Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

v2 Chapter 50 - war of words

“Xu Jinrui! What are you doing!?”

Ji Ya shouted loudly at Xu Jinrui.

Yun Ning struggled to support his body and looked at the situation in the tomb.

The supersonic bat has returned to Xu Jinrui’s side, flapping his wings up and down.

Ji Ya widened the distance between herself and Xu Jinrui, looked at Xu Jinrui with a wary expression, Gugu flew off her shoulders, and got ready for battle.

Yun Ning’s action alarmed the two in the field, Xu Jinrui and Jiya both turned to look at Yun Ning.

“You didn’t die?”

Xu Jinrui couldn’t believe his eyes. After rubbing his eyes, he realized that Yun Ning had indeed survived the onslaught of the supersonic bat. In an instant, his face became extremely ugly.

On the side, Jiya was just the opposite, watching Yun Ning’s movements in surprise, then facing Xu Jinrui, backed away, and began to move closer to Yun Ning.

“How is it possible, why didn’t you die?”

Xu Jinrui roared frantically, Yun Ning didn’t die, then his plan was completely broken.

“Cough cough…”

Yun Ning sat up with difficulty and rubbed the attacked chest with his hands.

“This is…”

The right hand touched a hard object.

Yun Ning put his right hand into the collar and took out the thing.

Xu Jinrui widened his eyes, his pupils contracted, and looked at what Yun Ning held in disbelief.


Xu Jinrui’s expression was a little crazy, and he shouted at Yun Ning:

“It’s just such a broken medal that actually blocked my fatal blow!?”

Looking at the sunken medal hit by the ultrasonic bat, Yun Ning felt a little fortunate in his heart.

Fortunately, I won a medal in the top four.

The quality of the medals awarded by the Chiat family changes with the rise of the ranking, and the lowest participation award uses only the most common iron.

And Yun Ning’s top four medal, even Yun Ning couldn’t see what it was made of.

However, if it can block the life-threatening blow of an intermediate elf, its materials must not be cheap.

“It’s just… I don’t know if people will recognize this medal when they enter the university in the future.”

Yun Ning thought with some regret.

Seeing that Yun Ning was all right, Baa Li Yang immediately stopped shaking the bell and ran to Yun Ning’s side.

“Use cotton for defense!”

Yun Ning ordered to Baa Li Yang, although he didn’t know why Xu Jinrui attacked him, but now that the other party was his enemy, he had to prepare for battle immediately.


The Baa Li sheep lost its usual stupidity and quickly entered a state of battle, casting cotton defense twice in a row.

Jiya and her Gugu were staring at them. Xu Jinrui didn’t dare to attack at this time, so he could only watch Baa Liyang complete two cotton defenses.

“Xu Jinrui, I need an explanation!”

Ji Ya said sharply.

When seeing Yun Ning alive, Xu Jinrui’s face was indeed a little flustered, but now he has begun to calm down, looking at Jiya and said:

“Jia, I’m here for your own good!”

“Joke!” Ji Ya sneered, “You attacked your comrade, but you said it was for my own good, killing Yun Ning, what would I gain?”

Jiya obviously didn’t believe Xu Jinrui’s statement, but Xu Jinrui was not in a hurry, but said slowly:

“We don’t know where we are now, how far we are from Guihua City, and whether we have enough food to eat. If we still can’t find other humans before we run out of food, won’t we starve to death? On the grassland?”

Xu Jinrui waved his hands and made a speech gesture.

“What’s worse is that we only have 2 small fire horses now, but we have to carry 3 people’s supplies, so we can only walk back. In this way, our speed is only one-fifth of the speed of horseback, which is Said, our hope of surviving is only one-fifth of the original! To be honest, I don’t think I can walk back to Huacheng just by relying on my feet.”

Yun Ning frowned, Xu Jinrui’s words made sense, and judging from his performance, it was obvious that he had also experienced speech contests in college, and his words were very provocative.

Ji Ya didn’t talk to her, she crossed her chest with her hands and pressed her chin with her right hand, as if she was thinking about something.

Seeing Jiya’s reaction, Xu Jinrui made persistent efforts:

“Now, as long as we kill Yun Ning, we can save the next person’s ration, and we can also change from walking to riding. In this way, our chances of survival can be greatly increased, right?”

Ji Ya still didn’t speak, but Yun Ning could see that Ji Ya had begun to move.

not good! If this continues, I will definitely die here today!

Yun Ning’s heart twitched in a hurry, but the thoughts in his brain began to become clear.

This is also a feature of Yun Ning’s previous life, the more critical the moment, the calmer his mind.

In other words, a little bit quick-witted.


Yun Ning laughed out loud.

This is learned from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Lobbyists in the Three Kingdoms like to laugh three times before speaking. First, they can attract the attention of the other party~www.mtlnovel.com~ and secondly, they can relieve their tension.

“why are you laughing?”

Xu Jinrui shouted fiercely at Yun Ning, the original plan was about to succeed, and Jiya was about to follow her own advice and kill Yun Ning, but he didn’t expect Yun Ning to be able to laugh at this time, the tension he just created The atmosphere was immediately broken.

Ji Ya also turned her head and looked at Yun Ning curiously, wanting to hear what he wanted to say.

“I laugh at Ji Ya’s impending death without knowing it.”

Yun Ning pretended to be relaxed and then rubbed his chest with his hands. It really hurts, the violent laughter made the attacked chest hurt even more.

“You are talking nonsense!”

Xu Jinrui roared, he realized that Yun Ning couldn’t go on talking, otherwise he might be the one who died today.

“Supersonic bat, use the brave bird…”

“Wait a minute!”

Ji Ya stopped, then turned to Yun Ning and said, “What do you mean?”

And Gugu also flew to the side of the Baa Li Yang under the gesture of Ji Ya’s eyes, ready to deal with the supersonic bat.

“Isn’t that simple? According to Xu Jinrui, he killed us all, and then rode 2 little fire horses and brought food for 3 people. Isn’t there a great chance of survival?”

Yun Ning chuckled lightly.

Because when a horse runs with a person, it is equivalent to running with a load, so it will absorb a lot of physical strength, making it impossible to run for a long time. Therefore, the ancients came up with a long-distance attack method, that is, one person and three horses.

That is, a person rides a horse and then takes two horses. When the horse he is riding gets tired, he switches to another horse. In this way, he can keep marching all the time. There is no need to worry about the physical condition of the horse.

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