mercy,” the man suddenly spoke. “You’re trying to get to the 39th domain. Even someone at your level would need a few decades to get there without this ship. If you insist on fighting like this, we will only end up delaying whatever matter you need to attend to. That wouldn’t be worth it, right?”

“Is that so?” Gu Suihan rested his saber on the man’s neck and stared at him with an amused look on his face.

“I’m just here to complete a mission and get my reward, so fighting with you for no good reason is a very bad deal for me. How about we call it quits here?” The man could sense the bloodthirstiness of the blade on his shoulder and couldn’t help but shudder while cursing inwardly. But he continued to keep an ingratiating smile on his face and spoke politely to Gu Suihan anyway.

“You make sense. My name’s Gu Suihan.”

Gu Suihan returned his saber to its sheath. He gave the command in his mind and the laws of nature appeared like a complex, woven net. As though they were moving back in time, all the damaged rooms and other structures were restored. He disappeared from there and reappeared inside the VIP room.

As for the cultivators who had died…well, that was too bad. They were just unlucky.

The man was right – he could not delay Su Yuqing’s matter much longer. The Dongfang family was probably holding onto a lot of treasures. Gu Suihan had no reason to delay getting those treasures. He had already inflicted great injuries on that Nascent Change cultivator, so was good enough for him. There was no need to make life difficult for everyone else on board.

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