Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 44 - Eternal magic

“35 achievement points to get a chance to draw ?!”

Ron unexpectedly looked at the prompt that popped up on the interface, revealing a hint of thought. It seemed that the first time was 1 point, the second time was 10 points, the third time was 20 points, this time it became 35 points. .

If there is a pattern, will it be 50 or 55 next time?

Ron pondered that he already had a certain judgment on the extraction requirements of the professional interface. When he gets the extraction opportunity next time, he should be able to verify it.

Also thinking about it, Ron was also looking forward to seeing the extraction interface pop up on the professional interface. He is really eager for a defensive magic.

Even if it is the instantaneous movement of the space system.

With the “God Mode”, whether he masters a defensive magic or masters the ability to move instantaneously, he can greatly protect his safety, and he no longer has to worry about being physically killed by a powerful physical existence. Situation appears.

The extraction interface emerged slowly. This time is different from the last time. There are four or five more runes on the entire interface, and it is no longer the arrangement of the inner circle and the outer circle. Instead, it forms a pyramid. Arrange from bottom to top.

The bottom layer is the four basic element system runes of ‘Earth, Wind and Fire’. The wind and fire systems that have been obtained are in a dark color, and white text appears on the left-the basic rune.

Go up one level, and there are white text notes next to it.

【Special Rune】

On the special rune level, there are four runes in total, which can be distinguished by careful observation, and represent four types of ice, thunder and light and dark.

Go up one level, there are also white text notes next to it.

【Eternal Rune】

There are still four runes on this layer, but the pattern does not look as easy to understand as the layer of special runes. The first is the shield design, the second is the skull design, and the third is the cube design. The fourth is a watch-like pattern.

Ron looked carefully and vaguely had an idea.

“Guardian, undead, space, time?”

Although it is not clear what this behavior is marked as eternal magic, think carefully, this layer of magic is indeed essentially different from elemental magic.

There is another layer above the Eternal Rune.

【High Rune】

This layer is marked as the supreme rune, but no pattern appears, but empty, it seems that what kind of conditions to be achieved will appear here.

Looked at the extraction interface much more than the last time, and it became extremely clear, even with Ron’s mentality at this time, a little nervous.

Eternal Rune! Space time!

Seeing this kind of magic appear in the draw bar, it really can’t make people feel calm.

The best thing is space-time. In the absence of the Supreme Rune, these two should belong to the strongest magic, followed by the other two types of eternal magic, undead and guardian, followed by special runes, The worst is the basic rune.

Ron took a deep breath. He felt that his requirements were not high. Even if he could not get space-time magic, guardian and undead can be used. It can be accepted without ice and earth systems. After all, these two systems should also have defensive types. magic.

Under Ron’s nervous gaze, the extracted fluorescence finally flickered.

Da da da.

The flashing of fluorescence is not a uniform speed. The basic runes on the bottom layer stay for the longest time, followed by special runes, and the eternal runes are just a flash.

After a continuous flash of light, the fluorescence finally slowed down, step by step, bypassing the water runes and falling on the ground runes.

“Does it belong?”

Ron saw this scene and was a little disappointed, but it was barely acceptable.

However, when Ron was ready to delve into the magic of the earth system, the fluorescence flickered and suddenly flickered again, jumping from the basic rune at the bottom to the line of eternal runes at the second level. And fixed on the “guardian” rune.

[Hint: You got the rune of the guardian]

This scene was somewhat beyond Ron’s expectation, causing his breath to pause for a moment, revealing a stunned and unexpected look.

“Really called the guardian …”

While stunned, Ron couldn’t help murmuring again. The word guardian was guessed by him based on the shield-like pattern, but I didn’t expect it to be this name.

Although it is unclear the effect of this series of runes, it is one of the runes marked as ‘eternal runes’, which surpasses the basic runes and special runes!

The extraction interface closes instantly.

Different from the basic rune extracted before, this time the career interface does not pop up the formation process of the basic rune of the guardian system.

When Ron was surprised and strange, he suddenly felt that the palm of his left hand was a little hot. When he looked down subconsciously, he saw a golden light appear on the palm of his palm, and quickly extended the line, forming an extreme Complicated runes.

The complexity of this rune is impressively more than ten times that of the wind and fire!

When the golden rune was condensed and formed, it quickly shrank and shrank to only the size of the eyeball, and it was shining in Ron’s palm, and did not dissipate.

Ron looked at the golden rune in the palm of his hand somewhat blankly, thinking something vaguely, subconsciously inspiring spiritual power, and triggering the golden rune.


Intertwined with golden runes, Ron immediately appeared a translucent, arc-shaped barrier blocking him.

[Hint: You have mastered the first order magic of the guardian system, magic barrier]

With the formation of this translucent barrier ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Ron’s ear also heard the indifferent system sound.

Looking at the translucent barrier in front of him that shattered like a glass, Ron stretched his right hand subconsciously and stroked it.


Extremely tough!

I am afraid that even the strong wind will not break this seemingly weak barrier!

This is Ron’s spiritual perception and judgment after touching the magic barrier. He can feel the toughness of this barrier. Although it is only the first-order magic of the guardian department, it has already surpassed the wind and fire. Above the second order magic!

In order to verify his judgment, Ron stepped back a few steps, waved his wand, and smashed it out with a strong wind, chopping on the magic barrier.


The magic barrier violently oscillated, showing water-like fluctuations, but it carried this violent wind violently without any cracks!

Looking at the still tough and unbreakable magical barrier that had withstood the violent wind, Ron’s eyes flickered, and he looked down at the rune on his left hand that was still glowing with gold.

He could feel that after suffering the violent wind, the effect of the magic barrier began to weaken, and if it was left alone, it would disappear after a while.

The golden rune on the left palm has the ability to control the magic barrier. He can actively make the magic barrier disappear, or he can inject magic again, reactivate the magic barrier, and restore the magic barrier to the state it was just released.

Ron tried to wave his left hand.

The golden runes dimmed, and the magic barrier in front disappeared instantly.

Immediately after he moved again, the golden rune on the palm of his left hand flashed again, and the disappeared magic barrier instantly reappeared.

“This is the eternal rune. It turns out that I understand.”

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