People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 23

Page 23

【27】Erina’s interest!Do you have the intention to cooperate? (4 more, please collect!))

“It’s a club that was recently established in the academy. It is said that the founder is a first-year student named Mo Yu.”

The student standing behind the blonde woman bowed her head respectfully and reported to her.

like a loyal servant.

Compared to the present, a lot of information is still unknown to the Dark Food Research Society.

In Totsuki Academy, there are not many people who don’t know Nakiri Erina’s name.

Not only because she is the commander-in-chief of this academy, the granddaughter of Nakiri Senzaemon, known as the Devil of Eater, and the youngest top ten of Togetsu Academy.

She is also the owner of the rumored tongue of God.

No matter what the dish is, just taste it through her tongue.

Instantly and accurately identify the ingredients used in the recipe.

It is precisely because of this that Nakiri Erina has been accepting invitations from countless famous restaurants from all over the world since she was a child.

I want her to be a supervisor in my store.

And her words can often influence the future of a restaurant!

With all kinds of auras, Nakiri Erina had a lot of popularity when she was still in the middle department.

Even in private, many students became her followers.

For example, Hisako Shinto, who was born in a family of medicinal foods, and Nao Sadazuka.

In short, Erina Nakiri, known as the “Witch of Ice”, has the ability to kill both men and women.

“Mo Yu?”

Erina Nakiri recited this completely unfamiliar name in her mind.

“Yes, from the leaders of the clubs, we learned that those first-year students who came to them to eat halberds and plunder the club’s venues.”

“They were all ordered by their president, the chief general of the Dark Cuisine Research Society, Mo Yu.”

The students said respectfully.

“A first-year student can actually beat a second-year student at the level of the leader of the club.”

Nakiri Erina raised her hand and rubbed her chin, thinking.

Erina Nakiri, the granddaughter of Nakiri Senzaemon, is the commander-in-chief of this Togetsu Academy.

No one knew better than her how cruel the system of this academy really was.

Starting from the first year of the Higher Ministry, every time you want to go up one level, you need to face a hundred times more hard work and dedication than other colleges.

Before the 92nd period, Togetsu Academy had recruited a total of 812 first-year students of Togetsu.

But in the end, only 76 people were successfully promoted to the second grade.

How cruel this competition is, it can be seen from such a disparate upgrade ratio.

It can be said that the second-year students who can stay at Togetsu Academy are already considered to have good qualifications.

According to the report of the student behind her, the first-year students who challenged the club leader to eat the halberd.

When he first entered Togetsu Academy, his strength was not very prominent.

There are even many people who always get C or D grades in cooking classes.

And on the verge of failure, the risk of being dropped from the school.

But after joining the Dark Cuisine Research Association, the strength of these people seems to have improved by leaps and bounds.

In less than half a month, he was able to beat the second graders!

How could Nakiri Erina not be surprised.

Although with her strength, she also looked down on the strength of second-year students like Konishi Kanichi.

But after all, she is also the youngest ten heroes of Togetsu Academy, and her future is limitless.

All roads lead to Rome, but compared with the vast majority of people at Totsuki Academy, Nakirina definitely belongs to those who were born in Rome.

While pondering, Nakiri Erina suddenly remembered something.

“Is it that the student who defeated Feishako Shinto when he was eating halberd last time is also a member of this club?”

“Yes, Erina-sama.”

“That girl’s name is Nao Sadazuka. She used to be called the witch in front of the pot in the school, and her strength has always been inferior to that of Feishako-san.”

“But in that halberd, she showed a strength that far surpassed that of Feishazi.”

After listening to the other party’s report, Erina Nakiri smiled with interest.

“It seems that this dark cooking research club seems to be really interesting.”

Nakiri Erina raised her head and looked out the window.

“It seems that their goal is to ban those small groups that don’t need to exist at all.”

“Maybe our goals are the same.”

“You go to contact them and explain to their master that I have the intention to cooperate with them.”

Nakiri Erina’s usual icy tone contained the usual coldness and arrogance.

It was as if he took it for granted that the other party would agree to his terms.

“Yes, Erina-sama.”

Kuraki Kaho said respectfully.

When she came to the door of the club activity venue of the Dark Cooking Research Association, she looked at the sign at the door.

“Dark Cuisine Research Society…”

Kuraki Kahori looked at the house number.

I don’t know if it was her illusion, but she always felt that just these few words revealed some strange and dark atmosphere.

It seemed that as long as she stepped into this door, she would fall into a terrifying and unknown black hole.

“What am I thinking?”

Kuraki Kahori shook her head, raised her hand and knocked on the door of the Dark Cuisine Research Association.

“Excuse me, is anyone there?”

“come in.”

A voice came from inside, it sounded cold.

Kuraki Kaho’s heart skipped a beat, and she walked in cautiously.

I saw that the area of this club activity room is not too large, but the basic equipment is still complete.

It is different from the appearance that there is no sound outside the door, so it shows a somewhat gloomy feeling.

The light in the room is obvious, and the word “darkness” doesn’t seem to fit well.

Until Kuraki Kaho saw the people inside.

Most of them looked like they were cooking, and everyone’s movements seemed to be very skilled, and they even made some difficult movements.

It also appears to be completely at ease.

When these people saw Cangmu Kaho who walked in, they all cast a glance at her.

Cangmu Kaho only felt that under the eyes of these people, he seemed to be targeted by wolves, a lamb to be slaughtered!

Her heart was beating wildly involuntarily.

Fortunately, these people didn’t seem to care much about her, and soon turned their eyes away and continued to do their own thing.

“Excuse me… who is the leader of the Dark Cuisine Research Association?”

Kuraki Kahori clenched the document in his hand and asked cautiously.

“are you looking for me?”

A voice sounded, and Kuraki Kahori followed the source of the voice.

Next to the activity room, a pair of tables and chairs are set up, which looks like an office.

A slender figure is sitting here.

His appearance is a standard Asian, but he is better-looking than all the stars that Kuraki Kaho has seen on TV before.

And in his eyes, there is a deep and coldness that is quite incompatible with his age.

But it fits his temperament unexpectedly.

If you say, Nakiri Erina is the queen of ice.

Then the person in front of him is the ice and snow emperor who overlooks everything and is above everything.

“What’s the matter with you?”.

【28】Refused to cooperate!What you can’t do, I can! (1 more, please collect!)

Mo Yu could see that the girl in front of her who was staring at her in a daze didn’t come here because she wanted to sign up to join the Dark Cuisine Research Association.

His eyes have always been accurate.

“You are the leader of the Dark Cuisine Research Association, Mo Yujun, right?”

Cangmu Kahori came back to his senses, and there was a little more respect in his voice unconsciously.

Mainly because the person in front of him is too strong!

Simply overwhelming!

Even she, who has been working by Nakiri Erina’s side for a long time, has never felt such a strong pressure from Nakiri Erina.

Even compared to the person in front of him, Nakiri Erina’s aura was similar to that of a child playing the role of a queen.

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