Pokemon: Dominate The Alliance From Opening The Treasure Box

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Treecko’s Special Training (4)

“Treecko, use the Energy Ball.”

Treecko put his hands together, and slowly condensed a green Energy Ball in his hands.

But the next second, the green Energy Ball disappeared.

“Add or not.”

Treecko was quite disappointed, and failed again, and disappointed Aoki as well.

“It’s okay, don’t worry, I believe in you, you will definitely succeed.”

Aoki patted Treecko on the head lightly.

Energy Ball is a powerful grass-type attack that can only be learned during the Treecko period.

Of course, that’s a game, and in real life, Grovyle can learn, even Sceptile can.

It’s just that Energy Ball is not only powerful, but also easier to learn than Treecko.

So Aoki decided to let Treecko learn Energy Ball first.

Like Solar Beam, you can learn it later.

“Add or not.”

After listening to Aoki’s encouragement, Treecko plucked up his courage and patted his heart.

I will definitely succeed.

Through the power of Viridian, Aoki heard Treecko’s heart and was full of confidence.

I believe Treecko can definitely do it.

“Okay, Treecko, you’re too tired, just take a rest. Just in time, I also want to go have a meal.”

“Add or not.”

Treecko immediately followed Aoki, with a look of anticipation on his arrogant face, and even drooling.

It’s been with Aoki for a week or so and tasted Aoki’s Celadon/Rainbow Pokéblocks.

Since then, Treecko has never been arrogant, especially when it comes to eating, eating faster than anyone else.

It was as if I had been hungry for a long time before.

Crooked Frog and Combusken looked at the devoured little brother and couldn’t help shaking their heads.

This little brother is so pathetic.

Even Boss Lairon couldn’t help but pick up a Celadon/Rainbow Pokéblocks and hand it to his little brother.

Don’t let the younger brother starve too badly.

“Add or not.”

Treecko is very happy to thank you.

This big brother is so nice.


Boss Lairon also politely said no thanks.

Aoki nodded, the relationship between Pokémon became so good, that’s still good.

At least there won’t be too much conflict.

“Okay, take a good rest after eating, and train in the afternoon, Treecko, you must learn Energy Ball.”

“Add or not.”

Treecko held out a hand with determination in his eyes, I will definitely learn Energy Ball.

clap clap…

Suddenly, there was the sound of leaves rustling in the woods nearby.

Boss Lairon stood up immediately, as the eldest brother, he had to protect the master Aoki.

Combusken and the croak-headed frog are also on guard.

Treecko even opened his hands to protect Aoki with his own.

Inside the grove, a blue creature with four tentacles emerged.


Aoki recognizes this Pokémon.

Surskit watched Aoki cautiously, then on Treecko’s plate.

The little eyes looked at him seriously, and his stomach was a little hungry.

Treecko immediately picked up the plate and yelled at Surskit.

This is my food, not for you.

Aoki’s eyes lit up, this seemed like a good opponent, and he pulled out some Pokéblocks right away.

“Surskit, I have some Pokéblocks here, can you play a game with my Treecko?”

Surskit’s eyes lit up and immediately jumped in front of Treecko, ready to fight at any moment.

“Treecko, don’t let me down.”

Treecko put down the food and jumped out immediately, with determination in his eyes.

Never let Aoki down.

Surskit actively spit out a stream of water, with a strong impact, like a jet.

“Water jet? Treecko, dodge now, use Bullet Seed.”

Treecko jumped to the side and opened his mouth, spitting out a huge amount of green light.

The green light and the jet of water collided, and the explosion exploded, and the smoke and dust of the explosion filled the air.

Seeing that Surskit missed a move, he spit out a large amount of bubbles, which shone brightly under the sunlight.

“Treecko, don’t dodge, use the Energy Ball.”

Treecko put his hands together, and a green energy emerged from his palms, forming an Energy Ball.

But the moment Energy Ball was knocked out, Energy Ball suddenly dissipated.

Bubble Beam also hits Treecko.

Treecko was knocked out and fell to the ground, Growl groaning in pain.

Even if you get hit by the Water Type skill, it will still hurt a lot.

Surskit had no intention of showing mercy, and spit out another huge stream of water.

“Treecko, I believe in you, you will be able to learn Energy Ball, come on.”

Aoki encouraged loudly.

He believes that Treecko will be able to learn Energy Ball in a desperate situation.

Treecko seemed to be emotionally rendered, and immediately jumped up, and his palms quickly gathered an energy.

faster than before.


Treecko pushed forward with both hands, and the green Energy Ball was pushed and flew out, hitting the water jet head-on.

The jet of water was scattered under the impact of the Energy Ball.

The Energy Ball was like a broken bamboo, breaking through the jet of water and hitting Surskit head-on.

Surskit cried out in pain and was knocked to the ground, but was not incapacitated.

“Treecko, good, Encore, less powerful.”

Treecko is also very excited and seems to have learned the Energy Ball, this time the speed of convergence is faster than before.

Before Surskit could get up, he was hit head-on by the Energy Ball, screamed and lost his ability to fight.

“Treecko, great job.”

Aoki praised without hesitation.

Treecko was happy, and even more proud.

“You continue to eat, and I’ll treat Surskit.”

Aoki healed Treecko first, then Surskit.

When Surskit wakes up, Aoki gives it a chunk of Pokéblocks.

Surskit ate the Pokéblocks, thanked him, and dashed into the grass and disappeared.

“Treecko, Combusken, we’re done eating, let’s continue eating.”

(The new book continues to beg everyone’s flower support, the more flowers, the more you add.)*

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