Pirates: Seat of the Void

Chapter 22 - islands

Haiyuan calendar year 1486, May 21st, sunny.

The great route, the Roger Pirates Oro Jackson.

One month has passed since Raleigh guided Lockes and Barrett that day.

After the banquet that day, Raleigh represented Roger and formally invited Lockes and Barrett to join the Roger Pirates.

Lockes refused at first, but when Raleigh explained the reason, Lockes thought about it all night and agreed to Roger.

After all, what Roger said was right. The sea right now is indeed too dangerous. Moreover, considering joining the Roger Pirates group, you can continue to learn from a powerful person like Raleigh to improve your own strength, so Lockes After discussing with Sasaki Ereda himself, they joined the Roger Pirates together.

Therefore, Lockes and Barrett became trainee crew members of the Roger Pirates, and Sasaki and Ereda also became fighters of the Roger Pirates.

The bow of the Oro Jackson was empty, and Lockes was sitting bored on the deck, watching the battle between Shanks and Bucky.

“Asshole Shanks! Obviously it is the bait I prepared, you actually snatched my bait, **** it!”

After speaking, I didn’t forget to punch Shanks in the right eye.

“Damn it! Bucky, that’s just what I borrowed. You actually fought with me because of this!”

At this time, both eyes were inconsistent with Shanks’s dark circles, and he fisted back, and Bucky’s red nose became even more red.

Bucky held his nose and looked at Shanks with tears in his eyes.

“Damn it! Shanks, I hate this tone the most! Also, don’t hit my nose!”

Seeing two of you who are fighting with a kid exactly like you punch and kick me, Lockes breathes.

“You two have a good relationship.”

Lockes suddenly said with emotion.

“Who has a relationship with him!”*2

The two of them replied in unison, and then they started fighting again.


Perhaps because it was a bit boring after watching it for a long time, Locks picked up the bait and rod tuned by Bucky on the ground, and went straight to the bow of the boat to prepare for fishing.

As the only four trainee crew members on the ship, Lockes, Barrett and Shanks Bucky live in a cabin room, so they have become acquainted with each other.

“Hey! Locks bastard! That’s my bait and fishing rod!”

In the exercise room in the cabin, Barrett is working hard to lift the iron.

As a staunch musculist, Barrett will not spare any time to make his muscles bigger.

“Huh, 3369.3370.3371…huh! 4000!”


Barrett threw the huge barbell of the pistol to the ground.

The huge weight touched the ground and directly made a loud noise.

“Huh, today’s exercise plan has been completed, it’s time to go to Lei Li to have a good discussion!”

Barrett took the towel and wiped the sweat off his face, then got up and went to find Raleigh.

At this time, Raleigh was hiding in Roger’s captain’s room, drinking with a look of impossibility and looking at the sea.

Roger looked at Leily and walked to him with a big laugh, and patted him on the shoulder.

“Brother, don’t be so unrequited, that boy Barrett should have finished exercising, and he should be looking for you now.”

Raleigh’s hand shook when he heard Roger’s words.

Since Lockes and Barrett joined the Roger Pirates, Roger’s leisurely days have completely ended.

From the second day they joined, every morning Barrett’s muscular kid would come to trouble him after the exercise, nicknamed it, let him teach, but in fact it was just for a fight.

In the afternoon, the little devil Lockes will also perseverely come to him to learn swordsmanship.

Because of the hard work of the two of them, at the same time, Shanks and Bucky were also driven.

Perhaps going out to compete or not convinced, Shanks and Bucky, who were originally lazy, also ran over to make trouble for themselves every night.

Thinking of his life this month, Raleigh felt a little unlovable.

“Roger, you bastard! Shanks is clearly your apprentice, so teach me well!”

After roaring at Roger, the door to Roger’s captain’s room was opened.

“Yo, Raleigh, so you are hiding here! Okay, hurry up and go! Fight with me! Hahaha!”

After speaking, he pulled Leily out of the room without any explanation.

“Hip hop ha ha, Raleigh, teach our young crew members!”

Roger smiled and waved his hand to Raleigh, heartless.

At the observation deck, Sasaki is looking at the shadow of the island ahead with a telescope.

“An island is found ahead! An island is found ahead!”

After seeing the outline of the island, Sasaki suddenly shouted at the bottom with a little excitement.

Anyone who has been drifting on the sea for so long, suddenly sees the island land, will not be excited.

Hearing Sasaki’s shouts, the entire Roger Pirates group burst into cheers.

“Oh!! Have you finally met the island!”

“Awesome! I can go and have a good time again. It’s been more than a month, but I’m panicking!”

“Hahaha! That’s right, the wine, the food, and the beautiful girls! It’s so exciting!”

Listening to the cheers of the companions on the boat, Lockes also stopped fishing.

Looking up at the looming outline of the island in the distance, Lockes also looked forward to it.

Shanks and Bucky also stopped fighting, and they ran to the bow and looked at the island ahead.

“I finally met the island! I don’t know what kind of island it is! It’s really exciting!”

Shanks looked at the looming outline of the island with great expectation, and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Bucky glanced at him disdainfully.

“Hmph, it must be an island with countless treasures buried!”

“No, it must be an island full of strange and interesting!”

“Huh, I think it’s an island full of treasures!”

Seeing the two of them arguing inexplicably, Lockes rubbed his head with a headache.

“You two, bother, can’t it be an island full of fun and treasures?”


For a while, the bow was filled with silence.


Lockes greeted him with all his head and watched suddenly fell silent, and looked at his Shanks and Bucky in surprise.

“You are right! Lockes, yes. It must be an island full of fun and treasures!”

“Yes, yes! You are so smart! Locks!”

Lockes looked at the two guys who were suddenly excited with black lines, really didn’t know how to complain about them.


He cursed in a low voice, Locks walked to the cabin, got his own equipment, and got ready to land on the island.

Ignoring Lockes who left, Shanks and Bucky were still cheering.

“Buggy, go on an adventure with me then!”

“No, I’m going to find the treasure!”

“Eh! Didn’t you say you want to go on an expedition with me?!”

“Who said I’m going to explore with you! Bastard Shanks!”

“No! Bucky! We’ve made it clear!”

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