Pokemon: Born to Win at the Starting Line

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Elite Po10Tial Squirtle

“I’m not indecisive, I have my own ideas, don’t worry I won’t make you lose face.”

Jiang Chen explained to Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan nodded, he also knew that Jiang Chen had always been very opinionated.

“By the way, I have awakened the power of the waveguide, which is why I want Riolu. Dad, can you help me find some ways to cultivate the power of the waveguide?”

Now Jiang Chen’s waveguide is still very weak, and he doesn’t know how to strengthen his waveguide.

“You awakened the power of waveguide?” Jiang Yuan’s face showed surprise.

The power of the wave guide is known from the data found in the ruins, but so far there are only a handful of people in the world who have awakened the power of the wave guide.

“Could my son become a Bird Hero?”

Xie Yulan was also surprised.

“Mom, I don’t want to be the Bird Hero that others say.”

Jiang Chen quickly said that Yalang was known as the Bird Hero because he sacrificed himself, but Jiang Chen did not have such a noble sentiment to sacrifice himself and sacrifice himself for others.

“Yes, yes, it’s good to be a waveguide messenger, and it’s okay to be a waveguide hero.”

Bird warriors are famous, envy them? In exchange for his own life.

“Then you have to get you a talented Riolu.”

Jiang Yuan frowned and thought.

It’s not difficult for him to get Riolu, but the real difficulty is to get a good Riolu.

“Actually, it doesn’t matter if the talent is a little bit worse.”

There are items in Jiang Chen’s system that can enhance talent potential, but the price is not cheap, and the required points are very high.

“That won’t work, talent is too important to Pokémon.”

Jiang Yuan has a deep understanding of this, why there are so few Elites and Champions, in addition to the difficulty of the assessment, because there are too few talented Pokémon.

For example, the six main Pokémon in his hand, except Dragonite, Charizard and Violent Salamander, the other three Pokémon have reached the top.

It is impossible to reach the championship in this life. If he wants to go further in the future, he can only conquer more talented Pokémon for training.

Pokémon with good talent grow fast and have great future prospects, while Pokémon with poor talent grows slowly and have no future.

“I have some ways to go, not to mention getting you a Riolu with championship potential, at least it’s Elite potential.”

Even if you owe some favors, you have to get it.

“Then I’m looking forward to good news from you, Dad.”

“Sir, madam, young master, the meal is ready.”

Ning Ya came over and said that she is the housekeeper at home. Because her father and mother are busy on weekdays, Ning Ya takes care of Jiang Chen most of the time.

And Ning Ya is also a Pokémon breeder, and Ning Ya is feeding the Pokémon at home.

There are a lot of Pokémon at home, and the Pokémon that his father conquered when he was young are all at home.

Let me introduce, Jiang Chen’s home is very big, not to mention the courtyard in front that is about the size of a football field, the mountain behind is also Jiang Chen’s home.

Those Pokémon that Jiang Yuan conquered who could not become the main force, except for the stronger ones to form a second team, the others all lived in the back mountain.

After eating, Jiang Yuan gave Jiang Chen a note, don’t look at it as just a note, in fact it is priceless.

This note records some battle tactics, some Breeder Pokémon methods.

An Elite’s experience note is worth more than a quasi-god, and with this, many detours can be avoided.

The next day, his father left early in the morning, and his mother also went to work.

“Sister Ningya, take me to school.”

Jiang Chen hangs the Poké Ball around his waist.

“Okay sir.”

Ning Ya drove Jiang Chen to school.

In the school, Jiang Chen’s reputation is not small, after all, he is the son of Elite, and he still attracts a lot of attention.

Moreover, Jiang Chen is also handsome. His parents have good genes, so of course he is not bad, and his grades in school are also in the forefront.

“Master, I’m going back.”

“Sister Ningya, take good care of that Pokémon egg in my room.”

That is a Ralts of Flash, and Flash is a Pokémon of different colors. It is often unpopular in the group because it is a different kind, but such Pokémon are usually special, and to put it bluntly, it is a mutation.

Variation may be for the better, or it may be for the worse.

This thing depends on luck.

After the exhortation, Jiang Chen entered the school, and it could be seen that the classmates in today’s class were very excited.

For most of your classmates, today is the time to have your own Pokémon.

The Tianhai Pokémon Academy in Tianhai City is famous all over the country, second only to the Imperial Capital Pokémon Academy.

Good grades are in the elite class, while those with poor grades are in the ordinary class. Jiang Chen is a member of the elite class.

“Jiang Chen, what are you going to choose?”

As soon as he sat down, Jiang Chen’s tablemate Zhao Gan asked him.

“Secret, you’ll know when I’m done choosing.”

Jiang Chen looked mysterious.

“Be quiet, classmates. The person whose name was pronounced by me followed me to the school’s breeding house.”

At this time their head teacher came in with a list in his hand.


“Ling Wanqiu.”

“Jiang Chen.”

“Zhao Gan.”


Looking at the twenty or so students whose names were read, the head teacher said with a smile, “Follow me.”

These people whose names are read are all people who can receive Yu Sanjia.

If you want to receive Yusanjia, you need to pay 100,000 Alliance coins every year from birth to receive a Yusanjia when you are fifteen years old.

It can be said that this is the patent of the rich. Ordinary people can’t afford this fee. Those who pay 10,000 Alliance coins every year can receive Pokémon such as Sandshrew, Nidoran♂, and Geodude.

As for those who didn’t pay a dime, sorry, you need to bring your own Pokémon, the school won’t provide it.

The world is like this, the reality is so cruel.

The rich and the poor have completely different starting points.

Do ordinary people have a chance? Of course, it is not without. If your grades are particularly good and you are favored by the school, the school may reward you with a royal family.

It’s an investment in talent, and if it really grows, it’s good for the school and the country.

“This time there are Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Treecko, Torchic and Mudkip.”

The head teacher told Jiang Chen and the others.

“Unfortunately, I actually like Little Fire Monkey the most.”

Zhao Qian had a pity expression on his face.

After the little fire monkey evolves into Infernape, he is handsome and can play. Zhao Gan especially likes it.

“Torchic is also good, and the final evolution is the same as Infernape, which is Fire and Fighting.”

Jiang Chen pointed to Torchic. After evolving into Blaziken, the double attack is very high. It is indeed a good choice.

After a quick look, Jiang Chen’s eyes were on a Squirtle.


Gender: Male

Strength: ordinary first-order

Talent Potential: Elite

Attribute: water

Ability: Riptide

Moves: Tackle, Withdraw, Water Gun

“Teacher, I choose this Squirtle.”

Without hesitation, Jiang Chen chose this Squirtle. Although he prefers Charmander, the reality is more rational. This Squirtle has the best talent here, and Squirtle is actually not bad. *

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