Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 349 - Inevitable battle

“In short, Green Pheasant, you go to Dresrosa first.”

On the edge of the Nine Snake Island, on the suspended magic airship, in a certain parlor, Ron, Sauron, Nami and others all gathered here, as well as the newly added Green Pheasant.

Nami was stunned by the addition of the green pheasant, and Robin was also surprised, including Sauron.

The green pheasant sat on the sofa and said, “I have been to Dresrosa, but that was when Do flamenco was still alive, and I don’t know how.”

“The world government cleared my layout there.”

Ron looked at the green pheasant and said, “But long ago, I had already laid out my staff to re-enter Dresrosa. This time you go to sit there and build a branch base.”

Ron had planned to let Nami and Robin go to Dresrosa, and now the green pheasant came, just replacing a hand position, so that Nami and Robin could do some other things.


The green pheasant nodded and said, “No problem.”

Ron looked at Nami and Robin and said, “Punk Hasad and several nearby islands are currently under the control of the government. You go to take back those islands separately.”

Nami and Robin ’s current strength, even if they meet the navy general, can safely escape, and regaining several islands such as Punk Hasad is naturally not in great danger.

Ron intends to build a new base in the New World with Dres Rosa as the center.

It is also the core of the confrontation with the world government!

After he solved the Beast Pirates and truly conquered the great route, the rest was to surround the red earth continent and the navy headquarters back and forth, and to separate the world government from the sea.

“I’m in trouble again.”

Nami complained, but didn’t push anything.

After assigning follow-up tasks to Green Pheasant, Nami, and Robin, Ron looked at Sauron next to him and said, “Have you decided already, Sauron.”

“Ah … it’s decided.”

Sauron sat there, his eyes steady.

Today, it is almost impossible for him to improve his strength by virtue of practice alone. Only by fighting the strong can he become stronger, and after defeating Yuzhiliu and beheading the other party, he made a decision. Is to carry out his ultimate dream.

Challenge the world’s largest sword eagle eye!

This is a real decisive battle.

“Then, I’m here to bless you.”

Ron nodded at Sauron. He didn’t stop it, because now is indeed the time. To break through the boundaries of the great swordsman, only a decisive battle with the top powers is needed.

Nowadays, Sauron will almost certainly be able to break through that boundary once he fights with Eagle Eyes in life and death, and once he breaks through that layer, there will be no more strength difference with Eagle Eye. It will be difficult to predict.

But Ron is more optimistic about Sauron.

Because eagle eye is one of the protagonists of the last era, and Sauron belongs to this era.

A new era has begun, and the old era is gradually turning into history. Ron believes that Sauron can break through himself in the decisive battle, truly defeat Eagle Eye, and ascend to the position of the world’s largest swordsman.

“Thank you.”

Sauron looked at Ron.

If Ron stopped him, he could only accept it, because he had agreed with Ron a long time ago, and he could not win Ron so far.

But Ron did not stop this time.

There was no excessive movement, only a thank you, it was a thank you for not stopping him.

“Return alive.”

Ron did not say much. After leaving such a sentence, he walked out of the living room and soon disappeared at the door.

After Nami and others looked at each other, they left.

After a few days.

The green pheasant arrived in Dresrosa, completely unraveling the arrangement of Albares in Dresrosa in recent years, and established a new base with the secret support of King Liku.

At the same time, Nami and Robin also attacked Punk Hasad and other islands, and all the navy stationed on the island was defeated and driven away, including a naval branch.

When the news came out, the navy was furious.

Red Dog couldn’t sit idly by, and immediately sent Tenghu to suppress it, but after meeting Nami Robin, Tenghu failed to leave the two separated by the two.

Then Tenghu went to Dresrosa and encountered Pheasant in Dresrosa. There was a fierce conflict between the original general and the current general, and finally Tenghu evacuated Dresrosa.

The green pheasant could not win the vine tiger after he broke his calf, but now the green pheasant is in a state of full prosperity, and the broken calf has grown back!

Ordinary medical skills cannot do this, but if Ron performs the operation and uses a portion of Mansiri ’s healing energy, it is not a difficult task.

After the matter was reported to the navy, the red dog was also gloomy.

Wulao Xing soon called, reprimanding the red dog and green pheasant, and the red dog said that the green pheasant is no longer a navy, and nothing has to do with him.

“It finally became like this.”

The resigned Marshal, the Warring States, now the Chief Inspector of the Navy, sat in an office of the Naval Headquarters and sighed.

When an enemy can’t be solved, even when there are strong people joining, and when he is throwing himself at the other party, it will inevitably give people a feeling that the trend is gone.

Although it is not yet possible, it is indeed difficult to solve.

“We can only wait for conflicts within them and look for opportunities. Otherwise, our troops will attack rashly, which will be very dangerous.”

Peach Rabbit sat aside slowly.

The Warring States nodded.

Now is not the time to fight Albarez. Once a decisive battle is launched, will the White Beard Pirates Group come to support it? For the time being, the Beast Pirates Group will mostly participate.

At that time, the situation is likely to evolve into a loss of both the Navy and Albares, and eventually be picked up by the Hundred Beast Pirates, which nobody wants to see.

The navy tried to stop it, but it failed.

Albares ’base in the New World, centered on Dresros, has been gradually taking shape in less than half a month, and the development speed is almost beyond expectations.

And at the same time.

Somewhere in the new world at sea.

The giant elephant is so large that it carries a prop. It is walking on the sea. It is the elephant master carrying Zuo, a giant elephant that has survived for thousands of years.

And on the back of the Lord, on the island of Zou, somewhere in the middle of a whale-like tree, Ron was standing there, reaching for a red historical stone stele.

Signpost history text!

This is the first historical text of the signpost he has come into contact with. Since the historical text of the signpost only involves Ravdru and is not directly related to a certain achievement, Ron has not deliberately searched for it until today.

“… when the historical texts of the four road signs gather, they will point to the ultimate island of Lavdru.” Duke Inu, one of the two kings of Zuo, stood beside Ron.

Now Zuo Wu has temporarily belonged to Ron’s group.

It wasn’t a domineering leak that surrendered the whole island, nor was it conquered by force, but just a simple agreement to recapture the country of peace for them ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ revenge for the light moon Mitian.

Although Duke Inu and others rarely left Zuowu, they were still clear about the situation in the world. They knew that in this world, there are very few people who can confront Kaido, and Ron happens to be one of them.

A person standing at the apex of the sea, like Ron, cannot make a decision that goes against it, and Duke Inran knows well that Ron and Kaido will have a decisive battle sooner or later in order to fight for the sea. .

They waited for countless years, waiting for the opportunity to avenge Kaiduo and the Black Charcoal Serpent, but they never waited, and the appearance of Ron undoubtedly brought a real dawn.

And the most important point, he also knew that Ron’s power was beyond Zou’s resistance, even if there was only one person, it was enough to conquer here.

“Rav Drew … Unfortunately I don’t have much interest at the moment.”

Ron withdrew his hand.


The red road sign flashed at the bottom of the historical text, was quietly separated from the soil, and slowly floated into the air.

“I have other uses for this historical stone stele. I will take it away first. It is not safe to put it with you … As for when to go to the country of peace, wait for the news, it should not take long.”

After leaving a sentence, Ron left with the historical text of the signpost.

Watching Ron fly away like this, the fur family who was staying outside was stunned for a few seconds, and someone couldn’t help but whispered: “I always feel like I’ve been cheated.”

“To shut up.”

Pedro scolded.

Duke Inu came out and said: “The agreement made by that kind of existence will not be easily violated, and he and Kaidu will have a decisive battle sooner or later. All we need now is to wait and wait for the time for the decisive battle. “



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