Picking Up Attributes From Today (From Now On, I’ll Pick Up Attributes)

Chapter 47 - 1 accidentally broke through again?

Gao Lansi was engulfed by Lei Guang, and he lost his fighting power. He made a complete stop for the public PK of this battle platform. Monre won the accident without a surprise!

Then, with the 50,000 gold coins, in the eyes of the Dragons and aristocrats’ extremely unyielding eyes, go away!

“Brother, you are so amazing! Can you tell me, how did you achieve instant third-level magic? Have you reached the level of the seventh-level magician?”

“Do you believe me?”

“(⊙o⊙) … er … does this seem impossible?”

“Then you still ask?”

“Okay! Brother, you just won 50,000 gold coins. Shall we go to school and order some good dishes and celebrate?”

“I’m afraid it won’t work!”


因为 “Because I’m going to see Director Dirk now, would you like to be together?”

“Look for him? You go for yourself!”

As soon as I mentioned the class teacher, the fat man’s face changed instantly, his head shook like a rattle, and then he fled and left!

“This guy……”

Meng Lei smiled and shook his head, walked towards the staff office building, and soon came to Mr. Dirk’s office!

As a grade director, Mr. Dirk’s office is large, but the decoration is ordinary, and it looks unpretentious. The most is the bookshelf, which makes the entire office crowded!

When Meng Lei went in, the class teacher Dirk Nowe was standing in front of a bookshelf, and attentively flipped through a magic book!

“Mr. Dirk, are you looking for me?”

Menglei applied a standard magic ceremony, respectfully asked!

Mr. Dirk did not speak, but pointed at the rows of bookshelves and the books on the bookshelf and laughed, “Student Meng Lei, what about my books?”

“Mr. Dirk’s collection … is very rich!”

Menglei glanced at many magic books, and sincerely praised that so many books are comparable to the library!

“Oh, that’s natural!”

Teacher De Di Ke proudly said: “I have stored here all the magic books of the magic ten series, including the basics of magic, magic theory, magic encyclopedia, but also including materials science, alchemy, magic array encyclopedia, astrology … and so on!

By the way, there are dragon magic, giant magic, elven magic, and some orc totems. Oh, almost everything! “

“It seems Teacher Dirk is a good book!”

Meng Lei was shocked and couldn’t help but admire!

“Magic journey, profound and complicated, vast as the stars of the sky, even if we exhaust our lives, it is difficult to spy on the island of magic!”

Teacher De Di Ke’s face was reverent: “We can do nothing more than study hard and study carefully so that we can understand one or two!”

“Mr. Dirk said, I’ve been taught!”

Meng Lei was convinced and convinced. At the same time, he also understood that why Teacher Di Ke was only fifty years old, but he was already the ninth-level peak magic guide, so he should have achieved such a high achievement with such a thirsty learning attitude!


Nine levels of peak magic guide!

真正 A real step away from the sanctuary!

成就 This achievement is already hard to come by!

“You are very talented, this is beyond the dream of countless people, but you have to understand that talent is only the key to unlock magical treasures. Whether you can get treasures and how much you can ultimately depend on your efforts!”

Teacher Dirk looked at Monterrey: “Do you … understand?”

“I know!”

Meng Lei focused on the head!

“Are you going to skip class later?”

“Alice!” Menglei answered without hesitation!

“(⊙o⊙) …”

Teacher Dirk gave a slight stun, and then became furious. OK, I deliberately brewed the atmosphere, preached and taught for a long time, and the feelings came to the stone!

Are you still upset?

I answered so simply!

I’m mad at me!

I am so angry!

Teacher De Di Ke pointed at Meng Lei, trembling with anger, and as he was about to leave, the door of the office was pushed open, and the judge teacher in charge of the fighting platform came in happily!

“Congratulations, Director Dirk, congratulations!”

Congratulations to the judge as soon as he entered the door. After he turned around the bookshelf and saw Meng Lei and Dirk, he couldn’t help but yell: “Meng Lei is here too!”

After speaking, he didn’t wait for Montray to answer, and smiled to Teacher Dirk: “Director Dirk, you must be complimenting Montréal, right? That’s right, Montréal should be praised so well , Praise it! “

Mr. De Di Ke listened with aggression, looked at Monterrey, and then looked at the judge teacher, wondering: “Mr. Joe, what are you talking about?”

“Director Dirk, don’t be confused with me!”

The jury teacher Joe Bolton laughed and laughed: “Meng Lei was just on the battle platform, and instantaneous third-level magic, easily defeated the second class of a year …”

“and many more!”

Mr. Dirk interrupted Mr. Qiao, and asked with a puzzled expression: “Meng Lei? Instant third-level magic?”

“Don’t you know, Director Dirk?”

Seeing Mr. Dirk’s expression, Mr. Qiao understood it and smiled, “It’s like this …”

Hearing, Teacher Dirk was shocked. He stared at Monley, and said after a long time: “Mr. Qiao is true? You can instantaneous third-level magic?”


Menglei nodded, no need to deny, no need to deny, I believe that it has spread throughout the academy?

“Only seventh-level magicians can do instant third-level magic!”

Teacher De Di Ke stared at Meng Lei, his eyes flashed, as if to see through Meng Lei: “You are only a third-level magician, how to do it?”

“Mr. Dirk, I accidentally broke through!” Monter scratched his head: “Now is a Level 4 magician!”

Meng Lei hides it, he doesn’t want to let people know that he has become a fifth-level magician, it’s too fast ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ it can cause a lot of trouble!

“Are you not careful?”

“Fourth-level magician?”

Teacher Dirk and Teacher Qiao looked at each other. They didn’t know what to say. After a while, Teacher Dirk frowned again: “Even if you are a fourth-level magician, you can’t do instant third-level magic. It doesn’t make sense! “

“Maybe my mental strength is stronger?”

Meng Lei scratched his head and said something ambiguous!

“Mental strength?”

Teacher Qiao Qiao wondered, “Meng Lei, should you have tested your mental strength, how many levels have you reached?”

“It was measured during the mid-term exam, but then I deliberately hid it!” Menglei grinned. “So there is only the mental power of a third-level magician!”

“What about your true mental strength?” Teacher Qiao asked again!

“No test! It should be better than the third-level magician!”

Menglei answered!

“Why don’t you test it?”

Teacher Qiao looked at Teacher Dirk: “Director Dirk, do you have a precision meter here, or should you let Meng Lei test it?”

“no need!”

Teacher Dirk waved his hands, his eyes flickered: “Instant three-level magic, only the seventh-level magician can do it. Even if there is no seventh-level mental power, there is not much difference in Mental’s mental power. necessary!”

“makes sense!”

Teacher Qiao Qiao took it seriously, and then looked at Meng Lei: “At a young age, you have such a strong mental power, Meng Lei, you have an unlimited future!”

谢谢 “Thank you Teacher Joe!”

Meng Lei smiled. His family knew his own family affairs. He knew that he could achieve instant third-level magic. It was not because of strong mental power, but … the system!

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