Peng Lie on the Great Way

Chapter 385

Chapter 385:

Both of them are using long swords, and the attacks between the two use the long sword as the attack point, and they keep attacking each other’s bodies.

The attacks of the two kept exploding in the air, making a crackling sound, and kept making a click! Click! There was a sizzling scorching sound, and the surrounding trees were also shaken by these explosions, and it seemed that they might collapse at any time.


At this moment, Giotto and Im slammed into each other again, and the power surged out of their bodies frantically, making a tinkling sound, and the surrounding area also made a violent sound at this moment. The explosion sounded.

La la la!

The two of them once again sent out an incomparably sharp sword light and slashed at each other’s body fiercely, sending out Wei Wei Shi! The collision sounded, sparks splashed, sparks shot everywhere, and the bodies of the two were thrown out by each other again, and fell heavily to the ground.

0…..For flowers 0…..


A muffled sound rang out, and their bodies fell heavily on the ground again, making a clanging sound.

The space around the two of them also collapsed under their attack, and there was a burst of sizzling sound.

The two of them kept galloping toward the back, and in the blink of an eye, they disappeared from everyone’s sight, leaving a trail of afterimages in the air.

For a time, the two of them kept dodging, and the weapons in their hands kept swaying out one after another splendid and colorful sword lights. The strength of the rage raged around, slamming into the surrounding frantically, making a thumping sound, and the ground trembled violently because of this.



At this moment, a sword beam slashed from the top of their heads very quickly, and let out a huge bang! The sound of it slashed down towards their body, the speed was too fast, it didn’t give anyone a chance to react at all, and could only watch it slashed hard at their body. .

Mouth Peng!

A figure fell heavily to the ground, sending out a fluffy sound! of loud noise.


A mouthful of blood spurted out and spat on the ground.


At this moment, the clothes on Giotto made a hissing sound again, and the clothes instantly broke into pieces and scattered into the air.

There are also scars on the surface of the skin on the body, and the flesh and blood on the skin has already exposed the white stubble.


Giotto’s mouth also made a muffled sound, the breath on his body instantly became sluggish, and his body involuntarily fell towards the back.

The attacks of Giotto and Im collided, sending out a clang! The huge gold and iron rubbing against each other made a sizzling sound! It’s sizzling! The sound, constantly flashing dazzling light, looks extremely dazzling and charming.

The first thousand two hundred and forty-five chapters roar

The two of them attacked each other fiercely again, and they kept making jingles! The sound of buzzing! hum! The sound of the sound, the surrounding air trembled constantly at this moment, and the surrounding trees were also broken and squeaked! Squeak! The sound, kept moving backwards.

For a time, the two figures attacked each other fiercely again, and a series of collisions sounded, sparks splashed, and the sparks flashed across the sky like lightning, and kept falling towards the two of them.

The two fought again, and the figures kept staggering together in the sky, constantly sending out a series of fierce attacks towards each other, and kept sending out a series of incomparable sword beams towards each other, Ding ding ding! The sound of ‘six thirty zero”.

Just when the attacks of Giotto and Im had not stopped, they let out a roar from their bodies again, and the long swords in their hands slashed fiercely towards each other’s body again, making a buzzing sound! With a sound, he slashed down towards their bodies, making a chi chi! The sound of breaking the air made a chi chi! Chi Chi! smashing sound.


The sharp swords in the hands of the two of them slashed at each other’s chest, and they let out a chi chi! The sound of chi chi! The sound of the explosion made a puff! The sound of chi chi! Chi Chi! sound.


The sharp swords in the hands of the two of them slashed fiercely on the other’s body, and they let out a puff! puff! The sound made a chirp! The sound of sparks and harsh sounds, and the sword lights slashed fiercely towards their bodies, flickering in the air, with hot sparks. , slashed towards them.


The two of them shouted miserably at each other again, and black smoke kept rising from their bodies, and the clothes on their bodies even chirped! Chi Chi! With the sound of the sword, his body kept shaking under this sword, the wound on his body was getting deeper and deeper, and blood was flowing frantically.

The breath of the two of them kept climbing, and the aura on their bodies suddenly increased, spreading out incessantly towards the surroundings, sweeping towards their surroundings, suppressing the air around them The non-stop twisted up, and issued a burst of shuffling! call out! call out! The sound, like a storm, kept spinning, sending out bursts of bang! call out! call out! sound.

This time, Giotto and Im did not choose to escape, and their target was still on the other side.

The two bodies slammed together again, a series of bangs! boom! The huge roar sounded, and there was a huge sound after another, which kept resounding in the air.

The bodies of the two kept flipping in mid-air, and they quickly retreated towards the back, and kept sliding in the sky, making a buzz after buzz! Buzz! The sound made one after another harsh sound.

The weapons in their hands crossed dazzling arcs in the air and slashed fiercely towards the opponent.

The wildly inflated flames wrapped around Giotto’s body, and he slammed his legs hard, his feet jumped, his body jumped from the ground, and his body spun wildly in mid-air.

Even with the flaming giant sword in his hand, a large sword shadow flew out in rotation, and bursts of heat waves were emitted from the sword.

The sword qi and the flames were blocked in layers, and the sharp sword qi protected his body inside.

With such a sudden provocation, even Im, who was attacking, had to stop, but he didn’t stop either, and slashed towards Giotto with a sword, sending out a sword qi in mid-air.

The dark red sword energy immediately flew towards Giotto.

With a terrifying aura, he slashed towards Giotto fiercely. Wherever the sword energy went, the space trembled violently, and he let out a chi chi! There was a constant terrifying sound.


Beside Giotto, a huge explosion sounded, and fireballs burned beside him, spreading out continuously, spreading out towards the surroundings, covering everything around him. 0…

Their bodies were wrapped in flaming fireballs, which kept spreading around, swept towards the outside, and kept spreading in mid-air.

Around the bodies of the two of them, the flames continued to devour the surrounding woods and rocks, and kept burning around them.

The scene around them suddenly became much darker.

The raging flames kept burning, engulfing everything around him, devouring everything around him, engulfing the whole world, and engulfing everything around him.

The two of them also fell into a state of madness.

Chi Chi! Chi Chi! Chi Chi! Chi Chi! The ear-piercing sound of the sound, one after another sounded in the sky, and there was a burst of incomparably harsh sound, which made people feel a huge shock, kept shivering, couldn’t help shivering, and the body rose up. Got goosebumps.

The bodies of the two of them kept spinning in mid-air, and the flames on their bodies became a bit hotter, and they kept spreading around them.

Giotto’s hands suddenly pushed forward, and a large amount of flames spewed out of him immediately.

Two flames of xburner flew out of his hands, surging flames spewed out, and two flames spewed out like dragons.

In an instant, the entire sky was covered by the light of these two flames, and it became much brighter, illuminating this area like daylight.

A group of flames sprayed out from the two of them, constantly spraying all around, condensing into two vague human figures in mid-air, and one after another flames sprayed towards the two of them. He went out, kept flying towards the front, and slammed towards the opponent fiercely.

There was an incomparable aura about them both.

Chapter 1246 Staggered

The flames on their bodies kept spraying out, dyeing the sky red, and clumps of flames sprayed out from their bodies, constantly spewing in mid-air, drowning everything around them. .

The two flames flew towards each other one left and one right, and rolled on their bodies constantly, like one dragon after another, constantly rolling in the air, constantly moving towards each other. Charged over, the speed was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, the two of them had already arrived in front of each other, and charged towards each other fiercely.

The scorching high temperature kept rolling on his body, spreading out on his body, scorching the clothes on his body, and wrapping his body. The surrounding air was burned with a burst of hiss! sound.

Beside him, burst after burst of explosions sounded.

A powerful and unparalleled power spread in the sky, and everything around was within his attack range.

This move is a fire spell, and it is very domineering and cruel.

They kept bubbling out of blue smoke, and they kept flashing flames one after another.

Under this scorching high temperature, a faint black smoke appeared on their skin, which kept burning on it, and kept spreading on their bodies, and kept making a piercing sound. Chi Chi! sound.

Im’s knife rested on the ground, and a large amount of sparks rubbed out. I saw a bright flame explode from his knife, and sparks exploded infinitely from his knife.

Immediately afterwards, his sword was suddenly lifted, the knife was suddenly lifted, a dark red long sword was lifted, and the dark red sword energy was lifted for a moment.

A sword qi suddenly rose into the sky and slashed towards Giotto. Two flames fell from the sky and collided with his sword qi.

Suddenly, the two attacks collided, and only a terrifying loud noise came out!

The color of the entire sky dimmed for a short time, and the shock wave spread out from his body!

Suddenly, at the moment when the two flames collided, the two of them could not help but retreated towards the back, stepped out one step, and immediately left a deep footprint on the ground, stepping out one pit after another. Holes, one after another cracks continued to spread out towards the bottom of their feet.

The auras of the two of them continued to grow, and they kept spraying flames one after another from their bodies, slamming into each other fiercely, shrouding everything around them. Inside, it kept burning in mid-air, forming small fireballs in the air, shining like sparks.

The figures of the two of them disappeared again in the air, disappeared again, and kept flashing in the air.

After an unknown time, the two of them finally reappeared in front of everyone.

The clothes on the two of them have long been shattered, and a huge gap appeared on their chests, and a lot of blood was constantly flowing out of their chests, which looked very terrifying.

The injuries on their bodies seem to be much more serious than before, and their bodies are covered with some small wounds, which look like they have been burned by flames, and the clothes on their bodies are scorched, exposing the skin on their bodies Their flesh and skin had been burnt and dried out, revealing the white bones, pitch black, and floating on their bodies.

Swing up.

The faces of the two showed a ferocious look, and the blood in their bodies kept flowing out of their wounds, and kept dripping down toward the ground, soaking the ground, and the ground was also dripping. Contaminated with a large pool of blood, it kept dripping down.

Above their heads, two flames were burning and burning.

The two of them stood in the sky, and raging flames kept emerging from their bodies, and they kept flashing in the air, sending out fire snakes one after another, and they kept circling around them. Swallowing, one after another, the flames surrounded them.

The flames on their bodies became more and more vigorous, and the clothes on their bodies burned to ashes, leaving only black silk scarves, which kept flying in the air.

Bunch of flames roamed their bodies non-stop, flying towards the surroundings, burning everything around them, leaving small holes in the ground. The soil and trees turned to ashes in an instant, and pieces of dust scattered and splashed out.

Boom! Boom! Boom… A violent roar came from the sky.

In the middle of the two of them, there was a continuous burst of violent roars, and the surrounding air shook violently.

The open space where the two were located suddenly made a burst of roaring noises, spreading towards the surroundings, and kept exploding under their feet.

The fighting power of the two of them is also constantly increasing.

The flames that emanated from them became more and more intense, blocking the sun in the sky, and the whole world seemed dimmed, leaving only one flame that kept on lingering. Soaring in the sky, they kept rushing down towards them, and one after another flames kept splashing out towards the surroundings, and they kept flying towards them.

The breath of the two of them also became stronger, and they kept flashing one after another fire, shrouding them all in, flickering and burning on their bodies. , kept spreading out on their bodies, spreading towards the surroundings, it looked so spectacular.

Above the sky, two huge figures kept staggering and colliding in the sky.

Columns of fire shot out from their bodies, burning all the surrounding trees.

It kept burning in the air, and the whole air was blazing red, and the flames kept flickering on their bodies, and they kept flying towards the surroundings.

Fireballs kept flying out of the hands of the two of them, and they rushed forward.

Fireballs kept exploding around them, and they kept exploding around the two of them.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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