Pirates: I Resurrected Roger

Chapter 283

Chapter 283:

Wherever he passed, all the buildings and the sea water near the sea were all rolled up as if a terrible tsunami had occurred, destroying the dead,!! “Hahahaha!! Fun!!”

“But the golden lion!! The me now, are you sure that tricks like yours can stop me!”

On the deck, Barrett, whose half body was like an earthworm, and was integrated into the ancient weapon Pluto’s hull like a liquid, couldn’t help but let out a wild and arrogant grin when he saw this scene.

His bloodshot eyes were full of mockery and arrogance.

Boom!! The Pluto under his feet once again made an earth-shattering terrifying movement.

The deck changed piece by piece, and the hull was reorganized with regularity and rhythm, but in the blink of an eye, the entire ancient weapon Pluto, exuding a terrifying aura of world-annihilation, turned into a mechanical giant with a height of over 1,000 meters! !!”Super Large Form Pluto!!!”

, Barrett’s body has completely disappeared at this moment, blending into the huge steel giant.

As tall as a mountain, the unbridled giant stretched out his arms that covered the sky and roared up to the sky, and then threw a devastating punch at the black lion that was biting in the face!! This punch! The power and momentum are so heavy that it seems to destroy the sky and the earth, and even the red light visible to the naked eye is entangled around the fist, like a meteorite falling from the sky from outer space! A magnificent scene!! The use of the golden lion The ability of the fluttering fruit condenses is huge, and the scale and monsters are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

, But compared to the steel giant, it looks as small as an ant! What’s more terrifying is that the mechanical giant’s exaggerated fist is as big as that roaring lion! Boom!!! Roaring The lions, their attacking fists, bombarded together in mid-air like a comet hitting the earth!! But there was a scene that shocked countless people present – there was no equal power, no stalemate, just a collision. In an instant, just in an instant, the lion that roared backwards made a miserable roar, and then on the surface covered with domineering, as if the armor had been shattered, countless cracks appeared!! Crack! Crack! !! The cracks continued to spread, quickly spreading out on the surface of the open-mouthed male lion, and then, booming!!! Crash! The terrifying male lion was defeated in an instant. The rubble in the sky turned into a dense rain of stones, and rumbled and fell on the ground.

At the same time, it was smashed to pieces, as well as the fighting spirit of all the navies present.

“This is impossible”

Luo Man’s face was full of astonishment, his pale face was filled with indescribable shock and inconceivable, and he couldn’t believe that the scene in front of him was actually real.

That is the strongest move of the golden lion! It even used the domineering armament that has been developed to the extreme!! But there is a picture of being crushed in front of me! How is this possible!! Marshal Liu Feng has clearly said a lot Second, the personal combat power of this sea has a ceiling.

Once it reaches the level of general-level combat power, it will undoubtedly be difficult to reach the sky if you want to go further.

Therefore, between the general-level combat power, there are only very few cases where a crushing battle situation will occur.

The strongest move to smash the flying admiral Golden Lion Shiki with one punch, this is simply impossible!! “So this is the power of Hades”

“Are ancient weapons really unable to compete?”

“No wonder the world government has been able to rule this sea for 800 years with the help of the heavenly king.”

The golden lion’s face turned pale at this time, and suddenly he let out a long sigh and said softly.

His eyes were no longer bloodshot, and his expression was even more calm.

Raising his head, looking at the crazy giant that almost obscured the sky, a flash of enlightenment and loneliness flashed in his heart.

676 You only have one shot. 【2 more for full order】

677 Crushing strength! Desperate? 【Seeking full order】


The golden lion sneered and took a deep sip of his cigar.

The hazy white smoke slowly exhaled a smoke ring from his mouth, and there was no fear of facing the desperate situation in his eyes, but a peacefulness and comfort.

“Barrett, have you made up your mind?”

, “This is the only strongest trick, a shot that can destroy everything, really use it here”

When he said the last sentence, the smile on the corner of the golden lion’s mouth gradually became: strong.

Quiet, deadly silence.

The aura that seemed to be silenced slowly spread out in the roaring sound of the waves.

The giant steel giant that seemed to cover the sky and the sun slowly stopped moving as the golden lion’s voice fell.

Correspondingly, the people of the Seven Waters City, as well as the many new navies stationed here, their beating hearts are also slowly put down.

The terrifying giant cannon above his head, the hollow pitch-black barrel, seems to have also become: not as scary as before.

“As expected of Liu Feng, that… young brat, his knowledge of ancient weapons is beyond our imagination.”

Among the steel giants, Barret’s sighing voice gradually came out.

Although he was reluctant to admit it in his heart, what the Golden Lion said was right.

After fusing this ancient weapon Pluto, he could clearly feel his own life energy… the life force that drives the development and display of Devil Fruits, was passing at an extremely terrifying speed.

Although he tried his best to control it, he still couldn’t avoid it.

Pluto, the king of the underworld, is really too powerful.

This is simply not a power that humans can control.

Barrett paid himself to practice hard in the deep sea prison for 20 years, even an island as large as the Seven Waters can easily use his Devil Fruit ability to fuse, and it is like an arm.

But what he never expected was that the power of Pluto completely exceeded his expectations.

He even had a hunch that if he really drove Hades to launch this artillery bombardment, the Seven Waters City in front of him, including the Golden Lion, would evaporate in an instant and never again. No trace will be left in this world.

But at the same time, his life energy will also be completely exhausted by this attack of Hades, and he can’t even save his life.

“Trust me, Barrett, I’ve been through this many times.”

“Liu Feng, always a miracle worker.”

The golden lion smiled.

He knew that he was going to win this time.

Because Barrett didn’t dare to gamble, from Barrett’s sigh, he knew that his guess was not wrong at all.

He has only one chance to attack.

But his goal is to conquer the sea and surpass Roger to become the Pirate King.

Therefore, he will not “waste” this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

on oneself.

The key question now is how to retake Hades from Barrett’s hands.

“Tsk tsk tsk, but, Golden Lion, do you think you will win?”

At this moment, Barrett suddenly sneered and said.

There was a kind of madness in his tone, which made the golden lion’s heart sink suddenly.

“Even if I don’t need this main gun, as long as I have the power of this Hades, I, Barrett, can easily kill all of you!!”

Saying that, the steel giant as tall as a mountain suddenly raised its arms and roared, and the arm that was 100 meters long slammed down in the direction of the golden lion like a collapsed mountain!! The boundless shadow suddenly descended and burst. The suffocating air pressure created by the force of the suffocating force forced the ground to appear a biting strong wind.

The golden lion’s eyes suddenly froze, and his teeth snapped the cigar in his mouth with force.

The two swords hummed out of their sheaths! Boom!! The earth rose with a bang, and a roaring stone lion rose into the sky again.

Bang!! With a deafening loud noise, the male lion turned into rubble and exploded in an instant.

And the arm of the steel giant, just blocked a little bit, continued to smash towards the land of the Seven Waters.


“Everyone shot together!!”

The golden lion roared furiously with red eyes, and the figure did not retreat but went forward to meet it directly.

At the same time, behind him, Luo and the tens of thousands of navies all launched an attack in unison! Boom!! Continuous shelling and various attacks fell on the huge body of the iron giant, so The size of the body, so that they do not need the slightest aiming.

But without exception, all the attacks that landed on the giant could only leave a shallow trace, and could not stop it in the slightest! The next moment, bang!! Chi!! The figure of the golden lion flew upside down in the air. He went out, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

“Hahahaha!! Let me all die!!!”

Barrett grinned, and the steel giant threw a punch again!!

678 One punch and one life! Liu Feng shot! 【2 more for full order】

The mighty fist, its power seems to cover the entire sky.

The atmosphere had bursts visible to the naked eye, and the sense of distorted void appeared madly.

Barrett has cultivated to the extreme armament and domineering, wrapping the huge fist of the Pluto, how terrifying the damage will be caused by the attacking power. With a touch of bitterness, such a question flashed in my heart.

Boom!! The dull sound like thunder came from overhead, making everyone feel a sense of despair in their hearts.

“Die!! Golden Lion!!”

“No one can stop me!!”

The fist fell with a bang!! The golden lion suddenly gritted his teeth, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

He reluctantly took a breath and clenched the two famous knives in his hands.

But the next moment, his eyes suddenly widened.

Disappeared!! Everything in front of me has disappeared! The fist that was enough to easily shatter islands and mountains is gone, and the twisted void and crimson air waves around it have disappeared, replaced by a vast white sky.

This solid golden lion suddenly bowed its head, it was the deck of the ship! Then, he saw a familiar, rude face.

“Hahaha, Shikey, it looks like you got beaten up badly by Lao Tzu’s crew.”

It’s Roger!! “How am I here!”

The golden lion was stunned, then couldn’t help gnashing his teeth.

The moment the voice fell, he was stunned, because there were waves of earth-shattering roars far away behind him.

That’s the fist that Pluto dropped!! Here is the warship! It’s Liu Feng!! It’s Liu Feng who moved himself here!! “Damn!!”

“He couldn’t stop the attack!! Roger, you bastard! The golden lion suddenly roared fiercely, Roger, who was smiling with a smile on his face with scarlet eyes.

Unexpectedly, Roger patted his hand and said with a smile, “Don’t worry, Shikey, Liu Feng won’t die even if you die.”

“Thank you for your hard work, that kid Barrett is a big trouble, let me take care of him myself.”

After speaking, Roger jumped up from the deck with a laugh, turned into a hot flame and rushed out.

The golden lion turned around in a daze, staring at the steel giant standing on the sea roaring in the distance, and fell silent for a while.

Boom!! On the land of the Seven Waters.

A figure sank heavily into the ground like a cannonball, smashing a huge deep hole in the ground.

The shocking cracks spread wildly, dust overflowed, and air waves attacked.

“I didn’t expect that the first time I encountered the power of an ancient weapon, it turned out to be Pluto, the king of the underworld, which is a bit ironic.”

In the turbulent dust that was so thick that it obscured the vision, the tall figure staggered and struggled to stand up.

The ferocious air wave blew the dark and chilling wide cloak behind him into the wind, making a hunting sound.

“Marshal Liu Feng!!”

“It’s Marshal Liu Feng!!”

“he came!!”


Some people in the crowd gradually recognized this familiar figure and gave out cheers of surprise.

High in the sky, Barrett, who was hiding in the Pluto, heard the sound, and was stunned for a moment, then he laughed even more wildly: “Hahahaha!! Liu Feng didn’t expect you to catch up in the end and saved Jin. Lion’s Life”

“But since that’s the case, then you should die instead of the golden lion!!”

“Anyway, in the end, none of you can escape!”

At this moment, Barrett’s heart screamed wildly.

Liu Feng!! That is the handsome Liu Feng of the new navy!!, Rumored to be the strongest in this sea! It is also the biggest trouble and obstacle on the road to becoming the Pirate King!! “Marshal Liu Feng, are you alright?”

At this time, Luo’s figure quickly ran to Liu Feng’s side and asked worriedly.

In the perception of the domineering and domineering, he can clearly perceive the weakness and disorder of Liu Feng’s breath.

Liu Feng smiled and waved his hand, behind him, eight long tails wriggled and twisted like a dark mist, one slowly disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the pupils of Luo’s eyes shrank suddenly! The animal is in the form of a nine-tailed fox!! Barret’s punch just now directly smashed one of Liu Feng’s tails! “It’s really annoying. Ah, it’s not the same level of suppression at all.”

Ignoring Luo’s horrified gaze behind him, Liu Feng just quietly looked at the giant covering the sky in the distance, and subconsciously raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.

With the punch just now, he had clearly used his armed arrogance to defend himself.

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