Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 346 - The death of Blackbeard

If the three of Sauron, Nami, and Robin have some suspense for the five of them, such as Raining Shiliu, then when the emperor also stepped on an island cloud, the battle of Nami and others would be There is no more suspense.

Even Yu Zhixiu, the strongest of them, is almost comparable to the existence of the peach rabbit in the past, and can only barely draw a tie with Sauron under severe injuries.

On the other side.

Black Beard cannot naturally be Ron’s opponent when the secret fruit is not effective against Ron, and the ability to thunder the fruit is easily resisted and destroyed by Ron.

Realizing that his ability was restrained by Ron and was seriously injured, Blackbeard knew that he could not win, nor could he get rid of it, and then seeing Yu Zhixiu ’s battle situation was also extremely bad, and medium Ron’s face was full of panic after a blow.

“Don’t … don’t fight, I admit defeat !!”

Switching to someone else, whether it ’s Kaido or Whitebeard, it ’s impossible to admit surrender even in the face of death, but he is Blackbeard, and life is the most important thing for him. Everything except life, whether it is dignity Anything can be abandoned.

Half of his face was like coke, and there was black blood on the corners of his mouth. He stretched out a hand to Ron and said hardly: “Don’t kill me, I surrendered … You should know how the government is against the world government Horror, you need my strength … “

“Let me go, I can join yours and fight against the government with you.”

Blackbeard’s tone was full of panic.

He must live, no matter what, he will have a chance if he lives. Even if he surrenders temporarily, there is nothing to do with Ron ’s men.

He thought so in his heart, seeing Ron’s hand slowly lowered, slightly relieved, and said: “With my power, no matter whether it is a white beard, Kai Duo, or red hair, it will not be your opponent. , Even the world government can defeat, you can dominate the sea! “


At the moment when his voice fell, Ron lowered his hand and reached out, pressing down from the top, pressing the black beard less than a few meters away into the sea.


The black beard as a capable man fell into the sea, and his body was stiff and unable to move for a moment. He spit out bubbles in his mouth and looked at Ron with his eyes wide in the sea, his eyes full of fright.

“Sorry, I don’t need your power.”

Ron shook his head plainly, looking at the black beard’s body gradually sinking into the sea. His right hand pointed to the sea surface. The sea water instantly surging and merging into a sword of water. The body suddenly penetrated from the center, bringing out a burst of blood and staining the nearby sea water.

Blackbeard’s eyes were raised, and he looked at the fading image on the sea incredulously. He tried hard to reach out and cover his wound, but he finally couldn’t lift it.

black beard.

Marshall, D, Titch.

Falling into the sea!

Ron’s killing intent on Blackbeard has not changed from beginning to end. This kind of character who does not hesitate to betray Whitebeard and can be called Dad immediately when being cut down by Whitebeard.

Rather than killing, you can also use dead spirit magic to wake up the dead body to fight, even if it is not alive, but at least it can be entangled with a navy general.

After killing Blackbeard, Ron turned to look at the other battlefields.

Hankuk confronts Catalina, the Xuanyue hunter, who is capable of growing the Nine-Tailed Fox fruit of the animal phantom beast. The strength of the heyday state will not be weaker than that of Hankuk, but at this time he was seriously injured and beaten by Hankuk Falling back.

In addition, Nami and Robin teamed up to deal with the big drunk and others, and also suppressed in all directions. The two magicians cooperated with each other, and the effect is self-evident.

On the other side.

The nearby sea surface was frozen by Ron, creating a battlefield suitable for Sauron and Yuzhiliu. Regardless of other circumstances, the victory or defeat of Sauron and Yuzhiliu was one of the most suspenseful.

Because the battle of swordsmen is often reversed before death, even if Yu Zhixi stays and is seriously injured, there is still a desperate situation. The possibility of killing his opponent with a sword, even if the navy general is here, In the face of the rain, Xi Liu will not carelessly.

The same is true for Sauron.

Even if Yu Zhixi stayed seriously wounded and made him feel that this battle took too much advantage, but the battle between swordsmen, the victory or defeat is often an instant matter.

And the final victory of this battle did not exceed Ron’s expectations. It ended with Sauron’s victory and beheaded Sauron of Ushiru. The swordsmanship still remained in front of the threshold of the big swordsman, but the distance Crossing that threshold is closer.

As for the domineering aspect, it has been slightly improved due to this fierce battle. Almost already has the level of Yuzhiliu in the heyday state, which will not be much worse than the former Peach Rabbit.

As for the current peach rabbit …

Not surprisingly, there must be one of the three new generals. She has experienced the battle of the BIGMOM Pirates’ annihilation and the top battle, and the battle of life and death. Now even if she is among the generals, she will rank very high.

“The Blackbeard Pirates have just perished.”

After solving her opponent, Nami flew to Ron, looking at the black-bearded corpse that Ron had salvaged from the bottom of the sea, and Yu Zhixiu’s body opening.

It seems that this war is extremely easy ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ But the Blackbeard Pirates is one of the Pirates Group known as the Six Emperors. , Haven’t completely defeated them, but now they are all destroyed here.

I do not know when to start, this level has also been crossed.

“Clean it up and go back to Jiu Snake Island for rectification.”

Ron glanced a short distance away and saw that Hankook had also resolved the battle. After calmly speaking, he flew in the direction of Nine Snake Island and disappeared into the sky.

After a few days.

The Blackbeard Pirates encountered the Albarez Guild on the Nine Snake Island. After a decisive battle, the news that they were completely destroyed was also quickly spread throughout the sea when Ron deliberately released it.

The world is shaken.

Countless forces are unbelievable for this, including the world government and the navy, all using their respective intelligence agencies to probe intelligence, and the final news is that everything is true!

The Blackbeard Pirates are really gone!

All destroyed under Albares!

After this news was confirmed, it undoubtedly caused the entire world to be turbulent, like a nuclear bomb, and the aftermath of the explosion rippled all over the world.

You know, even the strongest white-bearded pirate group among the six emperors, they still failed to completely defeat the black-bearded pirate group when all the staff were dispatched, and now Albarez has defeated the black beard what does this mean? !

This means that the White Beard Pirates are no longer the strongest!

In addition to the government and the navy, the strongest force in the sea has already changed hands at the moment when the black beard perishes, and just over a year after the war on the top, Albarez has moved from the ‘weak emperor’ One, jump to the top!

The head of the existing Five Emperors!



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