Players Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 731

Vol 2 Chapter 714: Surprise Or Not?

Chapter 714 Surprise or not?

The good king to the king, what about the generals?

McCann was stunned, his first reaction was to look at the main battlefield where the three-headed dragon fought a hundred Jason.

Kilometers away, Baron was indeed fighting the three-digit Jason.

【odozhang】 While shouting “Broken, reality, bloom, nerves, exile the whole world!”, while calling for a 100-meter-high tide, it blasted the three-headed dragon in one fell swoop. Even if it doesn’t hurt the opponent in the slightest, the scene where the water body with the unit of ‘10,000 tons’ hits and splashes is good enough.

[Ideal must love] shouted: “[Super God Luo Tianzheng]——”

Well, it’s the kind that is not very powerful, the light and shadow effects are full, and it looks like a thief.

[Half-curtain mat, waiting for people to return]: “Look at me [Starburst Abandoning Healing Slash]!”

This is quite lethal. The rapidly waving blue light blades formed a dense net of swords, where the streamer flashed, large swathes of dragon scales, dragon skin and cuticles were shaved and flew everywhere, and the filthy flesh and blood spread all over the surrounding 100 meters.

It’s a pity that this ‘Jason’ was a little bit reckless. Surrounded by two faucets, he still continued to deal damage regardless, and he gave the fire faucet a second.

After    bites down, the first few seconds are splashed with flesh and blood, biting a little bit, and the dead Jason Momoa will turn into a puddle of water again. Another new Jason appeared out of thin air, shouting all kinds of middle and second degrees, cough, cough, the name of the move with a shameful degree, and rushed to the three-headed dragon king fearlessly.

There are more than 100 strong Jasons on the   , and there is a big crab Basatan below. The three-headed dragon here is indeed a bit careless.

As for shame or not, it’s not something players will care about.

What is ‘the monarch humiliates his subjects to death’?

There is no drop!

Isn’t the    faction boss just here to take the blame?

I am a sand sculpture player doing business, it must be the boss’s order!

Anyway, outsiders will not understand the relationship between Wang and the sand sculpture player.

This is the most puzzled part of McCann.

Are there really human beings in this world who can use one hundred percent of their hearts?

No chance for McCann to hesitate.

The thorns that pierced into its psychic body began to exert terrifying power.

The poisonous stinger of the famous old ruler【Glagi】is no joke. A stinger that condenses all the resentment of the old gods, and has triple effects of physical poison, curse of immortality and spiritual pollution.

Just trying to resist these three forces has driven McCann mad.

It is a spiritual aggregate, and the elements that make up its body are the souls and resentments of countless highly intelligent creatures. Normally, it is completely immune to physical attacks.

However, there are too many souls involved, and even McCann, the supreme ruler, cannot completely dissipate all the souls and absorb them perfectly.

It seems that McCann belongs to the chaotic camp, but in fact there is no certain rules and order, and it cannot control so many chaotic souls.

But [Glagi Stinger] is one of the most chaotic spoilers. Its crazy and chaotic mental toxins made McCann’s main site, 18 powerful souls, into a state of madness as soon as it came in.

“Wow ah ah ah!”

“Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?”

“Miccan! You devil!”

“No! I will not give in!”

18 pillar souls riot at the same time, the most outrageous is…

“The power of the sun god!?” McCann screamed.

McCann is going crazy!

In the legend, the power of the sun is the nemesis of all ghosts.

To be able to mix up to the Overlord level, of course McCann put a lot of safety protection on himself. Like the most awesome vampire can walk under the sun.

Actually, McCann’s only weakness is that it has to be hit by the sun’s rays on its mental and soul core for it to work. Under normal circumstances, this requires the opponent to break through more than five layers of powerful shields.

When    did not hit directly, the power of the sun **** would hardly have any power over Mikan.

Once hit, this is a weapon of mass destruction that is not inferior to the mushroom egg in the wizarding world.

McCann never imagined that the abyss would be so despicable, using the spiritual attack of the Chaos system as the forerunner. This deceived the passive protection circle on McCann – that’s right! Its protective circle has the function of automatically adjusting the attributes according to the maximum threat attack.

But at this moment, this feature is perfectly utilized.

First is Glaki’s Chaos Spirit attack, and then seamlessly connects the Sun God’s order element attack.

McCann’s automatic protection has become its life-threatening charm!

The worst thing is that the first blow has already stirred up the reactions of 18 pillar-level souls, and McCann can’t even escape.

Of course it couldn’t count on Wang Hao’s mercy, and in the end, it tried to distort the laws of its body and let its core soul run out.

Unfortunately, Wang Hao flicked his wrist, and the spikes were like self-navigating missiles, hitting McCann’s soul line accurately.

“Ah ah ah ah!” Macken suddenly let out an earth-shattering scream.

The entire plane seemed to have a terrifying shudder. When a powerful spiritual energy type demon annihilated, the waves of spirit and soul that swept away were no joke.

Regardless of the enemy or the enemy, countless human soldiers and monsters who are fighting fiercely have been affected at the same time.

Those with poor mental resistance will collapse on the spot and lose their spirits, becoming a piece of meat that can still breathe.

Really* The Walking Dead!

Better, you will fall into a state of confusion, not distinguishing between things, not distinguishing between enemy and foe, paralyzed on the spot, going mad, etc.

Only the small group of people with the strongest mental strength can enjoy the treatment of ‘splitting headache”.

Fortunately, those who had the courage to follow Bai Zhen to kill were the most determined paladins and knights, and they were in the best condition.

Relatively speaking, thousands of sand sculpture players died in battle, and the word [Cook] or [You are dead] appeared on the screen directly in front of them, as the end. Countless sand sculpture players feel so hated-why are they so boring and annoying, they installed mods for the game, and changed the death sentence into a word [vegetable].

Wang Hao withdrew the [Ancient God’s Sting] very calmly, and he could clearly feel that the chaotic power of this plane had disappeared a lot.

This guy, isn’t he the instigator bishop in the anti-king camp?

All the anti-kings around    are stupid, this reversal is too frightening.

There was a classic scene of the fall of the saints in the first second, but the flesh flying to the mouth in the next second is not counted, and the big guy behind the scenes jumped out to fight back?

Watching McCann’s scarlet energy group is gradually collapsing, and even the surrounding chaotic sky is disintegrating, the swamp devil Fatad Swan feels bad.

At this moment, the big mutant toad heard the wild laughter on top of Pain, the giant of pain.

“Hahaha! Wow hahaha! Big toad, surprise or not? Surprise or surprise? Unexpected! My last spiritual sustenance is not a saint at all, but abyss Jason * Momma!”

Aguang’s announcement made the big toad water tank-sized eyeballs round.

The Swamp Demon King was frightened for the first time.

And Wang Hao started his killing show——

(end of this chapter)

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