Pension Strategy

Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Old Woman 25

Once something happens in the village, if it is at the beginning of the village, it can be spread to the end of the village in just a few minutes, not to mention it is something that everyone is concerned about now.

The scene was surrounded by a circle. The villagers did not quarrel at the moment. They were all indignant and scolded the vicious hearts of those who wanted to kill them. Elder Ling was so angry that he kept chopping the ground, wishing he could be a few years younger and be able to help.

“Aunt Zhang is here, please let me go.” After someone shouted, everyone consciously cleared the way and stopped making noise, so as not to disturb the old lady trying to save their village.

Ah, poisoning and saving people is worth the loss.

Besides, offending the old lady at this juncture is no different from courting death, they are not stupid.

Liu Zhu, the village chief, walked back and forth in a hurry, frowning tightly, “Old lady, come and see if this dead **** is really poisoned again. ”

They are just ordinary villagers. They know some herbal medicines seen in the mountains, but poisoning is too deep and unpredictable. What kind of poison is it, there is really no specific way to prevent it.

The inside of it has been gnawed away, leaving only the outer shell that seems to be in good condition.

“Find a bunch of firewood and burn it.” Ning Qiu stood up, took the handkerchief handed by his second wife and wiped his hands, then threw the handkerchief on the **** , as soon as someone looked for firewood to light the fire, and burned it together.

This is the same operation last time, so everyone understands that it must be poisoned again.

One of the villagers touched his face and said with some seriousness, “No, I’ll slip the rooster around a few more times when I go back, and I won’t let any bugs go!”

Others also nodded in agreement, and at the same time the sense of crisis deepened in their hearts, but they would not leave.

Today is a festive day, but these things happened, dark clouds shrouded everyone’s head, except for children who don’t know the world, no one can be happy.

“Old lady, what do you say we are going to do, I’ve been worried every day, and now I have to boil the water several times before I dare to drink it. This is too suffocating. The three of us None of the people in Wan Village are cowards, no matter whether they live or die, we are not afraid!” Zhang Tieshan patted his chest, the tendon on his arm was already full of strength, he waited for Ning Qiu’s order, he was the first Bring out the person who made the black hand.

“Yes, the old lady said it anyway, we’ll just do it. We haven’t experienced anything in Sanwan Village, and we haven’t survived well. If anyone dares to say no, Lao Tzu I will personally strangle him to death in front of the ancestors to apologize!” The others also raised their fists in agreement, with indignant expressions on their faces.

Now their backbone is Ning Qiu, and the village chief has been forgotten. Of course, Liu Zhu himself doesn’t care. Also offered with both hands.

Ning Qiu didn’t say anything, she just looked up at the sunset that was swallowed by the dark clouds, covering the light step by step, it became dark and gloomy, her eyes were a little long, and she whispered softly, “After all, the sky will change. already.”

Prelude, like something big is going to happen.

“Each family sends a young, strong, smart and capable man over to discuss matters, the others go back to eat first, and then everyone in the family prepares a stick, and the child uses the short one. Sharpen both ends, remember to hold the one that is in your hand.” After Ning Qiu said, she stepped forward, frowning and thinking deeply.

In the past, as a villain professional, she was engaged in affairs, and every team she commanded either had the ability to destroy the world in an instant, or was superior in strength, intelligence, or force. A group of ordinary people, even women, young and old, who are helpless, need to think deeply about what to do in order to reduce the damage.

It is true that she alone is enough to solve the problem, but this is just an ordinary ancient world. Only by experiencing the danger in person can the history of this village be passed on. The villagers here have carved a brand of how to resist self-protection , has been ignorant and ignorant, and will only accelerate its demise.

After hearing this, the others looked at each other in dismay, and quickly dispersed to go back to prepare. Although I don’t know what plan Ning Qiu has in this arrangement, it’s just a stick with two pointed ends, and it doesn’t take much effort.

Those who were thinking of discussing things were not able to eat the reunion dinner, so the second daughter-in-law responded quickly, contacted the village chief’s daughter-in-law, brought her sister-in-law and several other women in the village, and quickly set the table In the ancestral hall, you can let them discuss without going hungry.

Before the ranking of the ancestors in the ancestral hall, many tribute meals and tribute dishes have been placed on the red lacquered wood table, and incense and candles have also been lit. The beams inside are all brand-new. Send someone to wash it.

The Sheng Dynasty was not so strict with women. Although it also talked about three obedience and four virtues, it was much more relaxed. Housewives could go to the ancestral hall to worship, show their faces to do business, and divorced and remarried.

Liu Zhu and Ning Qiu stood in the front, and there were twenty villagers standing in two rows in the back, and each of them had three incense sticks in their hands, and their faces were serious and serious , his eyes are piercing, and the air is full of dull breathing sounds, solemn and solemn.

Ning Qiu raised her head and looked at the rows of ancestral spirit tablets, there were some great people who were glorious in the past and now lonely, but her old and dull voice was strong and powerful, “Blessed and misfortune depend, The blessings of misfortunes are based on. Although the land of Sanwan Village is fertile, it is close to Huaiguan City, and behind the mountain is the Turkic occupation. If there is a war, the genocide will only be staged here again. Come to worship, and hope that the ancestors and ancestors will be safe and sound.”

She held the incense sideways, then lifted it up, level in front of her chest.

sense of belonging and solidarity.

The people behind do the same.

“Salute!” Liu Zhu shouted, and then everyone bowed in unison and bowed respectfully three times.

“After the ceremony, let the incense go!”

Liu Zhu’s words fell, he took the lead and inserted the incense into the incense burner, followed by Ning Qiu, followed by the villagers who lined up one by one, orderly and respectful.

There are national laws, families have family rules, and the village naturally has its own village rules.

Although Sanwan Village is just an ordinary village, it has existed since the founding of the prosperous dynasty, and there have been many famous people, but now it has disappeared. The rules left by generations will still be obeyed by future generations. This is their root.

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