Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

v2 Chapter 43 - sandstorm

Gugu landed on Ji Ya’s arm and gestured towards Ji Ya.

The supersonic bat also flew in front of Xu Jinrui to express something, but apparently it had never encountered such a thing before.

With Gu Gu’s movements, Ji Ya’s face became more and more ugly.

“What’s up?”

Yun Ning also found that something was wrong.

“It’s a sandstorm!” Jiya hurriedly shouted, “Quick! Follow my instructions!”

Yun Ning and Xu Jinrui also understood the seriousness of the matter and immediately stood up from the ground.

“Quickly find the rope in the backpack!”

Ji Ya shouted to Yun Ning.

After that, he turned around and said to Xu Jinrui:

“Quickly find out if there is any rope in the field survival supplies you bought!”


Xu Jinrui nodded in response, and hurriedly rummaged through the field supplies he bought in the Chiat pasture.

“found it!”

Yun Ning held a rope with a diameter of 3 centimeters in his hand and shouted to Jiya.

“I have it too!”

Xu Jinrui also found the rope from his backpack.

“What’s next?”

Xu Jinrui’s voice trembled a little.

Although he is older than Ji Ya and Yun Ning, he has lived in human society since he was a child. Even if you need to go out for training after entering the university, there are teachers who lead the team to protect him, so he has never encountered any real danger.

Before the heavenly power of the sandstorm, Xu Jinrui was so panicked that he didn’t know what to do.

His hands and feet were trembling, the blood from the whole body rushed into the brain, and the blood supply to the limbs was somewhat insufficient.

Yun Ning’s situation was similar. He held the rope and looked at Jiya, not knowing what to do next.

“Quick, tie our little fire horses together with ropes!”

Jiya shouted to the two who were at a loss.

In fact, it was the first time she encountered such a situation. After all, the grassland is not a desert, and things like sandstorms only exist in the mouths of the elderly.

Now I can only use the method spoken by the old people. Whether it can be done or not depends on the will of God.

Yun Ning and Xu Jinrui were still a little stunned, until Ji Ya tied her two little fire horses with ropes, and the two came back to their senses.

In a hurry, he tied his own rope to Little Fire Horse’s body, regardless of whether Little Fire Horse was tied or not, whether it was tied in a dead knot or not.

“Quick! Come to this position!”

Ji Ya stomped the ground under her feet with her right foot and said:

“Put your elf into the elf ball, and then the three of us squeezed in the middle, connecting the three little fire horses end to end and surrounding the periphery.”

Saying that, he took back his coo.

Yun Ning and Xu Jinrui hurriedly took back their sprites into the sprite ball and ran quickly to where Jiya was.


Ji Ya stretched out her right hand and shouted to Yun Ning.

“What… what?”

Yun Ning couldn’t understand Ji Ya’s meaning for a while.

“Give me your rope and tie it with me!”

“Oh oh!”

Yun Ning suddenly realized, and hurriedly handed one end of his rope to Jiya.

“And yours!”

Jiya stretched out her left hand towards Xu Jinrui and said.

With Yunning in front, Xu Jinrui directly handed the rope to Jiya.

“The two of you also learned my method and tied each other together!”

Gia ignored the two people around her, lowered her head and started tying the three ropes together.

Now Yun Ning and Xu Jinrui have calmed down from the initial panic. Looking at Ji Ya’s technique, they exchanged rope ends and tied the two together.

“Is that enough?”

Yun Ning shouted loudly at Jiya.

The sandstorm hasn’t come yet, but the wind on the camp is getting stronger.

Ji Ya ignored Yun Ning’s words and turned around to tie the rope on her body to the little fire horse on the periphery.

At this time, action is the best way to communicate. Yun Ning and Xu Jinrui immediately understood what Ji Ya meant, and turned around to tie themselves to the little fire horse behind them.

So far, three people and three horses are bound together in the shape of two layers of triangles inside and outside.

As long as the rope is not broken, the three of them will not be blown away.

Gia patted her two little fire horses and motioned them to crouch down.

Pulled by the rope, Xu Jinrui’s little fire horse was also pulled to squat on the ground.

After that, Jiya crouched down, curled up, and hid behind the little fire horse.

This can reduce the contact surface with the wind and reduce the impact force.

Yun Ning and Xu Jinrui followed suit and squatted down and curled up.

The three people’s hands firmly grasped the ropes of the two people beside them, as if this would provide them with a sense of security.

Not long after the three were ready, a violent sandstorm officially came to the camp.

Yunning is a native of Qianjiang Province and experiences typhoons every year.

In my memory, a typhoon of magnitude 17 landed in the county where Yunning is located one year.

Under the news reports, Yun Ning saw the town that was hit by the typhoon.

In a 5-storey building, the top three floors were blown away, leaving only the bottom two floors.

Yun Ning has never forgotten that scene.

The feeling that this sandstorm gave Yun Ning was almost comparable to that of the typhoon at the beginning.

Although Zhenxing Town, where Yunning lives, is not the place where the typhoon landed directly, the wind is much lower.

But Yun Ning still remembers that several people went out on a typhoon day and were blown into the river by the typhoon.

Afterwards, under the heavy rain~www.mtlnovel.com~, the sluice gate in the town began to release water, and these people merged into the river with the tumbling river, and were then washed into the sea.

No body can be found.

Could it be that you are going to be blown away by the wind today?

Yun Ning speculated in his heart.

The howling wind mixed with gravel hit the three horses in the center of the camp.

Although the gravel in the air made it difficult for Yun Ning to breathe, he still smelled a tinge of blood.

Needless to say, whose body must have been scratched by the gravel and bleeding.

“Fortunately, I kept my head down.”

Yun Ning was a little fortunate, otherwise this time, he would only be afraid of breaking his face.

However, with the passage of time, the sandstorm did not mean to end.

“Why isn’t it over yet?”

Yun Ning was a little anxious, he could feel that the wind was about to become stronger than before.

“No, I’m afraid I’ll be blown away if it goes on like this!”

The current wind is no less than the wind that Yunning felt in Zhenxing Town.

Yun Ning wanted to open his eyes and observe the surrounding situation.

However, as soon as he looked up, the corner of his face was scratched by the gravel in the wind.

As a last resort, I can only continue to bury my head and be an ostrich.

However, it was no use keeping his head down. Yun Ning felt the wind blowing from the ground.

Where does the wind come from on the ground! ?

Yun Ning was surprised.

not good! I’m afraid the little fire horse will be blown up!

Yun Ning quickly put his face on the little fire horse behind him.

Sure enough, as soon as he put his face on it, he felt Little Fire Horse’s body begin to lift into the air.

The ground defense line originally blocked by the little fire horse fell instantly, and the strong wind mixed with gravel began to vent in this gap.

Three people and three horses, they were blown up!

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