Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: : Mini Dragon? Actually I Am-

Ajin used a playful voice to remind Heiduo sideways that this person is a liar.

Heiduo turned his head and found that Ajin put his hands on the back of his head, swaying leisurely, and the long-tailed strange hand stood on his shoulders, looking at the middle-aged man maliciously.

When the middle-aged man saw Ah Jin, his face sank, and he said, “Go, go! Go! Don’t disturb my business!”

He bent down slightly, rubbed his hands together, and said with a flattering expression: “Don’t listen to his nonsense, this is a bear boy! I’m a serious businessman.”

I believe in your evil! Bad old man is very bad!

He Duo glanced at him and ignored him. Instead, he said to Ajin, “Hello! My name is He Duo!”

He held out his hand.

Although Ah Jin is frivolous and seemingly unassuming, he is actually very capable and responsible.

In the special chapter, he is a character He Duo likes very much.

Ajin stared blankly at He Duo’s hand. It was the first time he had seen someone so polite to him. He looked down at his dirty hand, licked his face and shook it.

“Hello, hello! My name is Ajin!” He grinned, but his eyes twinkled with friendliness.

The middle-aged man looked at the two people who were harmonious and friendly, and his expression changed. Although his face was a little difficult, the power of the round land shark really attracted him.

“Little brother, are you interested in mini dragons?”

He directly released his ultimate move, eager for He Duo’s reply.

“Mini dragon?” He Duo raised his eyebrows. Generally speaking, the main habitat of mini dragons in the city is in the dragon cave.

That is, next to Yanmo City.

There are countless dragon attribute trainers living there, and it is one of the most dangerous places in the entire city.

Just relying on this, can you capture the mini dragon in the dragon cave?

It would be nice if the head didn’t get ripped off.

Could it be that he came from the Dragon Cave?

Seeing Heiduo taking the bait, the middle-aged man smiled and said in a low voice, “That’s right! I have a miniature dragon with great potential here!

“Do you know Du? The Four Heavenly King Dragon Messenger Du! Even he praised it for its unlimited future!”

“Oh?” He Duo became interested. He didn’t believe in the nonsense of the middle-aged man, but wanted to know how this man would be round.

Behind Heido, Ajin frowned, and just as he was about to remind him again, he saw Heido with one hand behind his back and made an ok gesture to him.

His brows stretched out, guessing that He Duo knew something, and he was not carried away by the word “mini dragon”.

Not far away, Shuangye was sitting on the sofa, staring at him indifferently. She didn’t remind Heiduo of his interest. If Heiduo was fooled, she might still be happy.

The middle-aged man walked to the side, beckoning Hei Duo to follow.

He Duo followed obediently, and stopped at a corner of the center of the elf with the middle-aged man.

“Look!” The middle-aged man opened a Poké Ball.


White light flashed, a long snake with white fins on both sides of its head, a big round nose on its face, purple eyes, a dark blue body, and a snow-white belly clinging to the middle-aged man’s arm.


He Duo was slightly surprised. It was the first time he saw a real miniature dragon and was surprised by its cuteness.

The middle-aged man was very satisfied with He Duo’s expression, and said in a low voice, “How is it? Is what I said true?”

No one can resist the temptation of the mini-dragon, after all, its final evolutionary form is the trump card of Sitianwangdu – Kuailong!

As mentioned in the previous article, today, when Sitianwangdu is well-known in the entire Guandu, the mini-dragon is no longer a very cherished elf under the vigorous cultivation of the alliance.

But this is only limited to the Kanto region. In Chengdu, because it is Du’s hometown, the control of mini-dragons is still somewhat strict. Any mini-dragons that appear in the wild will most likely be taken back to the dragon’s lair by the people in the dragon’s lair.

Even in Kanto, the only places where there have been traces of mini-dragons are the Wild Elf Sanctuary, the depths of the Viking Forest, and the major game halls.

The first two are the key protection areas of the Elf Alliance, and the latter is a bottomless pit.

But this does not prevent Du’s fans from being enthusiastic about this kind of elf and yearning for the powerful fast dragon.

Especially this mini dragon was praised by Du himself.

If the news is true, this mini dragon will be sold for a sky-high price!

Of course, in the black market, no one shouted loudly on the bright side, unless you wanted Du to come and smash your head.

He Duo narrowed his eyes.

[Elf: Mini Dragon (Variety) / Gender: None / Level: Level 30]

[Characteristic: Soft / Attribute: Normal / Trainer: Park]

[Move: Transform into lv3]

Sure enough, this guy is not a mini dragon.

He Duo smiled vaguely, the quasi-god finally didn’t go to the bad street too much, otherwise he would be very disappointed.

“You said more than that before.”

He Duo pretended that he didn’t see the true or false of the mini-dragon, with an expression of desire but tried his best to hide it.

The middle-aged man Park calmly took out a photo.

On it was a man in a cape with flaming red hair and domineering around his body. He was hugging the wretched middle-aged man in front of Heiduo. The middle-aged man had a miniature dragon in his arms.

…The world also has p-pictures?

He Duo looked at the slightly inconsistent photo, and was speechless. At first glance, this thing really thought about it for a while!

“Hey hey! How? You know I’m not a liar, right?” The middle-aged man shook the photo in his hand proudly, and then stated his purpose.

“I see that your round land shark looks pretty good. With the idea of supporting the younger generation, I am willing to use this mini-dragon with infinite potential to exchange with you in the future! How about it?”

The middle-aged man tried to see the poor dagger, and he stared at Heiduo, deliberately focusing on the potential, the king and other places.

He Duo turned his head and looked at the direction of the front desk.

It was found that the auspicious egg that kept the round land shark for him had come out with a tray, and saw He Duo calling He Duo “lucky! Lucky!”.

So he lost the patience to continue wrangling with the middle-aged man.

“Frost Leaf! Frost Leaf!”

Heiduo called out to Shuangye, who frowned while sitting on the sofa doing nothing.

But still came.

“Why!” Shuangye’s tone was bad.

He Duo didn’t have the same knowledge as her, pointed to the middle-aged man and said, “Is there a crime of fraud in the law? I recorded it, and the strange monsters on his hands and shoulders are evidence – catch a thief! Good police!”

Finally, He Duo was extremely impatient.

The middle-aged man’s expression changed, and he wanted to run away.

Then Akin, who had been waiting for a long time, quickly ordered the long-tailed monster to stop the middle-aged man’s pace.

But someone is faster than him.


The bright yellow electric current jumped to the middle-aged man, knocking him and the “mini dragon” on him to the ground.

The current comes from an elf that is seven or eight similar to the mini dragon, but more slender than the mini dragon, with a small white horn on its forehead and two small wings on both sides of its head. .

It has three crystal blue beads on its body, one at the bottom of its neck and two at the end of its tail.

All in all, this is an extremely elegant and beautiful elf.


In the elf center, the people who were attracted by the electric light exclaimed.

[Elf: Hark Dragon / Gender: ♀ / Level: Level 38]

[Characteristic: Molting / Attribute: Dragon / Trainer: Frost Leaf]

[Move: Electric Shock Wave lv3/Dragon Tail lv3]

[Dragon Fury lv3/Dragon Dance lv3/Iron Tail lv2]


He Duo picked up the Poke Ball, bid farewell to the auspicious egg, and couldn’t help but whistled at Hackron.

This is the real thing, and it’s beautiful.

Shuangye ignored the surprised Ah Jin and locked the middle-aged man lying on the ground with his backhand. By the way, Ha Kelong of the ward paid attention to all kinds of strange things. He took out the handcuffs from his trouser pocket and locked the middle-aged man with ease.

Then she took out a police officer card from her pocket and showed it to the people around her.

“The police handle the case, the idlers retreat!”

When the people who were eating melon saw the police officer card, they quickly dispersed.

The police melon is not so delicious.

As they walked, they murmured.

“Such a young police officer?”

“Hackron is so pretty!”

“Isn’t it from Ruoye Town?”

“never seen it!”

“Can the police also travel?”

“That girl is so pretty!”

“Yes yes yes!”

He Duo approached and took out a pen. He didn’t expect that this world also had recording tools.

His original intention of buying this thing was to record their training methods and fighting styles when he asked the gym owner or some powerful people.

You can always hear something if you listen to it over and over again.

But didn’t expect it to come in handy here.

Frostleaf grabbed it, stuffed it into his pocket, and pulled the middle-aged man up.

It’s hard to believe that this man of about 1.45 meters can control a man who is 1.67 meters.

“What was that recording you said?” Jin looked at the pen in Frostleaf’s pocket with stars shining in his eyes.

correct! This guy is a loyal listener of dj Miss Walnut, the kind who needs to record and listen carefully to each issue without pulling it. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

A voice recorder represented what he was able to record on the radio.

“Yes!” He Duo nodded.

Ah Jin turned his head, grabbed He Duo’s hand with both hands, and begged, “Can you give it to me? Please!”

The same goes for the long-tailed hand on his shoulders.

Eh…we just met for less than half an hour…

He Duo looked at the eyes of Akin and the long-tailed monster, and it was difficult to refuse.

“Okay!” He Duo said helplessly. It’s a big deal to go to Manjin City to buy another one. It’s the most prosperous place in the whole city, so it’s not even a voice recorder, right?


Ajin shook He Duo’s arm, extremely excited.

The two followed Shuangye to the police station.

Ms. Junsha, who was sitting at the front desk looking at the documents, saw that Shuangye was holding a middle-aged man, followed by Ah Jin and He Duo, and asked curiously.

“What’s wrong?”

“Fraudster!” Shuangye locked Park to a metal railing and took out a voice recorder and a photo in his hand.

Harkron threw the Variegated Monster with forked eyes to the ground.

“Oh! It’s this guy!” Miss Junsha’s eyes lit up when she saw the middle-aged man, “I was too busy some time ago, so I didn’t have time to look for his evidence. You guys helped me a lot.”

As a woman who had searched Heiduo’s backpack, she didn’t know who the recorder belonged to, so she immediately called the police to bring the middle-aged man in, and by the way extracted the recording from the recorder.

“Sit here for a while, and you’ll be fine soon!” Jun Sha greeted the three of them, and said to Ah Jin by the way, “A Jin! Someone else and I reported your long-tailed monster to smash his window!”

Ajin was startled, then smirked: “Misunderstanding! Miss Junsha! This is all a misunderstanding!”

Junsha ignored him and left.

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