Picking Up Attributes From Today (From Now On, I’ll Pick Up Attributes)

Chapter 416 - Loot wealth, dominate the soul

There are a total of 10 main gods in Earth God Realm, so there are ten Protoss. Except Niedhog Protoss, the other nine Protoss have not patronized yet.

These nine gods are the next goal of Meng Lei, because fully grasping the laws of space, a teleport is enough to span countless light years, even though the earth gods are vast and boundless, but the hurry is nothing to Meng Lei.

Half an hour later, Meng Lei came to the Dorti Fire Phoenix Protoss, first looting the Fire Phoenix Protoss Treasury, and then looting the Fire Phoenix Protoss’ private vault.

After some looting, the wealth surged 50,000 trillion **** crystal, plus the original 70463 trillion **** crystal of Menglei, the total wealth reached an astonishing 120,000 trillion!

This is the 12 Supreme God Crystal!

Of course, the most in the treasure trove of Doherty Flame Phoenix is ​​not God Crystal, but various treasures of heaven and earth. These are useless to Menglei, so they are all cheaper, such as Puhaman and others. They, the artifacts are given to them, the heavenly treasures are given to them …

For a time, Puhaman and others made a lot of money and jumped into the richest gods in the vast world. However, this is nothing, and Meng Lei gave them the main deity.

The 100 main gods who slaughtered the top ten **** realms, Meng Lei received a total of 100 main gods, plus the previous one obtained in the Pompeii desert, a total of 101.

The main deity is not useful for the current Monray. Therefore, the main deity was given to a group of people, which can excite Puharman and others, one by one.

“Refine well! You will need to guard the Ten Great Realms in the future!” Meng Lei asked.

“Yes, master!”

Puhaman and others hurried back to the Tower of Time, refining and rebuilding the main divine personality, while Monray continued to the next **** realm.

Helsa Colossus Protoss.

Raphael Angel Protoss.

Zilde Frozen Protoss.

Bados Eternal Protoss.

Dawson Titan Protoss.


One day later, Meng Lei left Earth God Realm.

This looting, in addition to the massive wealth, Meng Lei also got two important things, that is, the fire source **** body and the ice source **** body.

The fire source **** body was found in the private storehouse of the Lord God of Fire Phoenix, and Monray found a corpse of the Fire Phoenix **** family at that time. That was the owner of the fire source **** body.

The ice source **** body was looted from a frozen **** clan. This guy has the ice source **** body. Like the elven goddess of the natural **** clan, it is the key training object of the Zilde frozen **** clan. .

After plundering Huoyuan God Body and Bingyuan God Body successively, Meng Lei has five major source **** bodies, namely Golden Wood God Body, Muyuan God Body, Leiyuan God Body, Huoyuan Body, and Bingyuan God Body. .

After leaving Earth God Realm, Meng Lei went to the nearest Forest God Realm, which was a kind of crazy predatory looting. Not only the wealth of Forest God Realm’s top ten gods was looted, but also the Forest God Realm’s top ten gods became history.

For a time, Monray’s total wealth reached an astonishing 1 million trillion, which is unprecedented in history.

With so much money, naturally it costs money. After all, Monray is not a miser. “System, how many **** crystals do I need to strengthen my body?”

“Ding! The system’s current flesh is comparable to the High Ancient God (upper main god), and it will be comparable to the High Master after strengthening! Expected to strengthen the price from 10 to the High God Crystal!” The cold sound of the system sounded “Is it strengthened?”

“10 Supreme God Crystal?”

Meng Lei immediately frowned, 10 to High God Crystal is equal to 100,000 trillion God Crystal, this is a huge sum of money, what makes Meng Lei uncomfortable is that he only got 2 to High God Crystal when he killed the space master, why should he strengthen himself Need 10 to High God Crystal?

The price has been turned over 5 times.

“Is it strengthened?”

The system sounded again.

“Strengthen a feather!”

Meng Lei rolled his eyes, “First strengthen the soul without strengthening the flesh!”

Meng Lei has his own considerations. It is relatively easy to improve the physical body. Strengthening the bloodline and integrating the original divine body … etc. Can promote the physical body.

Divine spirit is different, this thing is too difficult to upgrade, can only be improved through system strengthening.

Moreover, after strengthening the soul, Meng Lei’s application of the Supreme Rule will be easier, more arbitrary, and more handy!

Therefore, it is better to strengthen the soul first.

“Ding! The current spirit of the host is comparable to the high ancient **** (upper main god), and it will be comparable to the high master after strengthening. It is estimated that the strengthening price will be 10 to the high **** crystal!”

“Enhance it!”

Meng Lei waved his hand.


A turbulent cold breath rushed into the sea of ​​consciousness, and a brain was injected into the flame of the god’s soul, and the flame of the golden god’s soul skyrocketed wildly.


Double, double, triple …

Twenty times, thirty times, forty times …

80 times, 90 times, 100 times …

Has been madly soaring to 100 times, and the rising momentum of the Soul Flame gradually stopped. At this time, the Soul Flame is like a star suspended in the endless sea of ​​consciousness.

This is a skyrocket!

Meng Lei can clearly feel the change of the soul, the thinking is extremely fast, the consciousness is extremely active, and the manipulation of the Supreme Law is more comfortable!

The soul of the gods spread out …

1 light year, 2 light years, 3 light years …

80 light years, 90 light years, 100 light years …

Shennian has spread beyond 100 light-years away, but Meng Lei still feels at ease, and can obviously spread to farther distances.

“Forget it, don’t try it!”

Meng Lei quickly withdrew Shennian, then continued to rush towards the next God Realm Storm God Realm.

Two days later, Meng Lei left Storm God Realm, except for a wave of wealth surge, as usual, plundered a kind of original **** body Fengyuan God Body!

After, it is Ocean God Realm …

Non-stop in Monrema, while turning around the various **** realms, the three masters and 43 master gods finally returned to the highest heaven.

Smell the familiar breath, feel the power of the ubiquitous heaven, no matter the three masters, or the 43 master gods, all relieved.

“came back!”

“Finally home!”

Although it only left for 2 days ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~, but the three masters and the 43 master gods walked like a ghost gate, and they all felt like they had survived for the rest of their lives.

Witnessed the killing of 90 main gods!

Witness the terrible fierceness of Monray!

Who is not afraid?

Who doesn’t panic?

Who doesn’t have palpitations?

“Everyone, take a step first!”

The Master of Destruction dropped this sentence and directly teleported away. The Master of Life and the Master of Death looked at each other, and left with a sigh.

In this trip to Earth God Realm, their four masters lost their faces. Instead of sanctioning Monray, they were killed by Monray, and the three masters fled back in disgrace. Lost.

“Everyone, I am gone too!”


“Go back and have a rest!”

“Everyone, keep in touch at any time, if the thief comes to the Supreme Realm, you must remember to notify us as soon as possible, we will teleport!”



The 43 main gods also left each other. They experienced a disaster. Now they just want to go back to the old nest and take a good rest. It is too exhausting …

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