Pirates: Seat of the Void

Chapter 53: Thunder Fruit and Aini Road

Bika, at the foot of the Cloud Palace, Locks lowered his head and looked down at the trembling priest who was kneeling on the ground, and asked in a flat tone.

The priest looked pale, and looked up at Locks with a trembling feebly.

Although Lockes was expressionless at this time, but without the violent momentum just now, he looked just a handsome boy.

However, recalling the violent aura of Locks just now, the priest suddenly became more frightened.

“God, Lord God has left Bika an hour ago, and I, I don’t know where he is going now.”

The priest’s tone trembled, and he answered Locks’s words intermittently.

Lockes is not surprised if he gets the priest.

After all, the palace is above the clouds in mid-air, and anyone who is not blind can see the turmoil in the town.

“Really, take me to the palace and gather all the soldiers and residents by the way. I have a task to give to you. If my task is completed, then you will all be able to live.”

Locks’s tone was flat and decided the life and death of everyone in the entire Sky Island Bika.

Hearing Locks’ words, the priest stood up tremblingly, and took Lockes to the palace.

As for leading all soldiers and residents to resist and protect the palace?

Gods run for their lives. Regardless of whether they live or die, who will desperately protect his palace?

Under the leadership of the priest, Lockes and the others walked through a road formed by clouds and finally came to the palace of the **** Bika.

Looking at the palace made of gold with golden light in front of them, Ereda and Sasaki both grew their mouths.

“It’s really amazing. It’s really extravagant to build such a big palace out of gold!”

Ereda sighed speechlessly.

Ereda said it was the first time I saw such a luxurious palace.

“Khahaha, if you melt the golden castle in front of you, how much Bailey would you have to change!”

Sasaki said with a grin.

“Hey, Sasaki, if such a palace melts, wouldn’t it be a shame!”

Barrett looked at the Golden Castle Palace in front of him, also a little surprised.

After all, he had gone to sea for so long, and it was the first time he saw such a castle made entirely of gold.

“It seems that Bika once went to Apayato and obtained the gold there. That’s why there is a palace built with so much gold.”

Lockes is also a little bit emotional, after all, the visual effects of this palace made of pure gold are indeed full.

“No, that’s right, my lord, this castle was indeed obtained by the gods who sent people to Apayado.”

The priest spoke respectfully to several people in Locks.

Looking at the palace in front of me, even the priests who often work here are shocked by seeing it once.

After all, no one doesn’t like gold, right?

“Well, you go and summon all the remaining soldiers in the palace. I’m going to give you a task.”

Lockes waved his hand at the priest, letting him do the work.

The priest respectfully bowed and saluted several of Lockes, and then retired decisively to summon all the soldiers.

Not caring about the priest who left, Locks took Barrett and a few people directly into the castle.

Everyone was amazed at the sight of artifacts made of gold everywhere in the castle.

I admired the luxury of the original Bika’s god.

“Is this golden vase good? The carved patterns are really beautiful.”

“Khahaha, look, this golden armor is just right for me!”

Sasaki didn’t know where Onion got a pair of golden armor and put it on him.

The golden look looks full of anger.

Several people walked all the way through the golden corridor, and finally came before the throne.

Seeing the golden throne that exudes golden light and is inlaid with countless precious jewels, several people are shocked at the extravagant god.

“What a luxurious god.”

Lockes glanced at the luxurious throne and stopped paying attention, then walked directly to the top of the throne, cross-legged and went up…

Looking at Lockes who was insincere, Barrett laughed.

“Hey, Captain Locks, how does this luxurious golden throne feel?”

Ereda laughed at Locks, and looked at Locks’s plain expression, who was sitting cross-legged on the throne, expressing curiosity.

“Khahaha, this throne is really suitable for Rocks boss, after all, Rocks boss is the future king of the world!”

Sasaki grinned at Locks who was sitting on the king, and said with excitement.

“Well, although it looks a bit luxurious and pompous, it does match you well.”

Barrett also smiled and looked at Locks, who was sitting cross-legged on the king.

“Huh, isn’t that of course. However, this kind of exaggerated and luxurious throne is not suitable for our pirate group.”

With that, Locks got up from the king’s seat and directly activated his ability to squeeze the entire throne into a golden ball.

“After all, in my pirate group, we are partners.”

Hearing Locks’ words, Barrett Ereda Sasaki felt proud in their hearts.

“Yes, this is the man we want to follow, and we recognize the captain.”

Such a sentence flashed in their hearts at the same time.

After a while, the priest finally brought all the remaining soldiers to the throne.

“Master Lockes, the remaining young soldiers in the palace have all been brought here, and Master Lockes will give orders.”

The priest knelt on the ground respectfully and reported to Locks.

Locks sat cross-legged on the ground above, Barrett and Ereda Sasaki stood behind Locks on the left and right, looking at the priests and soldiers below.

“Is it.”

Lockes responded flatly, and then took a small gold box from his arms.

Lockes opened the small golden box and took out the Yunyun fruit inside.

“The end of your mission is to search for fruits similar to this one on this island. If you find them and deliver them to me, then everyone on this island can live.”

Lockes said calmly to everyone below.

Everyone who heard Locks’ words raised their heads to look at the demon fruit in Locks’s hands, and reflected his reflection deeply into their minds.

“No matter what method you adopt, I just want to see the result. Give you a day. If it is not handed over to me within a day, then this island and you will be of no value.”

After speaking, Locks put away the devil fruit in his hand, and then stopped talking.

Seeing Lockes finished his words, the priest retired immediately and took all the soldiers out of the throne.

There is only one day, for them, it is undoubtedly very urgent.

The priest who left between the thrones immediately gave orders to the soldiers

“Everyone, immediately find the fruit that Master Locks needs. No matter what method you use, you must bring it over a day later.

Go to the town and mobilize all the residents to find it! ”


After getting the order, all the soldiers left quickly and mobilized all the residents on the island to find the fruit.

Between God’s work, Lockes sat together with a few people.

“Oh, Captain Locks, what is the ability of the devil fruit you asked them to find? How could it make you look for it so hard?”

Ereda asked slightly curiously.

“Yeah, Boss Locks, is it a very powerful fruit?”

Sasaki is also very curious.

After all, if it was any weak ability, it wouldn’t let Lockes go into such a big fight.

“Well, it is indeed a very powerful devil fruit. It is a natural thunder fruit.”

Lockes nodded to answer Sasaki and Ereda’s questions.

“Sounding Thunder Fruit? That legendary devil fruit that is invincible even in the natural element? Is it actually on the sky island!”

Hearing Locks’ answer, Ereda exclaimed suddenly.

After all, he had been a pirate in the sea for a period of time, so he still had some understanding of Devil Fruit.

The name of the fruit of thunder, he is like thunder.

Although I have never seen it before, I know how powerful it is.

No matter who it is, as long as he eats the fruit of the thunder, he can become a big boss. Rampantly the first half of the great route.

After all, the ability of the Nature Department, and it is still the invincible strongest ability in the legend, even in the Nature Department.

Ereda suddenly regretted eating the fruit of shock.

“Well, I was also in another accident and got the Thunder Fruit in Bika. But I just don’t know if it’s true, so this time it was just a chance.”

Lockes agreed with Eredar. He really didn’t know whether the Thunder Fruit was in Bika now, and whether Ainilu found it and ate it.

However, Lockes would not have thought that at this time, a teenager with pale skin and long earlobes was holding a blue fruit engraved with thunder and lightning patterns in his hands, and his eyes flashed with madness and surprise.

“This, this is! Ha, ha ha ha, I actually found it! Ha ha ha! Asshole! Let me find it! With him, I have a chance to meet the Qinghai native, and then ask him to let me join him, Then destroy the whole Bika! Hahahaha!”

The boy looked at the devil fruit in his hands, tears gushing out continuously, but he looked up at the sky with a wild smile.

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