Pension Strategy

Chapter 54

Chapter 53: Queen 8

Hearing this, Li Zemu, who didn’t take it seriously, frowned and said coldly, “What else is going on.”

Some small fish and shrimp, he doesn’t need to care, but when it comes to mother, this is intolerable.

Suggestion, after getting the permission of “continue”, this is secretly relieved.

The danger of being punished must also be exhausted.

Fang put the information in his hand and put it in front of Li Zemu, and then continued, “When you were born, the one who delivered was this Dr. Liu Dan and his wife’s postpartum care. It was also her who took over, and later the lady should feel that she was capable, so she was promoted to a regular health doctor, and she completed the annual physical examination.”

“It’s all normal, but when you were five years old, the year when your wife found out that the master… cheated, the wife put on a serious mental breakdown.” Equation said here, his tone paused After all, this is the private matter of the president’s family, not to mention that we are talking about the president’s parents.

“You mean, the unusual situation happened during this time.” Li Zemufeng frowned. He was only five years old at the time, and now his memory is a little vague, but he also knows his mother and father. The first quarrel with him was very serious. After that, his mother no longer hugged him or joked with him. His face was cold and serious, and he liked to lock himself in the room for a long time.

So from then on, he hated his father, so that even now, the relationship between father and son is very cold.

Equation nodded, the president is worthy of being the president, and he can always know the key points sharply, “According to the recorded information, that is, when the wife went to Dr. Liu Dan for psychological counseling, she came out The time was a full hour later than usual, and since that day, Madam’s health has been very poor for several months, and it will be better after taking the medicine prescribed by Dr. Liu Dan. But the strange thing is that Madam has Dr. Liu Dan did not record the symptoms and the prescriptions prescribed, but simply marked it as a gynecological disease.”

Every time Mrs. checks her physical condition, she will have a database, but only the examination of the most serious condition is not recorded in detail. Generally speaking, only the wife and the doctor know this kind of record. But now, when I checked it, I found that there were many things that were not right.

“This so-called gynecological disease was fabricated by Liu Dan, and the person who caused the mother’s poor health may be her handwriting.” Li Zemu’s eyes became colder. Langzi’s ambition beside him, but he never thought that Dr. Liu Dan, who had been a good friend with his mother for many years, would have hidden this misfortune early on.

“I haven’t checked this evidence for the time being, but what I can confirm is that during that time, the wife’s health will deteriorate. Nine times out of ten, Dr. Liu Dan took advantage of the weakened spirit of the wife and left her alone. When checking, move your hands and feet.” Equation is still very sure of this conclusion, only those who are guilty of thieves can’t wait to clear the traces, and do not want to leave any evidence to be found.

“And I followed the investigation and found that after that day, Dr. Liu Dan began to make payments to an unfamiliar account, once a month, and it has not stopped until now.”

He didn’t expect that just to investigate who became a traitor in the group, so many hard secrets could be found out. If it is true as the investigation said, the hardship that Mrs. suffered back then was quite wrong. .

“Check! No matter what the relationship is, let me check it out!” Li Zemu’s eyes were cold, his eyebrows were full of anger, and he held back the anger in his heart for a while.

He only hated that when he was young, everyone wanted to shoot at his mother, but her mother had no one to rely on.

“Yes, I understand.” Equation nodded, he hesitated for a while, and hesitated.

Li Zemu squeezed his eyebrows, “Is there anything else.”

After struggling for a while, Equation still risked being driven to Africa and said, “President, that An Xiaoya… I think something is wrong.”

From the first day of his entry, he was very obscure and concerned. He was thinking that the president really liked it, and he had nothing to say, but now once he is connected with everything, this person It appeared too coincidentally, and it was difficult not to let people think too much, so I risked my death to give advice.

He thought the president would be angry, but he just said indifferently, “Then investigate together, remember to find out who is behind her, but don’t panic, and do it quietly.”

The equation is a little surprised, I didn’t expect the president to be so rational.

This look is a bit strange, Li Zemu glanced at him, “What’s your expression, is there anything wrong with this sentence, or you still don’t understand?”

“…Cough, it’s not that you are afraid that you will fall in love and be unable to extricate yourself.” Fang lowered his head and touched his nose in embarrassment.

He is still the workaholic CEO he knows, and he has not become a love brain.

“Equation, do you think I’m blind?” Li Zemu laughed a little, but this also proved that his disguise was effective, even his mother was **** off.

The first time I met An Xiaoya, it was on the side of the open road, there was a lot of traffic around, but it fell in front of his car accurately, emphasizing that it was not touching porcelain, saying a few words Stubbornly leave with a strong word?

The second time I met her was chatting with her partner in a coffee shop. When An Xiaoya fell, coffee splashed on her shirt. It seemed to be close, and some of her feet were exposed.

See you break in?

Li Zemu didn’t believe in coincidences. The so-called coincidences were carefully arranged. At that time, he became suspicious, and then let An Xiaoya approach, just to further understand what the purpose was.

The boss couldn’t guess what the boss was thinking, and the equation was helpless, “You can’t blame me, in the past few months, President, you have made many special cases for An Xiaoya, and you have shown many differences. , no one in the group thinks much about it.”

“Okay, in addition to the private investigation, we still have to deal with her as always, in order to reveal who is behind it.” Li Zemu was able to control the Li family at a young age and improve his strength. On the first floor, there are not many strong wrists and careful thoughts.

Equation nodded, “Yes.”

It turns out that the president found something wrong a step ahead of him, but he underestimated the president’s rationality and acumen. How could a person who can let the old man take the initiative to abdicate and control the Li family? It’s easy to get lost.

Ning Qiu naturally does not understand these things.

Today is Friday, which is the last day of the recording. Before leaving, there will be a sumptuous dinner. According to the rules, each person will serve three dishes, and the dishes are limited according to the local area. Foodstuffs are prepared and can be traded, but not traded.

The shooting location they came to is Mushroom Village. The village is surrounded by mountains and water, but it is surrounded by mist and often rains. This kind of humid and cool environment is rich in mushrooms, but other fungi will also have Cultivated, wild fungi will be more expensive.

not enough.

The program team came in this time to help with an advertisement.

It rained yesterday, and now is the season of mushrooms, so early in the morning, after Ning Qiu finished cultivating his own fungi and helping the host family, he took the A bag and a small sickle, led by a village boy, went up the mountain with the photographer to dig bamboo shoots, the ones just picked must be very fresh.

There are two other guests who have the same idea as her, but there are many bamboo forests in the mountains, so after they went out and greeted each other, they separated.

The rest of the people felt that the road was slippery and difficult to walk, so they looked for other ingredients.

“Aunt Ning, come and walk this way, I know a bamboo shoot is very good!” On the opposite side of the gurgling stream, he waved at Ning Qiu.

The ridge was a little muddy, Ning Qiu wore the water shoes provided by the villagers, kept her balance, and hurriedly followed, “The energy of a child is to run well, and it seems that he is not tired at all.”

The photographer has to carry the equipment. Fortunately, the ridge is large enough, otherwise, he has to walk into the field to gain a firm foothold, and it is still live broadcast time, so the camera will shake a little.

After finally walking to the small slope, I saw a few bamboo forests not far ahead. The newly emerged bamboo shoots were still foggy. Ning Qiu slowed down his tired steps and pulled Still the spirited Huzi, she said helplessly, “Huzi, don’t be in such a hurry, the road here is a bit slippery, be careful you fall.”

“I see.” Hu Zi scratched his hair, no longer jumping and running, but walked quietly beside Ning Qiu.

“If you are tired, you can put the camera down and rest for a while.” Ning Qiu turned around and said to the two photographers.

“No, no, this exercise is still very simple for us. We used to run with the camera.” Xiao Huang shook his head. Teacher Ning took good care of them these days and didn’t feel it. to what tiring.

“Okay, if you’re tired, put it down.” Ning Qiu didn’t persuade anymore, she opened the bag and walked towards the bamboo, and there were ripe wild grapes hanging in the grass next to the front. , but there are no good places to pick, only bunches of grapes are left hanging high.

While Ning Qiu squatted down to dig bamboo shoots, Huzi was standing under the grape bunches, looking eagerly.

“Huzi, that’s too high, you can’t get it.” Ning Qiu smiled helplessly, this kind of wild grape is very sour, she just looked at it, and her mouth was sour. .

“I know, I just want to take a look.” Hu Zi walked away reluctantly.

He squatted beside Ning Qiu and helped dig bamboo shoots. Together, they dug up the required amount.

Anyway, they all came out. By the way, I walked around the mountain to see if there were any ingredients such as wild mushrooms.

While they were wandering around, they suddenly heard a scream, and after hearing the frightened shouts, Ning Qiu recognized it as a young female guest named Shi Miao.

Ning Qiu frowned, picked up the bag and stood up, “Huzi lead the way, let’s go over and take a look.”

Since they have met, if you ignore them, it will be impossible to say anything.

And she is also worried that nothing will happen.

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