Purple Romance

Chapter 323: Staying together

''Paula?'' the man named Felix asked.

''Which other sister do I have?''

''Yes, off course. the last time I saw her, girl, she was fine as fuck!!''

''You can have her. she is all yours to seduce'' Mali said with a half smirk.

''You are kidding right? You always told me to stay away from your sister, but now you are giving her to me? You are joking, right?''

''Do I look like I am joking? You can have her''

''Okay. Now that I have your permission, I will make sure I win her affection''

''You have a week to do that''

''What? A week? Is your sister that easy to please?''

''I will give you tips on how to win her over'' Mali said and sipped her wine.


When Andy and Paula arrived the following morning, Lisa was preparing to leave the hospital with Leslie. She was getting discharged today.

''Lisa, my love'' Paula hugged an excited Lisa who couldn't wait to leave the hospital. She was all smiles as she pointed at her bag that Leslie was packing.

''I am leaving this place today'' Lisa said to Paula through the notepad.

''Off course, you are so fit and healthy''

''We are done'' Leslie said after he packed everything. He lifted the bag in his hands and walked closer to them.

''Let's go. Paula and I will see you off at your place before we go to the hotel'' Andy said and took some of the things from Leslie.

Paula held Lisa's hand as they walked out in front of the men.

''I'm assuming that things worked out well, seeing that Paula looks happy and you too look peaceful?'' Leslie asked as they stalled behind in unhurried steps behind the ladies.

''Paula already knew about it''

''She did?''

''En, but, she said it didn't matter. She wants to be with me and I want to be with her. what matters is that our feelings are still strong, so we are trying to get through it together''

''Nice move, Andy. See, it wasn't that hard after all. You were beating yourself up for nothing''

''What about you? Have you talked to Lisa about the therapy?''

''No. I wanted her to come out of the hospital before. right now, I want to take things slow. I don't want to scare her. I don't know whether she is really fine or just good at pretending to be fine but, I made my bed, might as well lay in it. Lisa is worth every effort''

''You always know what you want and go for it. Please, make sure you protect Lisa. She's been through a lot''

''I will''

''Have you figured out how to deal with Mali?''

''She came to the house last night and I told her to not look for me at odd hours but if it happens again, I will put a restraining order against her. If they mess with Paula, I will make them pay even though they are family''

''Make sure you let Paula know. Family is family, in the end''

''Talking about family, father asked off you this morning. he said you are not picking his calls again''

''I blocked him. I can't let him find out about Lisa. He is another catalyst for trauma''

Andy chuckled and patted Leslie's shoulder saying, ''you are right''


Leslie's Villa.

Paula and Lisa sat in the hall chatting as they waited for Andy and Leslie to get back to the hall.

''That is what happened, but I am not giving up on Andy'' Paula said to Lisa.

''You've been through a lot in just a few days. I cuss myself for not been able to talk right now. I don't know how to console you and writing in this damn notepad all the time is frustrating''

''Hey, it doesn't matter. Your presence alone is enough consolation. Now that you are here, I am rest assured that you are in good hands. Leslie is very reliable''

''Paula, do you think he is doing this because of our contract, or does he really have feelings for me?''

''If it were the contract, he didn't have to go to this extent. Off course, he likes you more. Let me tell you, hold unto him tightly. This man is your man''

Lisa smiled, ''I know. I will make sure I get well fast, so that we can talk more comfortably''

''Don't stress yourself trying to get better. Let it happen naturally. We have a lot of time in our hands''

''Lisa, Paula'' Leslie called them as he walked over with Andy.

''Is the room ready? Lisa wants to take a shower'' Paula asked.

''Yes, it is ready, I will show you to it''

''Paula and I will leave now. We will come after work before we go home''

''Are you two living together?'' Lisa turned and asked with her eyes and Paula nodded.

''Yes, we decided to live together'' Paula answered and Lisa chuckled knowing that her friend was super shy.

''Alright, see you then'' Leslie said and led Lisa inside while Andy and Paula left.

When they entered and Lisa saw the room, she gasped and turned to look at Leslie.

''I asked Paula for some tips. She also gave me the things that you often used in your room and I brought them over here. I wanted you to feel comfortable staying here''

Lisa nodded her head and smiled.

''Is it to your liking?'' Leslie asked nervously. This was the first time in a long time he was putting an effort into making something for the opposite sex.

''It is perfect'' Lisa wrote in the notepad and showed it to him, ''I like the feel of the room. Thank you, Leslie''

'That's a relief. The bathroom is over there. I made sure I bought all the necessities that you usually used. If there is anything else that you will need, let me know. I will be at the kitchen preparing lunch. Come down when you are done showering.

Lisa nodded her head and proceeded to the bathroom. Leslie smiled and went out.


''I told you to let us go one after the other. You just don't listen, do you?'' Paula gave Andy a side glare as she sat inside the car, not venturing to step out.

''Everyone already knows that we are dating, what are you hiding for again? Besides, we now live together'' he said into her ears and she flushed.

''You… how did I not know how shameless you can be? In any case, I am not leaving the car with you. go without me'' Paula insisted.

''I will do that, but you will pay in kind for this favour. I will get the worth of it back tonight'' Andy said and got down.

''He is becoming more shameless by the day'' Paula murmured and waited till Andy was inside before she took her bag and got down from the car. She looked around her and was about to move forward towards the entrance when someone bumped into her.

She tripped and lost her footing. As she fell, the man quickly held her back and she bumped into his chest and he wrapped his arm around her waist.

''Are you alright, beautiful?'' the man said in a flirtatious tone.

Paula stepped back and nodded her head as she subconsciously wiped her waist, where the man had touched her. She didn't even realise her own actions. She just didn't want another man's scent on her.

''I'm sorry, I wasn't watching my steps'' Paula said to him and finally looked up, seeing his face. She recognised him, ''oh, it's you''

''Miss Paula'' Felix smiled politely.

''Your name is Alex, right?''

''My full name is Felix but everyone calls me Alex. Are just coming to work right now?''

''Yes, are you also coming just now?''

''Yes, let's go in''

Paula nodded and walked with him. they made small talks along the while. When they got to the restaurant, Paula excused herself and went to her office.

Felix smiled as he looked at Paula walking away. His gaze was fixed on her and he didn't see Magdalene who had come to stand next to him until he heard her voice and turned.

''She is really pretty, right?'' Magdalene asked Felix/ Alex.

''She is''

''Such a pity. Why did she have to be straight? Well, since she belongs to the CEO and has a nice personality, it worth it. Felix, you can look but don't try to covet what's not yours? When you eat food that doesn't belong to you, you get choked''

''What do you mean?'' Felix asked, flustered.

''You should know what I mean already'' Magdalene patted his shoulder and walked away.

The innocent look on Felix face disappeared as he smirked. He took out his phone and sent a text to Mali.

''You said she was mine as long as I can get her to waiver, right?''

''Yes, she is all yours'' a text came back immediately and Felix smiled.

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