People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 553

Chapter 336: Just Kill

There are no stars in the February sky, but Las Vegas is still brightly lit.

This is a casino and a city that never sleeps.

Countless people went bankrupt here, and a few lucky people became rich overnight here.

a certain casino.

People screamed and fled.

Over the villa behind the casino, two gunships were bombarding indiscriminately.

Detachable missile head, Gatling.

The firepower of the highest technology of mankind tilted freely, sweeping everything in the villa.

The prison temple Hayato even opened the box, and the firepower was full.

His box weapon was the most powerful in this situation, and the fire of war covered the entire courtyard of the villa.

War is burning everywhere.


Suddenly, a wolf howl resounded through the night sky.

A black wolf turned into an afterimage and ran on the roof. Several jumps approached a helicopter and leaped up.


Orange flame bullets sprayed through the black wolf.

Xanxus looked at the black wolf that turned into black smoke and dissipated in the air, spit disdainfully, and said impatiently: “Enough is enough, no ordinary person can survive this kind of firepower.”

“That’s right, then let’s all attack!”

He heard Tsunade’s order coming from the headset.

Xanxus did not wait for the firepower to stop, and jumped out of the plane first. People were in the air, and two guns were fired everywhere. Every bullet led people to pierce the house.

When he landed, the surroundings were in ruins.

The rest of the members followed suit.

Sawada Tsunayoshi, Yamamoto Takeshi, Gokuji Hayato, and others from Balian.

Xanxun looked at the empty ruins and snorted coldly, “Sawada, are you making too much of a fuss?”

The enemy didn’t respond to their raid, and it didn’t look like they had the information in advance and prepared traps to wait for them to come.

“I wish I was making a fuss!”

Tsunaji didn’t care about the yin and yang of xanxus, and looked for Jin Bing’s figure left and right.

The result, of course, failed.

He pondered for a moment, and then ordered: “Except for XANXUS and I, the other two are in a group. Let’s go to find them. We must find Jinbian.”

“Be careful yourself.”

Yamamoto Wu reminded the people of Balian, and the prison temple Hayato searched to the south, and the rest of the people also searched in two groups, each looking for a direction to search.

“Let’s go too!”

Gangji said something, and found a place where no one gave directions.

He had a hunch that the enemy was here.

“I came here.”

Xanxus snorted coldly and strode towards the direction that Gangji chose.

Gangji was stunned, and then didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

He knew that Xanxus knew his sense of value, so he deliberately grabbed the position he chose to make it easier to find the enemy.

“Then I’ll go this way.”

Gangji chose to search in the opposite direction.

Although his sense of value is accurate, it is more reflected in the battle. For things like finding people, although there are reactions, it is not difficult to pinpoint a certain person.

Therefore, the xanxus side is not necessarily the hiding place of Jin Bing.


The two rituals were chopped down with one knife, and the human legs were separated.

Duoliba covered her broken leg, screamed and jumped back.

The two ceremonies were unforgiving, without any pause, they chased after them with a knife.

Her indifferent face was full of blood, like a demon.

“court death!”

Duoliba gritted her teeth, and mysterious purple lines appeared on her face, arms, and chest.

The two rituals groaned and knelt down in pain.

Duoliba’s face showed a trace of ease, “I have poison all over my body, and my blood splashed all over my body, you are dead.”

“Is it just poison?”

The two rituals were trembling with pain, but there was contempt on their faces.

This made Duoliba furious.

She leaned against the wall and sneered: “You can only take advantage of the fact that your mouth is hard now. In a few minutes, you will be dead without a place to die.”

“I don’t want to die.”

After the two ceremonies were said, the long knife was rotated and held back, and his hands were raised above his head, aiming at his heart.

Duoliba sneered again when she saw it, “I can’t stand the pain of the poison, so are you ready to understand yourself? It’s a shame that I lost a leg and there are foreign enemies at hand, otherwise I will catch you and torture you to death.”

“No, I won’t die.”

After the two rituals were said, they slammed the knife into the chest.

But the strange thing is that the tip of the knife did not cut into the chest without incising, and no blood was spattered.

It’s like being thrown into water.

The blood on the two rituals evaporated, and her strangeness disappeared.

“My poison is gone?!”

Duoliba was stunned.

“Instead of disappearing, I was killed by me!”

The two rituals spoke indifferently, got up slowly, and walked towards Duoliba step by step.

“The poison that killed me?”

Duo Liba didn’t react a bit, and after a while, she remembered the two rituals of stabbing herself with a knife, and asked in disbelief: “…with your knife?”

“What are you kidding?”

“Can something like a knife kill germs and venom?”


“It’s my eyes, to be precise.”

The two ceremonies slowly approached Duo Liba, distracting her while talking, while being careful what the other party had in the back hand, “I can see the death of all things, not to mention real creatures like humans and animals, stone , atmosphere, time… As long as I have the concept of death, I can kill it, not to mention the mere virus.”

“No, no, it is impossible to have such an ability!”

“How can such an unreasonable thing be born in this world?!”

“I don’t believe it, I don’t…”

The crazy hysteria came to an abrupt end, and two ceremonies slashed at Duoliba’s dead line, ending her life completely.

Looking at the woman who was unwilling after her death, the two rituals said indifferently: “In the eyes of many people, you are an unreasonable existence. So, don’t question those things that you can’t understand.”

As if hearing the words of the two ceremonies, Duo Liba’s unwilling expression eased.

The two rituals took a deep breath, turned and walked out.

She wants to take the opportunity to kill Jin Bing.

Bang bang bang! !

The skeleton gun of Hayato of Prison ruthlessly sprays, and ammunition and missiles with various attributes are continuously sent out.

But the enemy on the opposite side.

The bald-headed man, like a little giant, relied on his body muscles to resist the mad bombardment and advance.

“Damn, is this guy’s body made of steel?”

Prison Temple Hayato looked at the man who kept approaching him, and couldn’t help cursing.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let him move on.”

Yamamoto Takeshi posed a posture of drawing his sword and slashing, “Shiyu Cangyan Flow·Eight Type·Sudden Rain!”


It exploded with the sound of Jin Ming.

Yamamoto Takeshi set off a huge wave and rushed out, fast enough to drag a series of afterimages behind him.


The tip of the knife wrapped in the flame of the rain accurately stabbed the man’s waist and abdomen, but there was a sound of Jin Ming colliding.

The strong bald man flew out like a cannonball as if he had been hit hard.

However, the man immediately stood up from the smoke and his body was unharmed.

Yamamoto Takeshi was stunned and said, “It’s not just as simple as a body like steel!”

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