Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 39 - Back to Cocoa

“Here it is.”

The boat approached the coast of Cocoa Island, and Ron ended his meditation, opened his eyes, stood up, and came to the deck.

His mental power has been completely restored, and he has almost mastered the blasting technique.

Ron asked Nami, “Are you going directly to Aron?”

Nami hesitated and said, “Go back to the village first …”

Ron saw it, put his hand gently on Nami’s shoulder, and said: “It’s okay, even if Aron doesn’t follow the agreement, I will help you to end this.”

“Aron … is different from humans.”

Nami said in a dull tone: “Those guys are non-human races, monsters that cannot be measured by common sense. If possible, don’t take risks.”

Although Ron beheaded many pirates all the way, and even turned over the Klik Pirates, the murloc Aron is still a lingering shadow in Nami’s heart.

From 8 years old to 15 years old, in the past 7 years, she has seen the conflict between pirates and Aron, and the encirclement and suppression of the navy, but all of them were beaten back by Aaron, and even did not let Aaron suffer any injuries.

Non-human monsters.

This is the evaluation of Along and others in Nami’s heart.

Ordinary humans can’t resist Ron’s powerful magic, but monsters are different, and no one can predict what will happen.

Ron knew how much shadow Aron had in Nami ’s heart, and he did n’t explain anything, but smiled and said, “May Aron keep his promise.”


Nami nodded her head, looked at the island in front of her with complicated eyes, docked the boat on the shore, carrying a suitcase with money, and boarded the island with Ron.

This time, there are two big suitcases. Although they are the largest denominations of paper money, but more than 200 million Bailey is still a big number.

The two quickly entered the village of Cocoa.


Many villagers in Kekexiiya village saw Nami, and they silently lowered their heads to not see her, and some stood there with a cold face.

In fact, everyone already knew the truth about Nami joining the Murloc Pirates, but they all pretended not to know, and they all took a cold eye to Nami.

Because of this, if Nami could n’t bear it one day and wanted to escape from the Murloc Pirates, it would n’t bother them.

A simple and kind village.

Compared with the cruel and great air route, the East China Sea is indeed a sea that can never be more gentle, because there are more than one village like this, and the windmill village where Luffy is located, etc.

“I’m back? Hey, this is …”

Nami ’s older sister, Nuojigao, saw Nami, first greeted Nami, and then noticed Ron next to him, showing a somewhat surprised expression, saying: “Are you Nami, your boyfriend talking outside? “

“You think too much……”

Nami flattened her mouth and said, “It’s just a companion.”

Nuo Qigao stared at Nami and suddenly smiled, saying, “Your expression is a little unnatural, Nami Sang.”

“Don’t make fun of me!”

Nami stared at Noki high.

Nuoqi saw Nami looking annoyed and couldn’t help but chuckled, looking at Ron: “Sorry, I made a joke, you are Ron, Nami talked to you when I came back last time, really Thank you very much. “

Ron smiled and said, “You’re welcome, without Nami, maybe I would have been killed by the Murloc.”

Nokie also smiled and opened the door: “Come in and talk.”


When Ron and Nami walked into Noki’s house.

Is on the other side.

In Along Park, a murloc walked quickly into the park and said to Along, who was sitting on a recliner, “Boss Along, Nami is back.”


Along sat up and grinned, showing his fangs, and said: “It’s still early to come back, it seems that it has already gathered 100 million Bailey?”

Although Nami did not disclose the last time she came back, the murloc under his supervision still monitored that Nami brought back a lot of money, estimated to be about 50 million Bailey.

Although I do n’t know how Nami made so much money, the last time I could get 50 million Bailey, and this time I came back so quickly, maybe I have enough 100 million.

“I saw Nami carrying two black boxes …”

The murloc scratched his head and said, “I don’t know how much money I got this time.”

Along grinned and stood up, said: “Two boxes? It is very likely that it was put together, although I don’t know how she got it, but what can I do unexpectedly, hahaha.”

“Aron boss, what are you going to do?”

“It is impossible to let go of such an excellent navigator who draws charts anyway.”

Along smiled and grinned, showing his fangs, said: “Whatever can be done, it is not a good idea to break the contract directly, let me think about it, there is always something wrong.”


“This is 100 million Bailey. UU reading www.uukanshu.com”

In Nokigo ’s room, Nami sorted out 100 million Bailey and put it in a black suitcase. After checking it again, she exhaled and closed the suitcase.

Nuoqi Gao looked at Nami anxiously and said, “Nami … even if Aron is not willing to follow that agreement, it’s nothing, you have done enough …


Nami smiled at Noqi Gao with a relaxed smile and said: “Although Along is very bad, but the rules have never been broken, he will keep his promise.”

Showed a reassuring look at Noqi Gao. Nami and Ron walked out. When she walked out of the room, Nami took a light breath, and the ease on her face gradually disappeared.

Ron stood beside and looked, and said nothing.

Now it depends on what kind of ghost Aron is going to make, whether he will flip his face and tear up the agreement, or what moth will come out, he is ready anyway.

Nami and Ron did not speak, the atmosphere was a little dull, and there was tension in the dullness. The closer to Along Park, the more nervous Nami ’s look was, the hand holding the suitcase was also tight, the palm was even Sweat marks appeared.


The two came to the front of Along Park.

There was a murloc guarding at the front entrance. Nami looked at it, and after a little hesitation, he said to Ron: “… you are waiting for me here.”

Ron thought for a moment and nodded slightly.

He can hear and respond to any situation in this position, and Aron will not treat Nami no matter what he wants to do. After all, Aron does everything for the sea that Nami painted. Figure.

Seeing Ron nodded, Nami sighed slightly, relaxed a little, and walked into Along Park carrying a suitcase.

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