Pokemon Dark Giant

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: : Gas Bomb

“Apa snake, use the coil, and then use the dissolving liquid on them.” Ryuzaki Shinji sneered as he looked at the flinching Lada and the little Lada, knowing that the intimidating feature of the Apa monster took effect, since If you don’t choose to come all the way up, then don’t blame him for attacking first, and immediately let Apa Snake improve his abilities first.

Apa Snake immediately executed the order, he quickly coiled his body, and a burst of light with improved ability suddenly appeared from his body. After the ability was improved, the intimidation of the Apa monster became stronger, and some timid little Lada had already begun Backed up, if it wasn’t for Lada at the forefront, they would have run away in the face of the natural enemy Apa Snake, but they soon regretted not running away, and black liquid spit out from the mouth of the purple snake, as if The cannonballs hit them as fast, and all the little Ladas hit by the liquid artillery turned into thick water.

“Lada~” A big mouse twice the size of an ordinary Lada saw his descendants being murdered by the Apa snake, his eyes flashed coldly, a white light appeared on his body, and he flashed an electric light thinking that the Apa snake rushed over , and the other three Ladas and five little Ladas saw their boss make a move, and they all followed suit, using lightning flashes to rush towards Apa Snake, and several of them rushed towards Ryuzaki Shinji. , while they were moving, the large die in their mouths all glowed.

“Learn to be smart, it’s a pity, it’s too late, Apa snake, big snake stared, and then bit them all to death.” Ryuzaki Shinji smiled cruelly, after coiling, Apa snake’s attack power and defense The power has increased, and more importantly, his hit rate has also increased. The Appa monster glared at all the elves that attacked him. Lada and Little Lada, who looked at each other with their eyes, stopped in place with trembling, and then, Apa Snake quickly took a bite of all those fearful idiots and injected them with venom. All of them were bitten by Apa Snake. The Radha and Little Radha immediately appeared purple spots on their faces, then twitched all over their bodies, and finally lost their breath of life.

Only one Lada and two little Ladas didn’t catch the big snake’s eyes, because they all went to attack Ryuzaki Shinji and saw the death of their companions. These survivors were very fond of Ryuzaki Shinji and Apa Snake. Hatred, his eyes have become red, after Apa Snake finished what Ryuzaki Shinji explained, he did not go back to help him, but swallowed the little Rada who had just been poisoned to death, and then He turned his head and looked at his master playfully.

“Cut, it seems that I have to go back and have a good education. I dare to come at me, I don’t know whether to live or die, come out, gas bomb, and use high-speed rotation.” Seeing the Apa snake dropping the chain at a critical moment, Ryuzaki Shinji’s eyes were full of cold light, but there was no panic on his face, he immediately took out a Poke Ball from his waist and opened it.

With a flash of white light, a gas bomb with purple smoke all over his body appeared beside him. Different from the dull expression of ordinary gas bombs, this gas bomb had bright eyes, a pair of small eyes narrowed, and a strange expression on his face all the time. The smile gave the impression of a treacherous villain. He smiled “hehehe” as soon as he came out, and then began to spin at a high speed, knocking all the elves that rushed towards Ryuzaki Shinji flying.

“Good job, kill them all with a sludge bomb.” Ryuzaki Shinji curved the corners of his mouth slightly, and then said coldly.

Hearing the words, the gas bomb laughed again, “hehe”, and then several hot mud **** exuding purple smoke spit out from his mouth. When those hot mud **** came into contact with the elf, they immediately exploded violently, “Boom boom Boom~” sounded, and several small pits were left on the ground, and some blackened stumps and broken legs were also left on the pits.

“Good job, gas bomb.” Ryuzaki Shinji said softly, touching the gas bomb floating around him.

“Gaswas.” Gasdan was very satisfied with the master’s compliment, with a happy expression on his face, but he soon returned to the treacherous look just now, he turned his head and looked coldly at the Apa snake not far away, Then he laughed again “hehehe”.

“Come here, Apa Snake.” Ryuzaki Shinji said coldly, his face very cold.

Regarding Ryuzaki Shinji’s order, Apa Snake did not immediately obey this time, but stared at him with cold snake eyes.

After the two sides looked at each other for a while, Apa Snake finally lowered his head, and then quickly climbed in the direction of Ryuzaki Shinji, but just as he was about to approach Ryuzaki Shinji, the gas bomb beside Ryuzaki Shinji immediately shot The attack was launched, and the two hot mud **** accurately flew towards the Apa snake.

After the two explosions of “Bump~”, Apa Snake was already lying on the ground blackened, his body was blown into two halves, and the icy snake eyes now showed a strong fear.

“Next time you dare to do this, I’ll kill you, remember?” Ryuzaki Shinji stepped on the snake head of Apa Snake and looked at him coldly, Apa Snake immediately lowered his head and moved when he heard the words Moved to express surrender.

“Hmph, come back.” Ryuzaki Shinji took out the elf ball expressionlessly and took back the half-dead Apa Snake. Ryuzaki Shinji was not worried about Apa Snake’s injury. This kind of guy has a very strong regeneration ability. As long as you have a breath and enough energy, you can quickly recover your body, and now it is a punishment for disobedience.

1 hour later, Caesar began to call in people. This time, many fewer people came back. In order to intercept Dream, casualties were normal, but Dream seemed to be angry this time, so more people died than before. His partner, Fujiwara Takuya, also died, but this is not surprising to Ryuzaki Shinji. Sooner or later, this stunned young man will die.

“This time your performance is very heroic. Although the task of catching the task failed, but we got a few dreamy hairs, which is a good harvest, so I will report it to the headquarters and give you a reward of 1,000 points each. “Caesar said excitedly, holding a glass bottle, and there were these pink hairs in it, which were obviously what he called dream hairs.

Seeing the excitement of the members of the Rockets below, Caesar smiled with satisfaction. Next, he started to speak again, this time mourning for his dead companions and making a declaration of the glory of the Rockets. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

“1000 points, it’s not bad. It’s just rewarding the survivors with tasks that the dead don’t use. It’s such an old-fashioned brainwashing.” Ryuzaki Shinji watched coldly in the crowd. The fanatical companions around thought disdainfully, these people have been successfully brainwashed by the Rockets, and this kind of brainwashing has not stopped since the moment they joined the Rockets. Unfortunately, these are the worldviews of Ryuzaki Shinji. People who are already in shape don’t work at all.

After mourning, Caesar happily left the abandoned construction site with the remaining Team Rocket members and walked to the nearby Light Red City base.

Light Red City Rockets underground base, medical area.

“You got hurt all over again this time, really, you have to trouble me every time.” A young woman dressed as a white nurse said to Ryuzaki Shinji, who had a cold face in front of her.

“Long-winded, I’ll do a full-body treatment as usual, and the points will be deducted from my deposit account. Also, Apa Snake will also ask you.” Ryuzaki Shinji said flatly with his eyes closed.

“Understood, don’t come back next time, hum.” The young woman said angrily when she saw that Ryuzaki Shinji didn’t want to pay attention to him. Finally, she manipulated the machine and threw Ryuzaki Shinji into a huge glass filled with healing liquid. Inside, Ryuzaki Shinji quickly put on a diving mask with a hose attached, and then hypnotized gas into the water, and he quickly fell into a deep sleep.

“Why are you fighting so hard? This time, the internal organs were slightly broken, and internal bleeding almost formed. Next time, can you be so lucky?” Hanako Aoki looked at Ryuzaki Shinji, who was sleeping naked in the treatment bottle said worriedly.

To be continued ……………………………

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