Pension Strategy

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Old Woman 12

The ancestral hall is not far from the old Zhang’s house, but if you walk there quickly, it will take about three or four minutes to arrive.

As soon as they approached, they heard a noisy voice.

Suddenly someone shouted, “Okay, stop arguing, the village head is here, let the village head call the shots!”

The voice sounds familiar, isn’t it Zhang Yougui?

This made Ning Qiu a little surprised. I didn’t expect that the second child, who was usually silent, was the one who could stabilize the scene at the critical moment.

It really confirms that sentence, the more silent a person is, you never know what kind of vigorous power he is accumulating.

The villagers watching on the third floor and the third floor saw Liu Zhu rushing towards him, and quickly made way for him to come up, but the scene was very chaotic, everyone pointed, What I said was very noisy, making my brain buzzing.

Liu Zhu roared, “Shut up for me, no matter what!”

The disputes in the village are all kinds of strange, sometimes a few green vegetables are missing, and whoever suspected it was stolen will come to him to deal with it. If you are used to roaring, you can practice it.

This shout directly calmed down the noisy scene, and everyone looked at Liu Zhu.

At this moment, a crying woman heard the voice, and immediately let go of the hand that had been scratching Zhang Youfu, and knelt directly in front of Liu Zhu, shaking the world His cry was harsh, “Village chief, village chief, you have to decide for us! It’s all him, it’s him who killed my Tieshan, the village chief, you have to decide for my Tieshan!”

When he said this, Liu Zhu only saw that a wild boar had been bled on the stone slab that was placed next to a well in the ancestral hall, which was used for food processing in the village during major events. , and the blood from this wild boar was black, flowing all over the ground, and it made a sizzling smoke, and next to it was a strong man who fell with a bloodletting knife in his hand, but At this moment, his face turned purple, and he didn’t know whether to live or die, and this was the famous butcher Zhang in the village.

Although the other two strong men who helped to deal with the pig’s hair at the same time were not so serious, their mouths also began to turn purple, and they were sitting next to them in a faint, being taken care of by their families.

Liu Zhu was also taken aback when he saw this scene, and he quickly asked, “What is going on here, why did Tieshan fall?”

“It’s him, and he. If it wasn’t for the traps they dug, how could the wild boar fall into it, let alone bring it back. What’s even more hateful is that when Tieshan was bleeding just now, they Two people actually ran out to make trouble and let Tieshan miss a moment, and then Tieshan will have an accident!” Zhang Tieshan’s daughter-in-law pointed at the two Zhang Youfu brothers, her eyes resentful!

She has forgotten the greed just now, and she blamed others for the fault in her heart and eyes.

The majesty of the village chief was still there, and Tie Shan’s daughter-in-law immediately shrank her head. She didn’t dare to contradict the village chief, so she could only shed tears and sat on the ground with her feet down and her chest down, crying so desolately, “Tie Shan” Shan, you fell like this, leaving us orphans and widows to live in this world. Tie Shan, don’t go too fast, I’ll come to find you right away.”

Seeing this, Liu Zhu sighed, and he didn’t want to say anything harsh. He just asked others to go up to comfort him, and by the way, he carried the body of Butcher Zhang out and put it in a clean place next to him.

At this moment, there is a farce of the death of descendants, which is sad and deplorable when you think about it carefully.

Liu Zhu looked at Zhang Youfu and asked, “Youfu, tell me what’s going on. Didn’t the old lady ask you to stop them from killing wild boars, how did these things happen? ”

“Uncle Liu, mother, this is what happened, we did come here. When we arrived, butcher Zhang and the three were also preparing to let blood, we also stepped forward to stop it, but Zhang Tieshan did not Listen, I immediately started bleeding. Didn’t my mother say that they can’t touch pig blood, so I wanted to pull Zhang Tieshan away, but he fell down when I touched him. Then sister-in-law Tieshan kept holding me Fight, say I killed Zhang Tieshan until you come.” Zhang Youfu touched the face scratched by Tieshan’s daughter-in-law, and was also very aggrieved.

“You said I killed Zhang Tieshan? It’s impossible at first glance. How could I kill Zhang Tieshan, and it’s still under the watchful eyes of everyone. It’s impossible to think about it.”

It is too wrong to be charged with murder for no reason.

Zhang Yougui also nodded, “What eldest brother said is right, and you have been watching.”

When he said this, he was looking at the villagers onlookers.

The villagers also know this meaning, so when Tieshan’s daughter-in-law is making trouble, they don’t help. Will kill Zhang Tieshan.

“How come Zhang Tieshan fell and died?” Someone present asked this sentence, which was also a question in everyone’s heart.

Liu Zhu also has a big brain. Killing wild boars was supposed to be a festive thing, but some villagers died.

When he was about to ask someone to carry Butcher Zhang down, he heard the silence of the ancestral hall, and Ning Qiu, who was observing around, spoke.

“He’s not dead yet. It’s not time for you to cry.”

These words made Tieshan’s daughter-in-law, who was crying abruptly, stop abruptly, she froze and looked up at Ning Qiu, full of doubts, “Aunt, what are you talking about, what are you talking about? Tieshan isn’t dead yet? But why isn’t he dead yet, he doesn’t even breathe anymore.”

I thought that the old lady was fooling her, Tieshan’s wife just wanted to continue making trouble, but when she met Ning Qiu’s eyes, she said the words, and she stifled it back.

When Liu Zhu heard this, he squatted beside Butcher Zhang for the first time and measured his breath with his fingers. , “Sister, what the **** is going on?”

Ning Qiu ignored him, turned to look at the villagers, and said solemnly: “You guys, go find firewood immediately. And you guys go get salt water for them both. Drink. The rest of the people leave, hurry home and guard, don’t drink the water in the sink, if you drink it, you may not be able to wake up like Zhang Tieshan. ”

They don’t know what this is going to do, but things related to life and safety can’t be sloppy, so they all run home non-stop.

It’s true that Zhang Tieshan’s fall has been firmly remembered in their minds. If they cause an accident to their own family because of disobedience, no one wants to see it, and they can’t afford to gamble.

At this time, the three daughters-in-law of the old Zhang family also ran back sweating profusely, holding the found blade of grass in their hands, “Mother, we have all found what you are looking for, it is enough. Do not.”

“Okay, now you go to boil water, and when the water boils, throw Zhang Tieshan into it. The water should keep rolling away until his face returns to normal and he can breathe. , you can stop the fire and pull it out, and then feed a bowl of salt water. Remember, the water in the water tank must not touch the water in the well.” Ning Qiu ordered one by one.

Zhang Tieshan is already in a state of suspended animation, his blood is frozen, he needs a special way to stimulate, the hot water will only kill the parasitic poisonous insects that have begun to multiply in his body, people will not something.


Several daughters-in-law wondered how the old lady knew about it, but they didn’t dare to ask, and quickly did as Ning Qiu said, Tieshan’s daughter-in-law knew that this could save her husband’s life, and she also got up , hurry to help.

When the noisy scene was under control, Liu Zhu saw Ning Qiu standing beside the well, his face was very gloomy.

He also hurried over, just about to ask what was going on, but following Ning Qiu’s line of sight, he looked down and saw the usual clear and clean well water, now it was full of very The tiny bugs squirmed, trying to climb up densely, and he had goose bumps all over his body.

“This, what the **** is going on!” Liu Zhu’s eyes widened and he exclaimed.

There is a river in their Sanwan Village, which is the mother river that nurtures all the villagers in Sanwan Village.

Bamboos were then buried around and dug into a canal, which flowed to each household along the road. This is why the houses in Sanwan Village used to be built around the ancestral hall, and then built in a row outside, which is convenient for drinking water.


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