Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 344 - Tier 5: Doomsday ... Judgment!

Over time.

The ship of the Blackbeard Pirates gradually moved further and further away, becoming a row of shadows.

It was also at this time that a magical airship appeared across the clouds and appeared in the direction of the Nine Snake Island. When approaching, several figures fell from the airship and fell to Ron ’s far away.

“Sure enough, I did it.”

Nami held the elf wand and tapped her shoulders lightly, looking far away at the ship of the Black Beard Pirates on the sea, looking at Ron with some surprise, and said, “Just let them have they gone?”

“We came a little late.”

Sauron looked slightly depressed. He was already ready to fight, but he came late and found that the other party had escaped.

He turned to look at Ron. Although only Ron had arrived early, if Ron was willing, the Blackbeard Pirates should not be so easy to withdraw.

“Do not.”

Just when Nami Robin and others were looking at the far-flung fleet of Blackbeard, Ron suddenly spoke. His eyes were deep and he said calmly, “How could … let them leave safely?”


Nami looked over in amazement.

Ron’s eyes reflected the sky and the sea, and slowly said: “I’m just there, waiting for them to move to the most suitable position.”

Ron’s words also made Sanda Sonia and others look at them in amazement. Everyone was a little surprised for a while, and didn’t understand what Ron was saying.

Only after hearing Ron’s words, Nami briefly stunned and immediately thought of something, opened her eyes slightly, and said, “Don’t you already …”


Ron responded calmly to Nami as his right hand extended from his sleeve.

Like what colorful light flows, converging in his hands, condensed into a magic wand like a whole body, as if carrying the whole world, it is difficult to explore.

“about there.”

Looking at the dozen or so ships of the Blackbeard Pirates, it has changed from a dark shadow to a row of vague black spots. Ron slowly raised the wand in his hand.

Almost at the moment Ron raised his hand, whether it was Nami or Sauron, or Sanda Sonia, etc., almost all felt something.

They have mastered knowledge and domineering power. In their perception, it seems that the world has undergone some kind of earth-shaking changes, like a huge volcano suppressed in the deep sea, brewing fearful and heart-wrenching power.

That is the power of fifth-order magic.

Representing the abyss, representing the power of taboo.

Due to its extensive damage and power, the fifth-order magic that cannot be used on the Nine Snake Island must wait until the Blackbeard Pirates retreat a certain distance to ensure that it is not affected.

“The world is balanced, no matter what you do, you will get a response …”

“When the balance is broken, it is the end of the day.”

“And those who break the balance will be tried.”

As Ron’s wand was raised in his hand, everyone saw the blue sea surface, which somehow turned crimson.

Like the sun falling into the sea, reflecting the whole sea.

Centering on the dozen or so ships where the Blackbeard Pirates are located, the sea area tens of thousands of meters away has suddenly turned red. All the elements in the world, whether it is water or wind, or earth, are all Escape the area in a frantic escape.

The corresponding fire element is in a crazy influx and crazy concentration, so that only the existence of the fire element is left in the sea area, and everything else is disappearing.

“what happened……”

“The sea has turned red!”

The crew of the Blackbeard Pirates noticed the abnormalities, and their faces changed drastically. Even Yu Zhixiu and others felt a little creepy and palpitated.

“Is it …”

The black beard suddenly thought of something, and suddenly turned his head to look at the direction of the nine snake island that had turned into a black dot. This strange picture reminded him of Ron. Although he did n’t know what Ron did, it must not be a good thing. !

It was also when Blackbeard and other people’s faces changed drastically that Ron’s raised wand finally waved down in the direction of the Blackbeard Pirates.


At this moment, the sea, the sky and everything seemed to disappear.

Nami Robin and others on the side of the Nine Snake Island, wherever they can see, can see only the piece of red, which reflects the entire sea as if it were half of the world.

This red color became endlessly dazzling in an instant, and then spread out completely, just like a shell of a heavy giant gun magnified by thousands and tens of thousands of times, exploded in that area.

Destructive! ! !

After all that exploded, it was dull, and the roar loud enough to shatter the glass was passed over from there, leaving a large number of female warriors in Nine Snake Island instantly fainted.

Even Nami Robin and others were almost shocked.

Bang! ! !

Along with the sound came the roar of the sea like the world rolling, and the turbulent waves rushed towards this side, UU reading www. uukanshu.com seems to devour the entire Nine Snake Island.

Ron waved his wand in backhand, a magic of the water system was released, and it collided with the aftershock of the roaring sea wave, blocking the sea wave that could almost drown the nine snake island.

Even if it is such a monstrous wave, it is still unable to cover the distant sea, the horrible scene like the end!

Even if I knew something in advance, Nami had expected a little bit, and looking at the huge cloud of mushrooms at the moment, it was a bit dull.

“That’s it, Ron what you said … fifth order magic?


Ron lowered his wand calmly and said, “It’s called-Doomsday Judgement!”

Whether it is Han Cook, mother-in-law, Sanda Sonya, etc., all of them are stuck in the solidification. Even in terms of their knowledge, such a scene is somewhat beyond imagination, and it is not human at all. Something released!

The only thing that can be associated with is the white beard on the top of the war, all the twisting and churning islands and the sea, including the broken sky.

Which is more powerful?

Everyone didn’t get an answer for a while.

But the only certainty is that it is enough power to destroy an island in one blow. Even the red earth continent that divides the whole world can be destroyed under this blow!


The aftermath on the sea calmed down.

Ron turned his head and glanced at Nami and Sauron, among others, and said, “You can pass by, and maybe you’ll be lucky.


Nami and Sauron looked at each other, took a deep breath, and headed towards the core of the explosion where the aftermath gradually subsided.



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