Players Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 732

Vol 2 Chapter 715: Abyssal In Action

Chapter 715 The abyss is in action

Until this moment, the anti-kings still haven’t figured out whether this black armor Jason Momoa is the deity.

This sounds a bit exaggerated, but it actually makes sense.

The king is not the king, doesn’t that mean that the remaining enemy kings have no control?

If the abyssman abandons his opponent and starts killing among ordinary overlords, conversely, the three-headed dragon king can do the same.

To be reasonable, based on this alone, no one thinks that there is any divine beast on the guardian side that can really withstand the full attack of Baron.

The second point is that when Wang Hao killed McCann, there was no strong fluctuation of power. To be precise, he deliberately used the power of Glaki, which was sealed by the sun **** Pelor.

As we all know, the abyss is a water boss.

So this guy who killed McCann in seconds with the dual powers of the Old One and the Sun God was more identified as a water avatar of Jason.

The third key point is: Wang Hao took advantage of McCann’s attempt to control Joan of Arc in an instant.

Previously, Wang Hao let elite sand sculpture players control his clone. Experience the power of the faction boss, which is a great improvement for this group of players, which also caused Baron to misjudge Wang Hao – the strength of the clone is limited.

After all, although each player can use 50% of Wang Hao’s power, how to use it and whether to use it well is another matter.

Players who are not at the hero level will not be able to play the hegemony level no matter how much they play.

Until the hero-level player joins.

【Longtian Xingyue】is an unlucky ghost and a lucky one.

In the confrontation with the monster just now, he inadvertently hung on the hand of the black ghost that popped out of Baron’s chin. Fighting against the Demon King and dying, the loss is not too heavy. That kind of obvious morality is dropped, it is easy to make him feel scruples.

Since it is a one-life customs clearance mode, in order to not be a spectator, he chose to join the ranks of elite sand sculpture players and control a Wang Hao’s water body.

has a much higher level of elemental control than others, attracting Baron’s attention as soon as he shoots.

“[Water Dragon Break]!”

The fifteen-meter-high dragon, whose body is made of water elements, resonates in all directions with its dragon chanting spells.

The water element in the atmosphere resonated, and a beam of blue light penetrated from the miniature array at the mouth of the dragon.

Even though it spanned a distance of 300 meters, it was still like a spear of water, accurately inserted into the neck of the dead dragon among the three-headed dragons.

This blue light is so simple and unpretentious that the attack is so close at hand, Baron didn’t realize the terrifying power contained in this spell.

Because this move is similar to the energy fluctuations emitted by the water element attack of ordinary elite monsters.

But the knowledgeable Master was surprised when he saw this scene.

The essence of   Elemental Magic is to shape the elements, and then push them out in a certain form to attack the enemy. In the process of elemental flight, the element must decay.

No form of energy transmission can be truly [lossless].

This is similar to the principle of high-voltage power transmission, all to reduce losses.

This simple beam of light, although not perfect element delivery, has an outrageously low element dissipation rate.

99% of the water element is converted into destructive power.

Don’t look at such a cluster of human legs, everyone was shocked to see that blue light penetrated the neck of the corpse dragon, 70% of the flesh and blood disappeared, only half of the dragon’s spine disappeared, and the miserable reluctance Adhesive flesh.

The death dragon is not a living creature, but the spine is blasted, which will definitely greatly affect the ability to move.

Looking at the head of the corpse dragon folded in half, Balon, who is the main head, is simply mad. On the spot, the powerful clone controlled by [Long Tian Xing Yue] was bitten to pieces!

It was precisely these three points that appeared at the same time by coincidence and perfection. Wang Hao was surprised to find that several anti-kings around him had made a pot of porridge with their own girls, but there was no anti-king to attack him.

“This… I’m welcome!”

Tucao a little, Wang Hao’s figure disappeared in place, and he turned into a drop of water in this water vapor world.

He never thought that the second chance would come right away.

“Hum, ha! Look at my ultimate move – [Water Dragon King]!” The same 15-meter-high water dragon was used in the hands of the dirty **** [Tulip God]. the taste of.

The    dragon head and dragon body are blurred, but the two dragon claws are the starting gesture of grabbing the ‘that’ dragon claws.

Cough, can [Water Dragon Po] be the same as [Shui Long Jing]?

Children, don’t search for this artist’s cartoons!

Balon’s side was suddenly surprised, seeing the familiar starter, the dark faucet sprayed directly.

【Tulip】This guy died before he got out of the apprenticeship. As soon as he hung up, his integrity fell again. No, it’s a mistake, this guy’s integrity has fallen too much.

Here, the Swamp Demon King met Heizhen.

Water and fire are incompatible, this is common sense!

Heizhen has set off a monstrous fire wave, but the elemental skills of this big toad, Fatad, are not weak at all. With the unique water control and mud manipulation of the swamp system, it actually had a 55 to 50 fight with Hei Zhen.

It summons hundreds of large and small toads. Similar to Wang Hao’s clone, it can drop its body onto any toad, making the clone the main body.

Once Heizhen makes a mistake, then its giant mouth, which is a hundred times more terrifying than a meat grinder, can taste the most tender and beautiful meat.

However, Wang Hao’s goal is not Fatard, but…


Strange scream!

Spider King Spade wailed in pain, and the eight chelicerae subconsciously retracted, forming an incomparably sharp blade-shaped cage.

Theoretically, any enemy that comes close to its body will be cut by these sharp and vicious chelicerae.

The hairs on the chelicerae, which are sharper than steel thorns, contain complex toxins, and a small wound may be fatal.

Its counterattack failed!

didn’t hit the assassin who didn’t seem to exist in this world.

Spider was as violent as a spring, and all eight legs bounced off, sending his body shooting into the air like a cannonball.

She avoided Rachel’s entanglement and decided that Rachel would not dare to chase after her. Rachel dared not step into the death trap of spider silk looming over there.

In the middle of the spider web that she thought was the safest, she was attacked a second time.

On one side of the dark **** face, the part from the two compound eyes on the right to the lower jaw completely disappeared, leaving only a dark void – she screamed in pain, rolled, and spread her eight legs to her own. The cobwebs and the cocoons hanging on the cobwebs were smashed to pieces.

She was so furious, but she didn’t lose her mind. She sprayed Rachel with a ball of spider silk mixed with venom, then turned around and walked away, she pounced on a space crack.

That’s right, she’s running away!

At this moment, a cold sword light flashed from the void, and her ugly head flew into the air.

Rachel’s eyes widened: “This…”

(end of this chapter)

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