Protagonist Comparison: I, Shi Feng, Never Need A Supreme Bone

Chapter 11

Chapter Eleven: Dad, We Will Definitely Give Ten Points This Time! 【Seek Data】

This sentence directly silenced Uchiha Itachi.

why was he not

For the sake of the village, he did not hesitate to slash the butcher knife at his family, killed his parents, and killed all his relatives.

But only for his younger brother, he couldn’t be cruel.

So after seeing Shi Yi digging out his own brother’s supreme bone, he felt resentful in his heart, and gave a 0 point evaluation without hesitation.

But at this moment,

When he heard Shi Feng’s words, Uchiha Itachi was relieved.

With this sentence alone,

No matter what extraordinary things Shi Feng does next, he will give Shi Feng the highest evaluation of 10 points!

Just because of that sentence, I can’t bear to take away the supreme bone that originally belonged to my brother!

at the same time.

In the Xianming multiverse world.

Ming Chengzu Zhu Di couldn’t help the tears in his eyes.

If Jianwen hadn’t pushed too hard back then, he definitely wouldn’t have rebelled.


He is the son of Zhu Biao, the son of his elder brother!

So for so many years after taking the throne, he has been living in remorse.

But now Shi Feng’s sentence “I can’t bear to take away my brother’s supreme bone”, instantly made Zhu Di cry a little.

He turned to look at his three sons, and then at his most beloved grandson.

“After I die, your hands must not be stained with the blood of your own brothers!”

This is the second time Zhu Di has said this sentence.

His tone was serious and heavy.

This is enough to prove how regretful Zhu Di is, and how much he is afraid that his son will repeat his own experience, causing his brothers to kill each other.

“Father, we all understand!” [by Zhu Gaoxu]

“That’s right, this time regarding Shi Feng’s rating, we will give 10 points for everything we say!” [by Zhu Gaosui]

“Yes, yes, we will definitely give 10 points!” [by Zhu Gaochi]

“And you?”

After watching his three sons express their views, Zhu Di turned his gaze to Zhu Zhanji who was kneeling aside and shivering.

“Of course I also give 10 points!” Zhu Zhanji said quickly.

After all, he can’t do without expressing his opinion.

Damn, the old man is standing there holding a long sword, who doesn’t tremble when he sees it.

And until this moment,

Zhu Di gave up, and then showed a satisfied smile.

This Shi Feng’s style is too suitable for his appetite.

This comparison video is really good.

Zhu Di couldn’t help but stroked his beard, and then looked at the picture above the light curtain again, his eyes full of anticipation.

at the same time.

The scene in the light curtain has also been updated again.

Shi Feng’s mother and the Yu clan’s strong man froze in place.

They seemed a little unable to believe their ears.

“Feng’er, do you know how strong this supreme bone is?” Shi Yi’s mother had a puzzled expression on her face.

“Once you get this supreme bone, and then add your double pupils, then the whole world will surrender at your feet!”

Shi Feng’s mother anxiously persuaded.

But Shi Feng never wavered from beginning to end.

His pair of pupils are extremely deep, and there are terrible runes looming inside them.

Although he has not fully embarked on the path of cultivation, the power of double pupils has already begun to be seen. Once opened, it will be enough to destroy the world!

“If you can reach the strongest of the heavens with only one bone, then the so-called strongest of the heavens is too weak!”

At this moment, Shi Feng spoke again,

His words are still so shocking.

“Good boy, the old man accepted you as an apprentice today after saying this to you!”

this moment.

In the world of Tomb of God.

Dugu Baitian couldn’t help admiring.

His eyes were full of appreciation, and he was very satisfied with Shi Feng’s expression.

After all, being able to say such a thing, Dugu Baitian is enough to conclude that Shi Feng’s future achievements will definitely not be low.

At that time, coupled with his training, this double pupil will show its true power, completely making the whole world surrender at Shi Feng’s feet.

And it’s not just Dugu defeating the sky.

Even other people are talking at this moment.

They were all shocked by Shi Feng’s performance.

Because Shi Feng’s sense of self-confidence revealed in every move is really too much.

If relying on a single bone can become the strongest in the heavens, then the strongest in the heavens is too weak…!

This sentence undoubtedly deeply shocked everyone’s heart.

Especially a group of fantasy bosses.

Their evaluation of Shi Feng has reached a very high level.

After all, it is still the same sentence in the journey of practice, the most important thing is a heart of Taoism.

If the Dao Heart is not strong enough, then even having the roots against the sky will not help.

But instead,

If one has a strong enough Dao heart, even a mortal body can still go upstream and rule the heavens!

And there are too many examples of this in the heavens and myriad realms.

For example, in the world that covers the sky with a flick of a finger.

The ruthless empress was standing in the Bronze Immortal Palace, her bright eyes were looking at Shi Feng’s appearance.

“With the power of double pupils and such a solid Dao heart, I think the future achievements will not be too low.”

The ruthless empress whispered softly.

As usual,

She is basically like a statue, without any other superfluous movements, and she can’t speak, almost immortal, out of the dust and Extraordinary.

but now,

After seeing Shi Feng’s performance, she couldn’t help feeling a little emotional.

Because in comparison,

The gap between her and Shi Feng is really too big.

When she was young, she was like a waste wood in Africa, without any special Constitution, nor any cultivation resources.

But that’s it,

For the sake of her big brother, she went against the sky with her obsession, went upstream in the world of mortals, and forcibly became a generation of empress!

And now,

Shi Feng’s situation is much better than her.

I think the achievements in the future will definitely not be low.

And this made Di Yi a little curious about what Shi Feng’s next plot development will be like, and what Shi Feng’s future achievements will be.

But at this moment.

Suddenly, the chat group of the Heavens and Worlds exploded again.

not for anything else,

It was because Shi Yi’s mother sent another barrage!

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