Picking Up Attributes From Today (From Now On, I’ll Pick Up Attributes)

Chapter 48 - Instant mystery, where is your home?

In theory, with sufficient reserves of magic power, all the magic that the system picks up and fuses can be instantaneous! !! !!

Level 3 magic can!

Four levels of magic can!

Five levels six, seven levels eight, and even nine levels … also works!

The problem is that with his magic reserve comparable to that of a fifth-level magician, at most how many times the fifth-level magic body is released will be hollowed out. As for releasing higher-level magic?

Dream it!

Even so, this is a big BUG, ​​allowing Monterrey to take advantage of the same level of magicians, and this advantage will always be maintained!

Can be called … pervert!

It is worth mentioning that the reason why Monlay released magic before singing magic spells is to pretend to be the same as a normal magician, so as not to be dissected as a freak, on the other hand, because some magic is not picked up by the system, and He learned it himself!

的 The magic you learn can’t be instantaneous, you can only sing the magic spells honestly and release the magic step by step!

Of course, at the level of his fifth-level magician, the first-level magic among these magics can be done instantly!

“Meng Lei, can you tell me honestly, before you entered school, did you come into contact with magic?” Teacher Dirk stared at Meng Lei and asked a strange question!


Meng Lei shook his head!

“The mental strength of a young age is so strong, this is not something that can be improved in a short period of time!” Teacher Dirk sighed: “It seems that you not only have superior element affinity, but also have innate mental strength!”

“Yeah, it’s just the **** of the magic god!”

Teacher Qiao Qiao deeply believes that mental strength is different from other things. It is impossible to improve in a short period of time. The mental strength of Meng Lei can only be brought innately!

Meng Lei knows that the two teachers were successfully led by him, which is exactly the right reason. Without exposing the system, the reason for his strong mental power is “congenital”, which is undoubtedly the best explanation!

蒙 “Meng Lei, you have a jealous talent, but the teacher still said the same thing, learning the sea without bounds, only the way to work, you can not go to class, but never learn magic!”

Mr. De Di Ke said seriously: “I will pay close attention to your progress in the future. If I feel slow, it means that you are slack, and you will go to class honestly!”

“I understand, teacher!”

Uh …

After successfully communicating with Mr. Dirk, Meng Lei began her class lesson with confidence. After that, she never went to the magic class, but strictly followed her plan!

Morning Fire Dragon Book!

Pick up attributes in the afternoon!

Meditate at night!

Take time to go to Douwu during this time!

My life is full and easy, time is like a white horse passing by, and unknowingly, another three months have passed!

That night, Monterrey didn’t meditate as usual, but Meimei took a bath and slept heavily!

With this feeling, Meng Lei slept exceptionally sweet. When he woke up the next day, it was already three shots, and it was almost noon!

“Sleeping well!”

Meng Lei stretched a lazy waist, feeling refreshed. Although meditation can replace sleep, but has not slept for nearly half a year, the long-lost sleep is exceptional!

One word: So cool!

“get up!”


The door of the room was knocked, and Monre opened the door, and saw the fat men Hart and Daniel come in. The two were glowing, their faces filled with joy and joy!

“Brother, why did you get up?”

The fat man’s face was full of fat, his eyes narrowed into a crack: “Is it like us, did not meditate last night, fell asleep until I woke up naturally?”

“It’s winter vacation today, I’m very relaxed, and I rarely sleep once!”

Meng Lei motioned for the two to sit casually while packing the quilt: “It’s winter vacation, should you go home?”

“Well, go back!”

Daniel nodded and smiled: “The winter vacation is not short, and I haven’t been home for half a year, it’s time to go back and see!”

“Surely should go back!”

Meng Lei nodded slightly. As for the fat man, there is no need to ask more. His home is in Wangcheng. He often takes time to go home. Because of his urine, he must stay at home during the winter vacation!

“Brother, do you want to go home?” Asked the fat man!


Meng Lei was surprised for a long time without saying a word. Home is a warm word, and it is also a place where dreams linger, but … Do I have a home?

Warcraft Village?

Meng Lei only stayed there for more than a month, it would be better to stay in the college for a long time, is it?

Meng Lei doesn’t know, but from the bottom of his heart, the village of Warcraft is equivalent to a place where he has stayed. He doesn’t have much attachment and sense of belonging there!

“My real home … is on the earth!”

Menglei thoughts flew, returned to the earth in which time and space I do not know, returned to the beautiful seaside town, back to the cozy nest!

I have my parents, my naughty and lovely son, my wife with a tofu heart, and delicious meals …

Menglei could not help it!

After coming to this world, he almost evasively pressed these memories to the bottom of his heart, accepting everything in this world as much as possible, increasing his strength as much as possible, and living as much as possible!

However, at this moment, when the gate of memory was opened, the torrent of memory swept through like a flood wave, leaving Menglei deeply trapped and unable to extricate himself!





“I … miss you!”

There was a faint flash of crystals, and Meng Lei’s eyes couldn’t help getting wet!

“Brother, what’s wrong with you?”

Perceived the mood fluctuations of Monterrey ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Fat and Daniel asked in a whisper, it was never before in Monterrey!

“No … nothing! Homesick!”

Meng Lei took a deep breath, pressed the chaotic memory back to his heart, and smiled strongly: “I must go home after the winter vacation, or else why wait for the college?”


Seeing that Montray had returned to peace, the fat man and Daniel undoubtedly had him. The fat man laughed: “In a blink of an eye, one semester has passed, and I can’t see it for the next month or so! Alas, I think alas, it’s not delicious! “


Daniel nodded, a little bit of embarrassment appeared on his face!

“I say you two, as for?”

Meng Lei smiled and shook his head: “But yes, think about it, I really can’t see the holiday, and my heart is pretty good. Otherwise, let’s take a good indulgence today, how about it?”

“Okay! I treat you!”

Fat man’s eyes lit up instantly, and he patted his chest. “Where do you want to go, even if I say a place, I have nothing to say about a fat man! Hey, that kind of place is OK!”

After I finished speaking, he squeezed his eyes, his face was insignificant!

“Haha, look at your virtue!” Monre rolled his eyes: “Can’t you be so jealous?”

就是 “Just! I’m still a kid!”

Daniel also glanced at the fat man, severely condemned!

“Hey! Just talk, just talk!”

Fatty smiled!

“How about we go to Ju Xian Lou today?”

Meng Lei proposed: “I heard that there is a high-end cuisine of Warcraft meat cooking, which has a unique taste and is famous all over the city!”

“I rely! Brother, do you even know Juxianlou? It’s going to be bleeding!”

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