People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 551

Chapter 334: Spike

Although it’s a bit regretful not to be able to teach the two ceremonies in person, but the ghost cave will only be heavier.

Ghost Cave is a serious person.

He strictly abides by the relationship between superiors and subordinates, and is very strict with the relationship between subordinates. If someone oversteps, they will teach him a lesson.

As newcomers, the two ceremonies were so arrogant.

The ghost cave will definitely give her a clear lesson to prevent her from crossing over again in the future.

As for not winning…

The two of them never thought about this question at all.

As the first ace killers in the club, they performed countless missions and met all kinds of people.

I consider myself a bit knowledgeable.

The two ceremonies exuded danger, giving people a sense of danger, but it did not give them a sense of crisis.

This woman is very strong, but only very strong.

Compared with their leader [Ghost Cave], it is a world of difference.

Not a dimension at all.

“Two ceremonies…”

The ghost cave came to the center of the arena, holding the handle of the knife in his right hand, and looked at her indifferently, “I don’t know if you will join us in the end, but since you have this plan now, as a newcomer, keep a low profile for me.”

“Is it also about workplace culture?”

The two ceremonies replied in a mocking tone.

Hearing this, the ghost cave fell silent.



A strong murderous aura erupted, blowing like a gust of wind.

During the two ceremonies, the hair fluttered, the clothes were stirred, and there was always a faint smile on the face, but the eyes were condensed.

She is a neat person.

In her room, there are only a bed, a refrigerator, a washing machine and other necessities of life. She only chose the fewest words to speak, but she could clearly express her meaning.

She does the same thing.

Point directly to the incident center and solve the source.

This time is no exception.

If you want to avoid subsequent troubles, you can only kill the group of people behind Bullseye.

Although asking Fury for information failed.

But unexpectedly, the enemy not only did not follow-up revenge, but instead sent people to recruit her.

For this ruthless gangster, the two rituals are familiar.

After all, her family is also engaged in a jido club, and she doesn’t know how many hostile forces have been resolved.

she knows.

If you refuse to recruit, then the other party will attack the killer.

Even if you kill the person who came to recruit you, you will face a steady stream of enemies in the future.

Instead, it is better to promise to recruit.

Then go back to the enemy headquarters, find the enemy high-level, and kill them all.

But the two rituals are also very clear.

The other party is not an ordinary person.

If the enemy force has two bullseye-level combat power, it will be difficult for her to face the enemy head-on.

If there are more than three, you have to think of other strategies.

After confirmation, the other party has at least five.

This is not something that a head-on battle can solve.

Pretend to join them first, then stab them in the back while the enemy lets down their guard.

This is the plan of the two ceremonies.

Right now, Jin did not want to see her ability, and she also took the opportunity to create an opportunity to kill each other in an open and aboveboard manner.

I have already explained in advance that my ability is uncontrollable.

Even if he killed the other party, Jin didn’t blame her easily.

But the other party will be merciful because it is a test of the newcomer’s level.

This opportunity is rare.

So the two ceremonies chose the person who the other party gave her the strongest feeling [Ghost Cave].

But at this moment, feeling the substantial murderous aura of the other party, the two rituals also doubted their own judgments.

This man is too strong.

Much stronger than imagined.

Can he really behead the opponent in an open and fair manner?

But this thought was fleeting.

The murderous aura of the enemy caused the impulses of the two rituals, and the impulse that originated from [nothingness] desperately released the murderous intent.

“Ha ha ha ha ha……”

The shoulders of the two rituals shook.

She raised her head, and her hair was blowing along the sides of her cheeks, revealing that excited, bloodthirsty smile.


Ghost Cave frowned slightly.

In the face of natural slayers, murderous aura not only cannot affect the opponent’s mind, but instead catalyzes their bodily functions like a stimulant.

He thought about suppressing the opponent with killing intent, and then the abacus of quickly solving the battle was in vain.

Kim did smile.

At this moment, he no longer doubted whether the joining of the two ceremonies had ulterior motives.

He waved his hand and stepped back with the others.

Free up more space for the two on the field.

“Do you need any weapons?”

Ghost Cave asked silently.

“Just the same knife as you.”

The two ceremonies pointed to the two knives on the waist of the ghost cave.

Ghost Cave frowned again.

He is a double-edged sword.

Only with two knives in hand can he unleash his full strength.

But there are no other weapons here.

And it’s just a simple rookie test, and it’s a waste of time to spend time picking up weapons.

(Anyway, it’s just a layman who doesn’t even have a knife, so what if there is one less knife?)

Thinking of this, the ghost cave took out one of them and threw it over.

The two rituals stretched out their hands and waved them at will.

That seems to be correct, but in fact it will only consume more strength, and it can only be used to perform a handsome knife-holding posture, which makes the ghost cave confirm that the opponent does not use a knife at all.

(It seems that I just want to reduce my combat power.)

Ghost Cave’s brows stretched out, and he said indifferently, “Can we start?”

“Oh, oh oh, it’s alright.”

While dancing the knife, the two rituals of adapting to the weight came back to his senses, and he aimed the tip of the knife at the ghost cave with a lame posture.

This time, don’t talk about insiders.

Even Jin Ning, a layman who doesn’t use knives at all, can see that girls don’t know how to use knives.

But no one laughed.

The nature of the two ritual murderers is doomed to her danger, even if she doesn’t know how to use a knife, it doesn’t mean she is weak.

“Then I’ll do it.”

Seeing the two ceremonies posing, Ghost Cave leaned forward slightly, holding Daoqiao in his left hand, his thumb down on the blade of the knife, and his right hand clenched the handle of the knife.

The air gradually solidified.

The two rituals tightened their muscles and stared at each other.

Everyone also held their breath, just staring at the two people in the field.

They had a hunch.

Victory and defeat will be decided in an instant.


The ghost cave took a deep breath and exhaled.

The heat created long mists in the icy air.


The sound of Jin Ming rang out.

The ghost cave stepped out at an extreme that was difficult for ordinary people to respond to, leaving an afterimage in the air like a phantom, and the samurai sword was even pulled out on the way.

Everyone only saw a white rainbow flashing by.

The ghost cave flashed to the front of the two rituals, and the samurai sword in his hand was completely pulled out, and he was about to kill it.

So fast!

The two ceremonies were She could react, but her body couldn’t keep up.

But this situation was expected as early as possible, although it was not disturbed.

The angry eyes widened, and the devil’s eyes opened wide.

These eyes, like the incarnation of death, made the ghost cave’s movements a little stagnant.

That’s the brief pause.

The two ritual movements were able to keep up. The samurai sword was rotated on the right hand, blocking the blade at an extremely tricky angle, and the left hand grabbed the dagger that slipped out of the sleeve and slashed at the opponent.


Accompanied by the sound of sharp weapons entering the flesh, the two passed by staggeringly.

The ghost cave kept swinging the knife, his eyes widened, “You know how to use a knife!?”

After speaking, his head tilted and he fell down.

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